Well,i liked Little even with the little we talked lol and i have no problems with Dkn either but as we all have,i was lurking around in other forums looking to find a nice place to settle,i signed up for GWE because it's like going to my local,crazy potheads living their life as they want it to,rejoicing and being green dicks,what else to look for!!Oh, i forgot to mention the bigass amount of decent,fresh and jawdropping information people are spitting out (see Green's f#king AWE autos :P )!
Opinions,buttholes,left wings,right wings,pigeon shit,whatever...Me and my screen love each other so i wont look at her with an angry face,it's not her fault!
That said,may all the people be freed from ego,bitterness and bad bud!! Peace
Opinions,buttholes,left wings,right wings,pigeon shit,whatever...Me and my screen love each other so i wont look at her with an angry face,it's not her fault!
That said,may all the people be freed from ego,bitterness and bad bud!! Peace