What do you think is the better, manufactured chemical feeds (powders or liquids) or a high quality organic feed such as fish and bone meal?
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On another note, my telegraph plant seeds have started to grow! I had to wait a month for the seeds to come from Singapore to England, but now they're growing! Don't know if you know what they are, basically it's a plant that reacts to vibrations in the air so if you put it in front of a speaker the leaves start to move about like they're dancing. I've no purpose to grow them apart from they're cool.
It's the one at the front, they're cat nip at the back for the mini cat army I've got.1 Photo
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I mix liquids. I have mixed dry into soil outdoors like kelp meal, llama poo, real bat quano poop we collect it near old cabin. I love making soil mix with coco coir I do like fish/guano liquid from Monterey, it's thick not to stinky I've used this outdoor grows. Right now since my go to store has been out won't get ferts. in till spring, i'm using age old organics bloom 5-10-5 and dyna-grow 7-9-5 for veg. Along with Epsom salts 2 tlbs per 1/2 gal ph water and molasses. But I watch the colors of the plant the health of the stems they tell me whats needed i'm older gardener so I don't buy to much hype with all these super ferts they claim to be.Smoke Ganja create Peace Respect Nature don't trash the Planet
Soil grower with coco/perlite mixed in
indoor/outdoor grower
1 36"x36"x66" tent- Viparspectra P2500
I use a t-5 & 54watt CFL for seedlings
Sometimes i use plastic sometimes i use fabric grow containers
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Organic nutrients rely on break down of the elements into usable form for the plant. I prefer chemical nutes, because they are already available for plant usage.4x4 600w HID empty for summer
3x3 400w HID with Bruce Banner and Skywalker Kush
2x2 65w Quantum Board LED with 4 mother strains
running all simultaneously for a perpetual harvests.
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I’m not 100% sure what you are asking... but chemical nutes tend to yield higher than organic ones do.
For beginner purposes I would recommend chemical due to the control you have over the soil. After you get good at the growing part, give organic a shot. The flavors will be more unique, but yields will be a bit lower.
Just my 2 cents.
I’ve just done my first grow using all organic and super soil. Just about to harvest soon but the yield looks pretty low in comparison to other posts. I’m hoping it’ll be sweet smoke though! Gonna try chem next time in thr hope for a bigger yield. Can you smoke the telegraph? lol
I use 'organic' marine flora and fauna squeezins. I can cram 2 plants in a 2x3. I can also cram a single plant in the same space with more time in vegging and time in training. Soon I'll be going with an auto to see what better genetics will get me.C'mon, mule!
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StokeBloke I like how plants react to environment, lots of videos with plants waving and jumping to sounds i'm going to look into those seeds grow some with my granddaughter she'd get a kick out of those in her room. Wonder if they like Billie Ellish that's her main music right now.
I'm thinking of trying autos next. This was my first attempt and I spent too long in the veg stage, so an auto will stop me making that mistake again and then give me an idea of when I should switch a photo on my next attempt.
SoOrbudgal they're also known as the semaphore plant cause of how they look like them blokes who communicate ship to ship by waving them bats. I came across them on YouTube while looking for interesting stuff to entertain myself with. I found the seeds on Amazon. They grow into quite a large bush so I'm going to keep them as a house plant for as long as is reasonable then I'll transfer it to the garden. It's good for the soul to give life to things.
I'm almost 45 and I think Billie Elish is pretty good. That Bad Guy and Belly ache I think are her best. I'm quite eclectic with music. One moment I will be listening to Rammstein then next thing listen to Andrew Lloyd Webber.Last edited by StokeBloke; 12-07-2019, 03:15 PM.
SoOrbudgal if you need it, let me know and pass you the details for where I bought mine from. For some random reason they sent me a pack of rape seed and a pack of millet free with my order. I just thought it quite random as both of those are crop plants and I haven't got a spare farm lying about to propagate them on.
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I would say go with organic living soil. That way you learn the natural way of gardening. It will save you money and headaches. Wish someone would have guided me in that direction when I first started but here on GWE everyone pushes bottled chemicals and then wonder why they have so many problems as first time growers.The thing is with bottled nutrients you have to buy a ph pen , ph up ph down, plus the bottled nutrients. And if it’s hydro you have to buy air stones hydroguard air pump ppm pen. In soil you have to be checking the runoff inhudro the ph cus it fluctuates I mean damn wtf all kinds of shhh you have to worry about. Plus the fact that as growers we should be looking into more sustainable ways of growing we already have too much plastic issues and all those bottles with chemicals don’t help plus you have to drain the liquid somewhere and that’s not good. In organic living soil you can use the same soil for years and don’t have to buy all the extras I just posted and there is more I can’t think of right now. Just pick up a good IPM program and sit back and watch the ladies grow. I’m starting the second year in the same soil and still going strong the quality compared to hydro is night and day in my opinion and I’m sure others will agree. So what I always always is if it’s for you quality over quantity should be your focus but if your selling then use bottled chemicals like a dispensary would that’s why I started growing my own and then realized My shit is like dispensary shit until I switched to organic what a difference and no lore headaches with ph this ph that oh my pen needs calibration to check some shit that we forced our selves to check since we are forcing bottled chemicals on our plants. Just my opinion anyways. Hope that helps you decide.
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Cali makes several good points. I actually went through the process starting with RDWC and soil at the same time for the first grow. I don’t like ruffling anyone’s feathers and this is a little bit of a ruffle.....I hate the appearance of this sounding like a “ Holier than Thou” statement..... it takes a lot of information if you really want to have a successful crop. NebulaHaze has an article where she describes so many nutrients and additives, boosters, and miracle snake oils that makes claims far beyond their capabilities. Even quoting lines from their magical claims that try to support the manufacturers bottom line. I read posts here where newer growers are having issues and just pulling at straws adding supplements, cal mag, dosing all kinds of fixers.
It appears this is chasing an environment that just can’t be achieved by mixing bottled concentrates without a full understanding of cause and effect. By starting with the basics ( and we know there is a shitload of basics) and keeping an even keel, plants grow . . .whether organic or chemical fertilizers, they’ll do well but balance is key but sadly, it seems to take the failures and disappointments to rise above it.
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I knew it! Thanks for confirmation Farmall. I knew some of you people use snake oil. A little eye of newt, mmh? Maybe... Satan?
Farmall yes I don’t mean to sound like organic living soil is the only way just trying to say it’s easier for a beginner. a lot of things you don’t have to worry about vs doing hydro. I myself started with soil but hated checking the runoff specially if you have more then one pot. Also in hydro I hated having to clean the Bucket weekly.
Thank you everyone for going into so much detail, you can learn more on here in 5 minutes then a week of YouTube tutorials.
I have been using cannabis for over a year to help with symptoms of nausea. I tried numerous pharmaceutical treatments, but these either didn't work or the side effects outweighed the benefits. Instead of trying to just treat the symptoms my drs eventually got round to sending me for some tests and I found out last week I've a number of tumours on my gall bladder so I'm now waiting to see a surgeon to see how they're going to proceed. Anyway, as I live in England I can't just buy it from a shop or even have it proscribed by my Dr so I've been buying my own each month. I live about as far from the sea as is possible in England but I'm lucky that I've good contacts so I get it pretty much straight away as soon as it hits England from Amsterdam so I'm not paying 20 extra people their cut. I still don't want to be spending that money though for something that I can grow myself.
I would much prefer to grow organic. I buy organic food and milk so it would only make sense to continue this with what I smoke. I don't want to sell any, it's solely for my personal medication, so I need around 1oz a month. So if it takes me 3 months from seed to rizzla I need to be able to crop a minimum of 3oz.
At the moment I'm about 3-4 weeks from cropping my first two and as things are progressing I think I'll quite easily pass that amount.2 Photos