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    Best way to order from Seedsman? Having trouble using my visa. Any other local seedbanks you recommend? I’m in California. Prefer local strains to Southern California. The ones found in dispensary’s around here. Thanks guys.

    I wasn't able to use Seedsman because they don't accept Visa. I went through the same frustrations when I tried to order. Check out the 'Payment' link at the bottom of their page.
    C'mon, mule!



      Why not use a domestic source? is a good site.
      5x5 grow space
      900w of Vero's and F-strips
      4-17gal totes self-made UC system.


        bitcoin...quick and easy to setup and pay with a coinbase account


          If you have a MasterCard and call them prior to making a purchase to notify them of an overseas transaction it may go through. It's worked for me numerous times. Seedsman is one of the best seed banks around just ask GrowWeedEasy. I notice you are in a legal state as I am (MA). Best of luck. Personally I'm not buying coins or sending cash.


            Obama passed a law that involved credit/debit card uses overseas. That's why it is difficult to order using Visa cards from places like Netspend, and those temp cards you can pickup in stores and load with money.


            • BillyKidd
              BillyKidd commented
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              Those types of cards were creating money-laundering schemes, and they were trying to put an end to it.

              Signed into law by President Obama on May 22, 2009, the Credit CARD Act contains the toughest credit card regulations in the history of the industry. Provisions of the law were phased in over about a 15-month period.

              The first provisions began in August 2009 and included giving consumers at least 45 days advance warning of significant changes to their accounts.

              There are other cards available that can make overseas purchases though, it's just Visa cards were mainly the culprit of money-laundering.
              To get the actual details, you'll have to dig into the CFR's.
              Last edited by BillyKidd; 11-10-2019, 10:16 AM.

            • Tersky
              Tersky commented
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              Ahh.. like i said, i wasnt looking hard lol. Was wondering why they stopped accepting Visa and now i know! Thanks BillyKidd for explaining it! Im starting to remember all those CC schemes from the news now.

            • BillyKidd
              BillyKidd commented
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              Yeah, I was getting ready to place my very first order for seeds, and was shot down...went to looking for why...was just that pissed...LOL!

            Thanks guys. Really appreciate all the reply’s. Al I had to do was use a MasterCard. Don’t understand why give the visa option when it’s just a PIA for anyone having trouble out here a MasterCard goes thru like nothing.


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