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Help I. D. Bugs

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    Help I. D. Bugs

    Can anyone I.D. these bugs. Could they be bug eaters or plant eaters?



      better picture


        most of them are beetles, tons of different kind of beetles out there , many of them eat the leaves. i think the last one from the set of pics is a cricket of some sorts


          Howdy desertdan, The first and third photo looks like what we call a 'stink' bug and they eat plants. The second photo, I do not know what it is. the fourth photo looks to be a mayfly and they eat other insects. The fifth and sixth photos look to be leaf hoppers and they eat plants. I hope that You can control them, some 'killer' lady bugs would help! LOL!
          Smoke weed,.....grow peace!


            them things dont do much just nibble here and there.i think leaf hoppers can do something out for moth catapillers like budworm


              I have Ladybugs, praying mantis, lacewings, and several varieties of garden spiders. This is why I would like to keep from spraying anything. I sent pics to www.arbicoorganics for positive I.D.


              • HappyDaze
                HappyDaze commented
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                I'm happy to host a few wolf spiders in my basement. It pisses the girlfriend off, but they catch anything and everything with wings that finds it's way in.

                I hope all those critters don't do too much damage, I'm enjoying watching your garden grow.

              Leaf hoppers do what their name implies. You see them plinking into your light at the peak of their leap. I usually crush them with a thumb and forefinger.

              desertdan How is your crop of Acridomorpha coming along this year? I haven't seen one of the muthas this year.


              • desertdan
                desertdan commented
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                ????don't understand the question

              • desertdan
                desertdan commented
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                grasshoppers are still in the nymph stage this year. There is not much that can be done to them other than to smash or shoot them as I see them. I wasted a lot of money on grasshopper bait last year. I pray for a lot of rain this year so they will munch on other green stuff they prefer. They are a minor annoyance compared to the root aphids.

              Heard back from arbico 1. nymph assassin bug 2. stink bug 3. bordered plant bug 4. green lacewing 5. assassin bug. 2 and 3 are plant eaters 1,4 and 5 are beneficial.


                Arbico is a good company, but that grasshopper bait is oh so pricey. The best of luck to you with those little bastids!


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