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Cloning in water

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    Cloning in water

    Howdy, y'all.

    Someone posted about successful cloning in water. I searched and couldn't find it. It was a successful operation and I'm wanting to give it a try.
    C'mon, mule!


    Well, there's this one I forgot about and don't intend to use. [Photos attatched]

    Let me go find the topic from more recently where there was a good discussion. I'll edit it in (
    Meesta's Grow



      That is a fantastic thread! Aloe? Honey? I have neither honey nor aloe, at the moment, but must try in the future. The two cuttings are from the big plant I've been growing and will probably stay in water. I won't be able to grow the cuttings like the momma plant because my sun will be too low and they won't fit in my veg chamber. It's a 'speriment and they might go the way of my personal compost heap: the city dump.
      C'mon, mule!



      • MeestaFeesha
        MeestaFeesha commented
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        I let mine sit in water on the kitchen counter and used an aloe type plant as roots started to show before going into perlite heavy soil. I was thankful my buddy actually took 'em, there were heading the same direction! Fun and easy, minimal effort or investment.

      I think I saw two methods. One to stick the stem end directly in a piece of softened aloe. The other, yours, says to use an aloe type plant as root starters. Do your rub it on? Put pieces in the water?
      C'mon, mule!



      • MeestaFeesha
        MeestaFeesha commented
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        I rubbed it on. Right before placing the cutting in water, as well as before planting it in a seed starter pod with a heavy perlite ratio. Leaving them on the kitchen counter before either hardening off outside, or in the indoor LED box. I haven't kept any, one friend murdered a handful, the other is having a blast.

      • Gingerbeard
        Gingerbeard commented
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        I dipped the end of my cuttings in hydrogen peroxide and put a little in my rooting water.
        There was mention of oxygenating the water with an air stone. I don't use enough water overall to justify getting one. So the water bottle gets shaken for a while.

      Cali CC420710 Let's bring in the these two, they are the ones who did the sharing of information in the other thread (if memory serves)
      Meesta's Grow



        Well, here's what I have going on. The cuttings are not that far out of the water. The stems are on the side. Under the water.
        C'mon, mule!



          Cut the tips of your Leafs off except the newest growth tip, cut the bottom of the stem at a 45 degree, scrape the bottom one inch of the stem with the razor knife to rough it up a little, and change the water in the cup daily.
          I use nothing but water in a cheap tote with a air pump in a humidity dome and get 90 to 100% success rate with in 3 to 14 days.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	20190817_125419.jpg
Views:	373
Size:	1.61 MB
ID:	330962
          Space for Rent.


            Thanks, all. One of my neighbors is growing some aloe on apartment property. Now, I have a good few plants on my balcony and people have been respectful. I'd feel like an ass if I pilfered hers. There are people in the neighborhood, I don't know, who grow aloe. Maybe I'll walk dabber by one of their places.

            The cuttings were taken yesterday. Tomorrow I'm going to recut the 45 degree cut, scrape some of the lower, aloe, cut leaf tips, back in the water.
            C'mon, mule!



              Might it be worth a small air pump in a three gallon bucket for oxygenating before watering? Good for the cuttings, good for the plants?
              C'mon, mule!



              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
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                Yes the oxygen does wonders.

              Since I pulled the water pump (with air injection) from the psycloner and put in 2 bubble wall stones and an air pump, I am getting 100%. Using nothing but tap water, no fuss, just stick em in it and go, a few have taken more than 10 days,,,
              I dont clip the leaves as its my thought they contain mobile nutrients the plant can use to make roots,,, I may have to try it,,,


                I just use a jar of water in an opaque pot with a cloning collar to block light and support the stem. I don't clip leaves unless they're huge. Takes about 10 days or so to show roots. I'll post a pic of my cloning setup later tonight.
                ****tent (2x4) and large light (Relassy 300W LED) is in storage for now until I can solve some household electrical issues****

                CoM Stonington Blend soil, distilled water; Liquid Squid amendment if needed, molasses for flowering

                "I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up."


                  I just read a little about using Epsom salts for aiding in germination and early root and cell development. Would it be good in cutting water? Thoughts? Also thoughts about a touch of H2O2 in the water for extra oxygen?
                  C'mon, mule!



                    Stupid wind out on my balcony lifted my two cuttings out of the water. I don't know how long. One was laying on the ground. The cut end dried out a little. No negative repercussions, yet. The other one flew the coop and has disappeared into the landscaping below or is riding the wind. I walked past below the balcony with Dabber but couldn't find it.
                    C'mon, mule!



                      i clone in solo cups with water, just change water daily. ive used the aloe in the past but didnt make much difference


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