Little help. I'd rather ask than spend any time googling. That would require opening a new web page. Moving my finger and clicking and typing. Yeah, not into wasting all that time when I could just ask all my world wide weed people. Maybe I'll put the whole thing off until tomorrow. It'll give me something to do while my coffee water is boiling. I use a French press. Although, I see a lot of people in different countries using them. Shouldn't it be simply a coffee press? Why does France have to be so geocentric all the time? French doors, fries, little housemaid outfits with feather dusters. They're more geocentric that us former Europeans. Like, I'm not going to get a tattoo for an area code that covers several hundred thousand people or the initials of the beach community I live in that is ranked as the least popular beach, at least, on the west coast.
What I'm trying to ask is why use germination bags?
What I'm trying to ask is why use germination bags?