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THC Content

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    THC Content

    Hi All, Someone told me that they have weed @35%THC content.In all of my years on this planet I have never heard of such an amount. Have any of you out there? Id think the average in reality is 15-22% if your lucky, how say you all? Many thanks and take care

    There is a strain released in Oregon last year that tested at 41% THC, they called it Future _____ sometingorother IDR. I hear rumors of other high tests, but dont see the proof.
    The amount of THC a plant produces is growing slowly through the years, where will it go?


      After seeing several other growers using it I purchased the HighGrade app and their kit. It allows you to test your thc level. No idea how accurate it is percentage wise but it lives up to the real world thc potency smoke test. I’ve always been happy with my results but this thing has me really watching every little detail with my grows trying to improve on previous results. Now I may be on a snipe hunt here but it’s all in fun anyways.
      Last edited by bboyfromwayback; 10-13-2020, 05:28 AM.


      • growell
        growell commented
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        dhipps your chocolate is grainy cause your not tempering mate hope this helps

      • buds73
        buds73 commented
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        dphipps1020 To stop your chocolate going grainy don't give it too much heat. Chocolate melts at same temp as body temp, 37 degrees. Best way to melt it is to break up your chocolate into pieces and put into a bowl. You then put the bowl over a pan of hot but not boiling water but don't let the bottom of the bowl touch the water and be careful not to get water into the chocolate that can also spoil it. If you find part way through that its not melting so well just change out the water with water from a kettle. Your basically using the steam to melt the chocolate.

      • dphipps1020
        dphipps1020 commented
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        Yeah I'm not melting chocolate blocks, making it completely from scratch. I'm by no means a baker or anything like that so I figured I'd mess it up at least once. I think I over cooked the first set and was so worried about it on the second that I under cooked it. Haven't tried again for a while, but the time is coming soon. I'll get it figured out. I think it may be a little harder because I have a gas stove. I may try it on my griddle instead, or my portable electric single burner that I got for making RSO.

      Most of the strains I used to get at the dispensary were 22% THC or higher. I've had quite a few that were over 30% too, I think the highest I've bought was about 36% THC. Hell, the GSC I have is supposed to give me 28% THC with a little CBD as well according to the breeder. Most of the mother plants I have right now came from a dispensary bag of weed that were well over the 22% mark. I think everything I have going right now is 23% and higher.


        bboyfromwayback Here’s a couple of my favourites. highly recommend the shortcut version of the caramels. Who wants to stir a pot continuously for more than an hour? Those silicone candy moulds are super handy as well.
        With the banana bread I usually increase the butter used by decreasing the banana quantity equally. 1 cup of butter/ 1 cup of bananas rather than the half cup of butter/ 1-1/2 cups bananas the recipe calls for. Makes a slightly denser moister stronger loaf.
        Think I’m gonna make some today😁
        You really must stop throwing your sugar leaf away!!
        Attached Files


        • bboyfromwayback
          bboyfromwayback commented
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          Slow cooker! Now you’re talking my way of cooking indoors 😂🤣😂 so you make the butter with your bud then make the candy or bread with that butter. The light bulb is finally on! Can I have your crockpot weed butter recipe? Pretty please lol

        • lalaland
          lalaland commented
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          You got it lady!! Slow cooker on low with your newly found gold( trim) for 4-6 hours.
          Strain it through a coffee filter, pair of panty hose etc, then let cool. (Bet you have to go to the dollar store to aquire a pair of pantyhose 😂😂)Once it’s cool, there may or may not be a bit of water trapped under the butter. If there is, drain it, and let the butter dry. I freeze it at this point to use in recipes. It would last a month or so in the fridge if you can use it up fast enough.
          If you’re actually going to try making the caramels without a mould, make sure you’re good and high, and the giggles will abound. Nothing more ridiculous than trying to hand cut 64 caramels😂

        • bboyfromwayback
          bboyfromwayback commented
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          Thank you!!! I’m pretty sure my wife has candy molds but I’ve never seen her in panty hose in close to 20yrs so a trip to dollar general will happen lol

        Originally posted by Lew View Post
        Hi All, Someone told me that they have weed @35%THC content.In all of my years on this planet I have never heard of such an amount. Have any of you out there? Id think the average in reality is 15-22% if your lucky, how say you all? Many thanks and take care
        i got future 1 37% thc and blackberry moonrocks 33% growing now also theres sweet melissa 42%thc thats what there claiming goggle them theres a few videos mate


          Hmm, I didn't hear about such amount too. But I would like to try this extra type of weed! Weed always gives me a rush, especially the shatter canada. It is a concentrate form of cannabis that I use for different cookies or brownies. I know that marijuana has mind-altering compounds that affect our brain and body. It can be addictive, and it may be harmful to some people’s health. But at the same time I don't think that this is so serious. I think that if you do not abuse weed, it can bring a little bit of benefit on the contrary. For example for me weed help to relax my body and mind, boost my energy and remove the pain.
          Last edited by thomson9; 11-18-2020, 06:53 PM.


            35 percent of THC is something really impressive, I've heard there are different laboratories where such weed is grown, but I never tried it, well, that should take you out of your mind easily, and if you don't take it carefully, it can easily cause you some adverse effects. Visit if you want to find more about those sorts of weed, I am sure you'll find a lot of new and useful things for you there.
            Last edited by Ornok; 03-01-2021, 12:55 PM.


              Originally posted by bboyfromwayback View Post
              After seeing several other growers using it I purchased the HighGrade app and their kit. It allows you to test your thc level. No idea how accurate it is percentage wise but it lives up to the real world thc potency smoke test. I’ve always been happy with my results but this thing has me really watching every little detail with my grows trying to improve on previous results. Now I may be on a snipe hunt here but it’s all in fun anyways.
              I have some Gelat-OG that measures 23% with the HiGrade app. The picture below measures 25% and it's almost pure trichs.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Kief.jpg
Views:	367
Size:	1.13 MB
ID:	495000


              • bboyfromwayback
                bboyfromwayback commented
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                Mostly everything I test comes in at 18-20% and that’s a good high for me. The two highest I’ve grown were a Bruce Banner that tested at 22% and a Gorilla Glue tested at 23%, both of which rock your head

              Starting to look like spammers in this thread!


                ^ Lol. How much u getting paid?
                Back to playin in the dirt!
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