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Conflict of information

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    Conflict of information

    Apparently Superman uses 'Battle Candy' to slay 'mr'cas foes. Always a trick up his leotard. Koko's Confectionary & Novelty Co., the Chinese who made it, DC, Warner Brothers, and Superman hisself believe children 3+ can wield the same awesome power in a convenient spray and powder.
    The second line on the back of the Battle Candy says to avoid spraying into eyes. Eyes are targets in battle. Everyone who was 3+ at some point and could read the warning, raise your hand. Everyone who understood the consequences of spraying liquid candy or tossing powdered candy into someone's eyes, too. I'm going to give three - 3+ year olds a few of these. First, verbally warn them. Second, make sure they read the warning on back.
    It's all food grade. How can it be bad for the eyes? I soooo want to try Battle Candy on myself. Can't be any worse than the CS chamber in basic training.
    C'mon, mule!


    When life gives me lemons, I squeeze them into peoples eyes. Hope it’s not the critic acid ingredients that’s forcing the battle powder in eye rule. I might have find something else to do with life’s lemons.
    4x4 600w HID empty for summer
    3x3 400w HID with Bruce Banner and Skywalker Kush
    2x2 65w Quantum Board LED with 4 mother strains
    running all simultaneously for a perpetual harvests.


      I'll stand in the shower, full trickle, when I do it. If the water doesn't flush my eyes, I'll throw a handful of lye in my face to balance the acid/alkali. If that doesn't work, I'll try the powder. It might be an antidote. If that doesn't work, I'll search for my phone and call 911. This is not an experiment I can use safety goggles for.
      If Superman defeats supervillains with this stuff, I'm going to use it as shark and bear repellent. Maybe killer bees, too.
      C'mon, mule!



        Be sure to rip a fat dab first!
        Gorilla 3x3
        LEC 315
        Kind Soil
        Current: White Widow XXL, Crystal M.E.T.H., Six-Shooter, Afghan Kush Ryder, Northern Lights x2, Strawberry Cheesecake


          In the matrix you can take the red or blue pill to chose your own reality.... I say take them both at the same time and see what happens. That’s always my standard advice that I give out to everyone.
          4x4 600w HID empty for summer
          3x3 400w HID with Bruce Banner and Skywalker Kush
          2x2 65w Quantum Board LED with 4 mother strains
          running all simultaneously for a perpetual harvests.


          • Gingerbeard
            Gingerbeard commented
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            So what you're saying is I should snort a fat line of the green powder which is more like aqua table sugar and do a few squirts of the as-yet unopened battle spray under my tongue?

          • Toker1
            Toker1 commented
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            You are on the right path now my grass smoker.

          Now THAT is the kind of support I'm looking for!
          s62 I have repetitive stress disorder and degenerative disc disease in my neck from craning over the mouthpiece so much. It is a given I will do fat dabs before, during, and after. Before is no problem. In the shower might be an issue. I might be blind after. Maybe an edible and a dab before?
          C'mon, mule!



            Why am I thinking about 'pop rocks' to the eyes?

            Click image for larger version

Name:	250px-Pop-Rocks-Small.jpg
Views:	460
Size:	48.6 KB
ID:	348111


            • s62
              s62 commented
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              I feel it’s a worthy one. Please report back with details!

            • Gingerbeard
              Gingerbeard commented
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              Waaaaiit a minute. Are you asking what your gum tastes like on my bed post? My mom's?

            • s62
              s62 commented
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              No, no, I can’t be trusted with gum. I’ll just eat it! This is on you, my friend.

            This is a two part message video. The first money shot is at 45 seconds in. The second is one long money shot of three foot boogers. If you've been in the military, in a riot, or found yourself barricaded in a house, you'll understand.

            On another military chemical agent note, I took the wrapper off the Battle Spray. The first picture is what it looks like: hotel bathroom bottles. The second is an image of what I knew as the 'PAM-2 Atropine Injection Kit'. You stab yourself in the side or thigh with each of these, in the proper order, if you get nerve agented. If you use it and haven't been nerve agented, or in the wrong order, you die.
            Speaking of hot boxing...
            C'mon, mule!



              I'll buy a couple dozen more Battle Candies. When you guy's decide to come to San Diego for the big Road Trip 2000 we can have a Battle Candy candy battle. Maybe modify some PEZ dispensers with CO2 cartridges and turn them into PEZ shooters? Licorice cat-o-nine tail whips? Garottes made from candy necklaces?
              C'mon, mule!



              • ChubbNugg
                ChubbNugg commented
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                Yes, the capacitor And an, aludium pu36 explosive space modulator.

              • Gingerbeard
                Gingerbeard commented
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                Close. Illudium Q-36.
                Unless you have another device, hmm???

              • ChubbNugg
                ChubbNugg commented
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                I didn't know how to spell it, so i pulled up an old cartoon and watched the sub titles. that's where i pulled out the spelling. Funny to me all the same. but thank you for the prompt correction. I noted it down.

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