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Name:	facepalm.jpg
Views:	591
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ID:	452086
    Back in mid April I gave three different friends a bunch seedlings because they wanted to try their hand at cultivation. Nice healthy plants in solo cups and probably 10-12 inches tall. One person transplanted in the ground and the other two went the patio container route. I set them up with soil, nutrients, traveled to their homes on many occasions helping with training, trimming, and troubleshooting. There's been endless phone calls, texts, and photos sent. All of them grew great plants (Especially the ones in the ground. Just monsters.) Anyway, lately there's been a lot of anxiety among them over when to harvest. I went out to each person's house with my microscope, showed them, and explained to them about the trichomes, and basically told them all the same thing. Not Ready Yet. Told each of them I'd stop by in a couple weeks and we'd check again. Checked in with each of them today and all three had already cut them down. How can these folks painstakingly take diligent care of their grow for 6 months and then not be able to wait another week or two? I feel like I had the rug pulled out from under me. They're all very happy with their results so I guess that's what matters. Just needed to vent a little.

    Some ppl's kids lolol


      Well i'm doing the same thing with just one person on my road. She called me to come check her plant she only grew 1 this season it's in the ground. She's in her late 70's her son gave her the plant. It's so small last summer her son set her up real good with big fabric pots full of great soil she had 4 our legal rec. count per household. They were beautiful but she let them go way to long in the rain. I think she just waited for her son to tell her what to do. So this season i made a point to introduce myself and see if i could assist her. Her son lives 2hrs away.

      She calls me couple weeks ago worried that the smoke was damaging her plant wanted me to come take it. I go there it's so small does not look like she watered it much at all, i know she did not give it anything. It may be 4ft. not ready of course it's too early here to harvest, told her i'd be back to check in 2wks. Asked her to give it water LOL. Drove over 2 days ago at least it had rained but still don't think she gave it water. I'll go by after this coming rain storm and recheck. What could i say she just had a bad year like most of us here no visitors, not much social interaction and have not seen her son around.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


      • crucialbunny
        crucialbunny commented
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        We do what we can. I just felt that I had a lot of time an effort invested in those grows and it bummed me out they couldn't hold out just a little longer. One person told me that her son told her if she waited the buds would get "slimy". I don't even know what that means. The other two just said they thought the plants were ready. Even after I let them see with their own eyes that the trichomes were still mostly clear just before they chopped. Like I said, they're really happy and excited with what they got in the end.

      crucialbunny yes it's challenging makes me sad to see all the time and effort "we" do for healthy grows. Your right at least 6months of us waiting, tending spending our time with them. Well just tell them " you think that is good smoke it would of been great smoke, bigger buds " but they are just eager for the high. I sure don't want racey high after waiting 6+ months or more.
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        I find much the same, folks just dont listen, heres what I do. I grow mine out tell its ripe (nicely ambered) and go share some with them and tell them this is what yours should have, could have been had you waited to harvest.
        One that really gets me is a person that planted with me in the wilds for years. In all that time did he learn what we did to make them grow, no he just did whatever I said/wanted. He tries to grow inside, with many many problems manly from over water. I have ask him if he remembers how we made our soil from the forest floor, he did not reply.
        I gave my little brother a nice jewelers loop, showed him what to look for, and he still harvested at least a month early.
        WE can only do so much, the rest is up to them!


        • crucialbunny
          crucialbunny commented
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          The friend who grew his plants in the ground called me last night with some questions about curing. He was telling me about how he hosted a backyard barbeque and a number of people attending told him that he needed to harvest now or he could potentially lose it all to bud rot. Like many other growers here in California he had a few buds that had worms that can mimic bud rot damage and it causes panic for many growers. I had already shown and explained to him about the caterpillars and asked him why he didn't call me? He said he just panicked. He's going to drop by tonight and bring some samples so it'll be interesting to see how it turned out. He had 5 huge plants and they were close, so hopefully they'll be good.

        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          Hope they were at least milky!

        It isn't rocket science. But, immediate gratification wins out over patience almost every time. Part of the problem is that your gave away your expertise. The expert is always the person from the "outside" that you have to pay.
        Current Grow: 1 GG4, 2 Hot Cakes, 1 Sweet Gelato Autos
        3 gallon cloth pots
        30"x30"x60" tent
        Spider Farmer SE3000
        Coco Pearlite mix
        GH Trio, Silica, Cal-Mag


        • JDU
          JDU commented
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          Idk about where you are but in Oregon the Master Grower (yes, that IS a job title on craigslist here-lmao) gets a %'g of the harvest & usually puts in clauses that totally screw a grower who disregards their advice.

        JDU, I'm anything but a master Grower. I'm more like a little league coach who still has to look up the "infield fly rule".


        • gman420
          gman420 commented
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          IMO @crucialbunnyyou are better than a little league coach. I feel you have provided me with some pretty good advice on my grow so far. Don't sell yourself short.

        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Do not attempt to steal home plate from 3rd base do not lift that foot LOL

        • AccidentalGardener
          AccidentalGardener commented
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          Lol. I was a Little League coach for 10 years. It's like herding cats. A lot like teaching people to grow weed

        This definitely isn't for everyone. Sounds like the same kind of people who dry their buds in paper bags or the microwave... It's like, you did all that work to take a massive steamer on them in the end?


        • ChadWestport
          ChadWestport commented
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          It's a method for when you need to dry something quickly but quickly drying your weed locks in some of that chlorophyl taste. It's not letting the plant live up to it's fullest potential after all of the effort you put into it. If the harvest is for the stores and their consumers, quick drying is fairly common, but for the head stash, the stuff that you smoke, take every last step you can to ensure you have the best dank you can.

        • Rwise
          Rwise commented
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          I use bags/boxes to slow down the drying, not speed it up.

        • crucialbunny
          crucialbunny commented
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          I abandoned my hang dry this season because I was getting larfy bud from drying rapidly in these Southern California temperatures. Getting much better results now with open shoebox drying in a dark closet. We gotta do what we gotta do to get best results. I hung my first plant this year and it just dried too fast. Ended up having to re-humidify it.

        I git what you're sayin but in my house hanging the branches is actually a faster dry. They are crispy all the way through in 2 days. I don't have a cool dark place with little air flow anywhere. Since I started using the bags it takes 4-5.
        Dif folk have dif obstacles lol.


        • ChadWestport
          ChadWestport commented
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          Then it sounds like you are making an improvement. You might try getting some wardrobe boxes from your moving supply company, set those up and add a little humidifier in there to see if you can at least get it to 50% RH. Makes a nice and discreet drying closet

        • SoOrbudgal
          SoOrbudgal commented
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          Shit yes i dry in a paper bag i've done it for 35yrs. If the jar still gets to humid i toss them into a paper bag. I don't hang them till they dry like cardboard and crumble.

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
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          JDU, Damn right, where I live you can't hang them, dries way to fast,
          Back in the day we hung em in lofts in barns, only took 2-3days for it to dry, way to fast,but we didn't care back then ,lol, we had product.
          ,Where we live its hard to beat brown paper bags, it takes about 6-7days to dry enough when you put them in jars ,they read about 65-68percent.
          I guess it just depends where you live.
          I love them damn bags.

        Another controversial subject it appears, just like nearly every other aspect of this lifestyle we've chosen.

        Let's keep it civil and have a debate on this one as it is something we all have to do and all have different environments to deal with while we do it. I believe it could help the new folks as well as seasoned veterans. Everyone has their own way of doing things and as long as it's filling your jars and keeping you happy, it's not wrong but that doesn't mean there can't possibly be something you could do a little bit differently to make it better. I don't know about y'all but I'm sure as shit not tired of learning new tricks.


        • JDU
          JDU commented
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          Yep. We're civil n friendly here. Just debating lol.

        • ChadWestport
          ChadWestport commented
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          So many ways to get to the same end goal, we civil

        crucialbunny , every time I look at the picture you used for the post, I get the giggles. Its perfect.


          Yes ghouls and bois make sure you have some pot to smoke for a while before chopping down a plant to early smoke what you have until the 9 days in jars.


          • Rwise
            Rwise commented
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            I burp for 21 days, then age it for 3 months before getting into it very much.

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