Hi. First time posting and I hope I'm not duplicating another posted question. I have gardened (organically) for some 40 years now, but I have the worst luck germinating seeds. This is the second attempt at starting cannibus seeds and 1 out of 6 come up. I've tried the paper towel method, although in your articles here it's not the recommended method due to root damage. This time I planted directly into soaked jiffy pellets on August 2, so it's been about 20 days. I gently checked them about a week later and they all looked liked the shell had cracked and a little white could be seen. Then....nothing more than just one sprout has come up. I thought maybe the temp in the room was a little too cool so I set the tray on a heating pad for a couple hours and turned down the AC. That's when the one sprouted, but nothing more since. I thought maybe I had over soaked the pellets so I have placed each one in a cup of organic potting soil to help wick away the excess moisture and still nothing more. I'm afraid that I just wasted another $50 on seeds. Is there any hope? I did not include photos since there's nothing to see
