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How to poor people grow weed?

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    HELP! How to poor people grow weed?

    I live in South Cali. I'm a month away from summer officially ending. I can grow outdoors or in my garage, but how do I keep the temperature down without spending money on an air conditioning unit, that I have to buy, install and pay for monthly? Oh. I hear you need other stuff too. Where is my budget weed guru? An apprentice guru, or guru in training? Anyone?

    How much do you spend on weed down at the store? The only other option is to ventilate with fans, inside air out outside air in.


      Where abouts in SoCal? Coastal, inland, inland valley, mountains, or desert. (That's a trick question. I don't accept anything north of OC to be SoCal. Even Borrego and the Salton Sea and El Centro are more SoCal than LA.)
      Is your garage attached or detached? Can you build or section off a chamber in your garage? Can you draw air from inside your house instead of outside or in your garage? How about south, east, and west window sunlight throughout the day? What materials do you suppose you would have available before buying anything? Extra trash or recyclable bin?
      I wouldn't think about doing outdoor now. Hot months and rain months would be here about the time you flower. You would have to have a heat tolerant strain.
      C'mon, mule!



      • Oscar
        Oscar commented
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        garage is detached. Otherwise air would not be an issue. And I have access to a tent. 4x4x6

      I'm in Burbank California. My garage is detached. Could I start it outside and then bring it in? Or would that be more of a shock to it? If the garage was cool, it would be easier to keep warm than to cool it off.


        Well, anyway. The real SoCal or not...
        What kind of temperatures do you get in your garage? Can you connect ducting from your tent to the north side of your garage? That's where your coolest air will come from and the best to draw. Behind bushes would be best. East side would also work. Exhaust can go into the garage if you're not worried about smell. Someone else can speak to light and to intake and exhaust CFM's as I only use one muffin fan for each.
        Far as I can tell, get a light and you're almost there. Pots and soil and such, too.
        Start outside and bring it in. Use as much of the sun as you can. I have a few that I'm rotating between LED, sun, and dark. Don't worry about keeping it warm. You get hot summers.
        C'mon, mule!



          It's been warm. It's been in the 90's outside. So the garage is obviously hotter. It's hard to say when winter will show up. How bad can the aroma get? I'm assuming this only happens during the flowering process. I also think the plants will get larger outside than in, though not having ever grown it's all conjecture at the moment. Where can I look into exhaust and what I'll need?


            Yeah, bro... I laugh, knowingly. Plants will get way more huger outside. With any sun, really.
            This link might give you the best ideas. Some lights need heavy venting. Some not so much.
            I'll be going 12/12 on Friday. My plant has smelled like weed for a couple weeks. Different strains and different growing conditions will determine the smell. I've never met a person who has been offended by the smell of flower. It's more of a surprise that they've walked into Satan's nursery and met his gardener and will melt from the exposure.

            Learn the cost breakdown of popular cannabis grow setups, what yields to expect, and get all the supplies/info you need to start growing weed in each setup.
            C'mon, mule!



              Okay. Thanks for the assist. I think I will consider a winter grow. Just easier. Just can't find a way to make this happen.


              • Gingerbeard
                Gingerbeard commented
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                Well c'mon back when you get to growing.

              Oscar yup you will have a hard time keeping it cool in the garage I’m in the valley myself 818. I try to time my grows so that when I go to flower it’s colder outside. Otherwise my temps skyrocket. I have ac so during summer my plants stay at around 80 +/- but when I’m not home the temps go up obviously I turn up the thermostat. But it’s doable for sure I would recommend Northern Lights from Nirvana it was always good to me. My first grow I completely dehydrated mine I thought it was dead but nope came back stronger than ever. Oh another thing since it’s your first time and you don’t want to spend money on AC I would think you like saving$$, me too so then another recommendation is do a living soil look up Clackamas Coot on YouTube. It’s a podcast with KIS Organics 3 part series I’m using that mix my soil is almost 9 months old and all I have used is fresh water and some botanical teas or compost teas here and there and it’s still going strong. If you do go this route I can’t stress enough read up on IPM can’t do soil without it. Integrated pest management. Good luck.


                Oh and we are so close I can guide you to where you can source out the material for the mix cheap, cheaper than I got them because of course once I ordered everything online I ran into supplies locally lol and to my surprise cheaper for more wow and since I got helped a lot here I want to pay it forward.


                  I would look at a few 7 gallon smart pots, risers, drip pans (ok I made my first 20 gallon pots), and start them outside. As the temps fall, if/when rains set in move them inside. The lights help with heat in cold weather (it gets colder here, unless you are on a mountain top). I am for now using CFLs, not the best but they work, better comes later. I also mix my own soil from the farm, anything I can to save money!


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