I as alot of ppl grow in hydro I love it won't do it any other way.
But in all that I have had a problem with heat this summer as I live in a small apartment on the west side of the building at the top my 10000btu ac can hardly keep it under 90 so I gave up trying to cool my apartment and gave a crack at growing In hydro above 90 degrees.
dwc was a mess I refuse to cool the res it's just to costly to do right. so I decided to try my hand at some aeroponics and this seems to be the ticket.
I built 2 new aeroponic buckets and went to town so far so good.
It was 98 deg when I got home today and the plants are beautiful and the roots are amazing.
So I just wanted to share I hope it helps some 1.
they are auto flowers lights on 24 7 315 cmh emerald harvest nutes they are in week 4 from seed.
But in all that I have had a problem with heat this summer as I live in a small apartment on the west side of the building at the top my 10000btu ac can hardly keep it under 90 so I gave up trying to cool my apartment and gave a crack at growing In hydro above 90 degrees.
dwc was a mess I refuse to cool the res it's just to costly to do right. so I decided to try my hand at some aeroponics and this seems to be the ticket.
I built 2 new aeroponic buckets and went to town so far so good.
It was 98 deg when I got home today and the plants are beautiful and the roots are amazing.
So I just wanted to share I hope it helps some 1.
they are auto flowers lights on 24 7 315 cmh emerald harvest nutes they are in week 4 from seed.