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The Great Bagseed Showdown

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    Yessir. 10 weeks.

    Click image for larger version Name: 20191005_050546.png Views: 0 Size: 601.9 KB ID: 341079 Lady's and Gentleman I bring you the first Grow Weed Solo Cup Grow Off FORMAT: Starting January 1st 2020 at 12:01am Pst any and everybody is welcome to germinate seeds and participate in a solo cup grow thread that

  • FunkyButtLovin
    commented on 's reply
    10 weeks in the solo cups?

  • Gingerbeard
    10 weeks growing. 2 weeks in flowering. I'm convinced scrogging is the training method of the future.

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  • Gingerbeard
    My wish is my command. I picked up two more racks and reSCROG'ded Crackle.
    Might be done with pictures for a while.

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  • Gingerbeard
    Big updates since yesterday. I came across the wire shelf that goes in the vegging chamber of my tent. Turns out that thing makes one of two perfect screens. The other being one made from cooling racks I found at a dollar store. Turns out, too, that chopsticks are the perfect height to sink to the bottom of the pot and hold the screens at the perfect height.
    I can see this to be the way to go. A lot of twisty work went away. Don't have a single wire on the plant. I should have put the cooling racks on the other plant for the bud sites.
    This grow is officially named 'Tesla's Daughter's' in honor of the looped stem, vertically cut, electrocuted plant that didn't make the experimental phase. The plant on the left is Crackle. On the right is Pop.
    End of first week of flowering.

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  • Gingerbeard
    9 weeks old. 1 week flowering
    Not much trimming since last post. It's all about the training. The length of the plant can't get any longer at 20". I can safely get 15" width on each. Lots of bud sites growing. Bushy main stems. Rolling stems between fingers when there's enough stem. This might be my training method of choice.
    We're going vertical, now. Any more trimming will be done in two weeks unless they keep growing like they have been. Otherwise, more light training and squeezing.
    Solo is looking cool. The leaves are a bit yellow. It might be from the water I was giving them between nutes. I collected over two and a half gallons of rain water a few days ago. It's a rare commodity. Solo will be getting rain water and nutes from now on.
    When the plants get too much to handle and get tent bound, I made a little watering bottle to get in under the leaves. Who has the best hamster water bottle joke?
    Last edited by Gingerbeard; 12-01-2019, 05:18 PM.

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  • Gingerbeard
    Week 8.
    I think I'm done trimming. Only taken a couple fans in the past few days. Feels like it's about to start flowering. lil' Miss Solo might keep vegging for fun.

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    I hope you were invited YYCannabis

  • YYCannabis
    commented on 's reply
    I remember when something needed to be memory-worthy before snapping a photo. That shit costs money to develop. If I had to pay to develop every pic I took on my digital SLR I’d need 3 jobs. Last wedding I attended I took almost 800 pics...and I was just a guest 🤣

  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    Wow. I had a Cannon. I was a pro with that thing. Point and shoot isn't the same.

  • Woodsman67
    Yes. It's a Japanese SLR, the shutter sticks. Have 3 lens, tripod, meters. Just a keepsake now.

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  • Gingerbeard
    commented on 's reply
    You have a 35mm film container? Dude, bro, man... my dad was a medical photographer. We used to have those things all over the place. But by brother and I disassembled fireworks and stored the pyros in there. Memory cards? Yeah. Got a bunch of those things. But wow! an actual 35mm. Tell me you have a 35mm camera.

  • Woodsman67
    I have some I found in a 35 mm container in an old backpack i havent even seen in 4 plus years. Surely those are just good old fashioned underground bag seeds. I am currently at max capacity for my grow laws, but will be eliminating males soon and I'll be happy to see what pops up when space permits. Despite what some think, regular old bag seeds can produce some amazing herb. Sounds like a fun grow

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  • Gingerbeard
    Week 7.
    These plants have been super H and LST'd and trimmed. I've taken to supercropping when stems reach about 3 inches. Just a good roll between each thumb and forefinger. They recover pretty quick and put out nice, thick stems with more bud sites popping. A few weeks, yet, before flipping.
    If you look at the plant without the birdhouse, you'll see the main in the upper left of the plant had a break. The only way to tell there was a break is by the tape. The main didn't seem to notice and is just as vigorous as it's opposite stem-mate. Sports tape and sprits of H2O2 and water.
    All except the little seedling with the sports tape. A cool thing about bagseed is I can experiment for free. This little one has been bent over once and back up. How much HST, how early.

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  • Gingerbeard
    Week 6.
    Trimming three leaf nodes up and letting the tops do their thing. (Solo cup) #4 is also coming along nicely.

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