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Organic Grow-Barneys Farm; Red Diesel & Peyote Critical Kush

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  • kingfish
    commented on 's reply
    Hey Pagan, I believe you have your Spidermite problem solved. Those girls look great. Especially in their tent. Good show.

  • PaganRich
    Well, I have been mucking about with these frames and as a mobile Scrog, I am taken with them. With the LED`s added (Which I have now above the canopy at 17.5-18 inches with no adverse effects overall for some time now though I am monitoring closely, compared to the manufacturer`s guidance at 24 inches) and long may it last, a lack of spidermites-shudder-my mistakes are slowly being rectified and my grows are improving. But I am still making some:
    Pics 1-3 show a Bud Bud Bling Tingz-I flipped this early at around 14inches above soil and 6.5- 8 above frame. I did this out of frustration as in a previous grow I had packed my soil too densely and it was not good to put it mildly. Here I was too cautious and as you can see, the soil level is roughly 2 inches at least lower due to settling,than I`d prefer. Saying that, she`s roughly 12 inches above the frame and getting good light. I have wanted my girls` to flower within a 12-15 inch height above the frame to see how the LED`s cope with this and so I am happy
    Pics 4-5 show a Red Diesel and Pic 6 a Peyote Critical that I defoliated well a week ago and now coming along very nicely and which I showed previously post defoliation
    Pics 7-8 show a Peyote Critical and Pics 9-10 a Red Diesel that I started this page off with that were def`d about 7 days ago and which are bouncing along very nicely...though shorter, these 2 girls are of more interest to me as I want to see how the buds turn out with the light signature. Pic 11 shows that I packed the soil too lightly on the Red and the root compost cube is now above the surrounding soil but she`s very happy.
    Finally, pics of the lasses chilling in the tent-Pic 12-13-I`ve added sticks to support and guide growth
    Attached Files
    Last edited by PaganRich; 10-17-2019, 10:34 AM.

    Leave a comment:

  • Spidermite
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks LurkingInTheGrass I come here and try to help. But honestly I know very little. I follow what the plants and animals tell me and just follow that.

  • LurkingInTheGrass
    commented on 's reply

    Cannabis helps me cope with people (growing and smoking, not always in that order)

    Growing (not just cannabis) in general has inspired a closer relationship to nature.
    That connection (rooting? 😁 ) and finding something (soooo easy, it's just growing a weed 😁 ) that challenges me - has been instrumental to recovering my mental balance.

    And lurking around here;
    nattering with persons, such as yourself (who seem to understand my 'humor')
    Seeing some really great grows
    Seeing some great techniques
    Trying to understand what I see
    Trying to incorporate what I see, into my grow 'style' (regimen isnt the right word, to harsh)

  • Spidermite
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup I know you were not refering to me. I was personally refering to me. I want to be a rock but I'm really just a piece of clay that is constantly bent out of shape

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Spidermite I wasn't referring to you!!! We humans are all difficult to deal with!! And all of us have rough times. At least I certainly do, and I don't really believe that humans can be or are supposed to be all hunky dory all the time. It's hard fkn work being human.

    I'm just so glad to get home to the chihuahua and the grow boxes every day and turn my phone off.

  • Spidermite
    commented on 's reply
    Yes alltatup I have my breaks when it comes to my mental status but all I want is for people to learn to care for the earth. I have to work so hard to care for what's important. My mind breaks and I'm sorry some that some of you have to see it. But I strive to leave everything better than before. You alltatup dont seem to have such a hard time and I know you love nature as much as me. So thanks and sorry my mind disappears so often.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    Spidermite I totally agree. It can be so difficult with humans at times, but so easy with Cannabis...

  • Spidermite
    commented on 's reply
    Growing and cultivating a life of caring for living things outside of myself and my family is what keeps me running. I dont want just my plants to thrive, I want all aspects of living things to thrive so we will leave something better than myself behind. I try my hardest to leave behind something resembling what nature would have chosen. And this is I believe why I have any ability to grow at all. I dont believe I am the gardener, I just assist the real gardener which is nature or god or whom or whatever you believe helps you achieve your goals.

  • alltatup
    commented on 's reply
    For the first time, I must agree with PaganRich and bow to his infinite wisdom and insight: Cultivating Cannabis is the best therapy in the world.

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    Canuck147 Ah mate, I`ve been beating myself up over that response I left about Rory G and whether it sounded sarcy which it wasn`t meant to but sorry if it did, we older Brits slice and dice with our sarcasm but it`s our humour and way we banter amongst mates. We do it other times but that usually leads pretty quickly to fists I`ve found When I write I just chuck it out there but what you get is the way I talk...that`s me so thank you, I liked the feedback. God I`m vain. Canada is one of the few places that I would like to visit though you guys have so much space that that would un-nerve me a bit. I wouldn`t mind if rain was coming but not only is it coming, it`s family is bloody squatting right over my house with no sign of pushing off

  • Canuck147
    commented on 's reply
    Great tangent - and your thoughts and writings always humor me. Bit hard to read sometimes cuz of your lack of paragraphs. But always fun and witty.
    In western Canada here and our weather is very similar to what you get - rain is coming.

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    LurkingInTheGrass Thanks Lurking that was excellent and many thanks for the shout mate-I really enjoyed that and copied and pasted for my info...I read this when I started and Nebula`s built upon it but the bit I remembered clearly was that you had to really have a go to get a feel-it`s by the Defoliator-great name.... Now I admit I`ve only been growing 4 yrs this month and a lot of my grows have only reached 60% potential or been absolute howlers though each year I`m getting better but my real howlers have been experimenting round defoliation and I`ve found you just have to really try and find your style and that`s sadly a trial and error kinda thing. Saying that, my main other probs have been packing the soil too firmly, cocking up my nutes and generally learning how to water properly which I didn`t for quite some time. Chuck in spidermites, heatwaves and hps lighting/ heating issues and reading trich colour on leaves not buds and you will see that I have made many, many common rookie mistakes...but I`m okay with this as it`s not so much the weed (though that`s important) as the growing as therapy for me but where defoliating comes in has been a bit of a journey I`m still on and really enjoying, even when I screw up-it`s helping me read my girls. I`m not a great grower but I`m an alright grower and I can live with that but what really inspires me is folk like yourself and others on here that natter in a helpful and kind way with me as well as growers you`ve just shown me. Often in my daily life it`s these little inter-actions that just make it more comfortable to get through the day. alltatup is also alright...barking mad but alright. She cheers my day, drifted off on a tangent there...that`s what happens when you`ve had 7 days of hardly any sun and near constant rain with one month`s total rain in half a day and you live in the UK which is naturally wet anyway

  • LurkingInTheGrass
    commented on 's reply

    Literally, just read this thread last night. Dude made a beautiful grow.

    Specifically his trim/defoliation at flip
    Demonstrates to me that I can stand to be more aggressive with the snippers.

    First grow Mainlining 16 main colas Strain don’t know but it’s a purple indica strain. I have 600w Mars hydro grow light. regular pot soil mix. Pot size

  • PaganRich
    commented on 's reply
    alltatup Wise words there that`s for sure and a very nice approach you have like. Thanks for that Atu

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