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Still trying

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    Still trying

    Visitor message from Stevesweeds

    Stevesweeds posted a Visitor Message for Stevesweeds
    Today, 11:17 PM
    Ok so here we go.. I have learned so much over the last 8 or 9 months.. and here it is.....Im a moron!!!! Hahahaha !! So listen to this. I read on the Web sight that coco choir and perlite were a pretty good medium for a pretty well set up indoor growroom . so I went to the garden center and bought some. Pretty easy right? Now I’m on my 2nd grow and for some reason I have always had on overwatering problem. Was never really able to successfully water correctly?? Hmmm? Turns out that I’m not growing in coco choir I’m growing in coco loco!!!!!!! Arggggg!!!!! So I email the fine people at Fox Farms and ask if coco loco ever really drys out? Kudos to the customer service at Fox farms for their timely response .. and here it goes.....”Coco loco potting mix is a very HIGH water holding blend.. we usually recommend this product for outdoor containers.” This is where the moron part comes in hahahahahah... so now i have 6 plants that aren’t doing so good .. I have the hydroponic trio but I can’t stay with that schedule because Only watering once a week and I only add nutes every other watering? So now I have twisted leaves, small brown tips on new growth And their was some Other issues but they seem to have gone away. There is a grower inside of me!!!! I know there is!!!! Just gotta find him Hahahaha!!!

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    Ok so here’s the second part if that story... I had one seedling too many. Just wouldn’t fit in my small room. It actually was a mutant. Instead of one main cola on top it Only sprouted a Single mutant leaf right at the top. Looked like two fingers and a thumb hahaha!!! So I thought it would b best to cut it off even though it was only about a week to ten days old .than I gave it to a friend. A friend who doesn’t know anything about growing except for maybe some outdoor veggies.. I set him up with a small grow light repotted for him in 5 gal and some brief instructions and Of coarse a link To grow weed easy.. Well we didn’t speak for about two Weeks but when we did he told me that he had no time to set things up but he was putting her outside during the day and bringing her in at night. And asked me if I would come over and take a look. Presto!!!! Now this toddler might not look too good to a lot of u experienced growers but to me it’s a heck of a lot better than all my 6 plants!!! Way way better !!!! What I see with this one is an accidentally manifolded plant with really green healthy looking leaves.. a little more foliage would have been nice but still!! She grew really tall in just a short time which made it really easy to do some light training. So to make a long story even longer we have it indoors under proper lighting and I am really excited to see what happens. More so than I am for my own plants!! Just wanna say thanks to all the great people who make grow weed easy possible for those of us who really need the guidance 🙃
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    • RandyBayou
      RandyBayou commented
      Editing a comment
      Dude, so I am green Af, as well. But I just came across a device called a plant yoyo, basically a fully to lift your low hanging plants. some MacGyvering and you can figure it out also but just a heads up.

    I was trying to find my post with it but I guess it was deleted when the site went down. I had a mutation like that, just a single leaf on top and no chance of anything above that growing. Topped it shorter than I wanted to and went with it. It's short but it's just a mother plant anyway so that doesn't matter too much.


      OK LOL
      Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet

      Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
      indoor/outdoor grower
      1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
      I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
      Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers


        We all started at the beginning lol well at least I know I did. You definitely have some nitrogen burn on the tips I would cut the amount of nutes in half or even quarter until they get a little bigger and I might even stay at half. As you get more time under your belt you will be able to read the leaves and know when to cut back or go heavier. Then as soon as you think you got it down you will fuck up again lol. Keep it in the back of your mind less is more, I don't know to much about coco but with good soil a plant will live start to finish without adding any nutes. We add nutes to push them into growing faster stronger and more buds than they would normally grow. I wish you better luck this time around and keep us updated I'd love to see you pull a quarter pound out of them 🌲🤞
        TENT 1 4x4 SF7000
        s silver haze... strawberry haze...
        .. gg4 and cheese berry auto thrown from the auto hut
        TENT 2 2X4 SF2000
        2x Thundersuck... og Jimmy... flo.... blue cheese
        TENT 3 2X4 SF2000 + 2 113w blurples
        3 gallon pots all autos
        Weddingcake..2 red Gorilla girl..2 cinderella jack

        All growing in living soil using Earth Dust
        👇my one n only journal👇


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