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A new grow, GG#4/WW/BW

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    Morning OJH, please tell me more about administering molasses, I see I have some on my refrigerator door(g).
    That blue widow is turning quick it seems to me, only at end of week 5 and half the pistils on the tops have turned orange. Non have turned on the WW or GG. Think I should defoliate some more on the tops?
    Sometimes the hardest thing to do, is nothing(vbg)
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      LTG thats funny good idea but funny this getten old is not for sissys lol,You can use any unsulfered molasses I use hybrix so it gives me an idea on how much but I think 1 tbls per gallon of water .It will drive ph down alot

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      Thanks for the comments guys. Yes, getting old sucks, as I've been out already snowblowing my way out the driveway--heavy stuff!
      So, I have yellowing of the top leaves on my GG4, edges turning up some. To hot, to much light, to many built up nuets, a deficiency? Haven't tested my PH...KISS grow.
      Going to try and get some cal-mag tomorrow morning and give it a shot. Also try and get my light up a little, I'm about out of overhead room for sure.
      Very funny LTG! LOL, I hear you.
      It's especially hard for me, my plants are less than 10 ft from my comfy recliner(g), I can turn my head and see them.

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      GreenState If you've been feeding your plants correctly, you probably need to FLUSH them well before adding more nutes. pH checking is one of the 10 commandments of growing.

    alltatup At least it is the plant closest to the door, hopefully I can untangle without damage and pull her out for a good flushing.
    And...I don't water with much runoff as well, another commandment broken I'm sure. It would be difficult to empty the saucers of the excess.
    But will flush the hell out of the GG. Should I go ahead and just flush now before getting calmag?
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      We learn to fine tune our grow envirnmnt by the mistakes we make: you gotta be able to move or get to all plants or u can run into all kind of trouble. Tou can get mold from stagnant environmnt.

      And make sure tou have proper setup for runoff. You want thebest bud u can grow and this is how we do it.
      Last edited by alltatup; 03-11-2019, 12:51 PM.

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      I filled my grow room from front to back and side to side everything looked healthy on top but when I started to pull them out I found dead or dieing branches from not enough light so thing do happen

    I went ahead and flushed the GG, probably got a gallon out the bottom, we'll see.
    Here's and attempt at a pic of the leaves, pic of the GG4 and the blue widow (since I was able to pull them out)
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      Thanks alltatup , time will tell(g).
      As you can tell, I'm pretty much a duck tape, tie wire and tin foil grower...Fashioned a hat out tin foil as well and I hope for the best (lol).
      Your's and everyone's help is always appreciated. ( I'll store the info for the next go/grow)

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      when you flushed did you test runoff ph and EC nice looking plants

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      I'll have to add a test kit to my list for the next go around. Jeez, I stopped at 4 different stores, no calmag, so I ordered some from Amazon. Figured it couldn't hurt(to much) to go ahead and give it a try. The problem could be a result of any number of things mentioned above and we can add 3 gal containers to the list. I'm sure the roots are packed pretty tight. Will cross my fingers and hope we can limp to the finish line. The other 2 look fine. Of course you may have notice the lack of pictures of the white widow, beautiful on the top third, naked stems on the lower 2/3rds. Hoping she doesn't collapse over from the top weight.
      Damn, looks like you have your hands full getting ready for the summer season!

    Trichome porn (bored) Sun was coming through the skylight into the closet lighting up this one bud
    Last edited by GreenState; 03-12-2019, 02:36 PM.
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      ME likey me likey lol thats a great picture ,knowing the story behind it makes it even better , You will have to give thanks to the creator with the smoke from that bud so he can enjoy to

    • LurkingInTheGrass
      LurkingInTheGrass commented
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      Lol - how did you get that picture, to make that happy noise in my head 😁

    Very nice photos, GS! I wouldn't say bud porn; I'd say Vermeer buds in the light.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vermeer.jpg
Views:	720
Size:	74.1 KB
ID:	297998
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      LOL! Great comparison!! So, given the fact I am unable to test my water/runoff for PH and I should have CalMag tomorrow, any opinions on how I should apply it? At this point I didn't plan on adding any nuets for a week or so. Should I flush again and finish with the CalMag solution?
      I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't over due it with the nuets, I am using fox farms ocean forest soil. TIA for any opinions.
      All the best, GS
      I also was able to sneak my light up another 1 1/2", so hopefully that will help a little as well.

    added a little CalMag this morning, no nuets. Can definitely see leaves are struggling on the front GG plant.
    Hopefully we can bounce along for a few more weeks. End of wk6 now.
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Buds look great, GS. Just go lite on the nutes for the end of the grow; that's what Nebula recommends.

    • Canuck147
      Canuck147 commented
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      Fabulous color - great looking colas!

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      nothing wrong with those plants looking great

    WHAT A FANTASTIC DAY US YANKEES HAD YESTERDAY IT HIT 60 PLUS all the cold and misery makes days like yesterday amazing
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      Yes indeed OJH, yesterday was a moral booster for sure! Although, back into the low teens at night here until midweek.
      I appreciate everyone's comments, fingers crossed the GG holds out and continues to be productive. Was doing a bit of research on the estimated blue widow flowering time, according to most sites it's a pretty short period plant. I saw as low as 42 days , other sites, generally "6-8 wks". I'm sure there are multiple breeders though. I'll have to start watching her a bit closer in the near future.
      The white widow, while tall and lanky is starting to win my heart over. Looking forward to smoking a sativa dominate weed, it's probably been 20 years, maybe longer. My supply guy has always grown indica dominate weed.
      Last edited by GreenState; 03-16-2019, 07:03 AM.

    a fantastic day indeed to bad I came down with a head cold yesterday when the wind picked up the chickens said f this and went back in the barn
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Sorry to hear about the head cold, OJH!!! Get better soon.

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather OJH. Probably worn down from working all those plants! (g). Hopefully it isn't the flu or something, my sister got that second strain of the flu and knock her for a loop. So another dose of cal-mag this morning and a weak solution of nuets (1/2 of recommended strength for entering wk 7 since flip). Coming into those amazing, critical wks 7 & 8, when the magic really happens (ha).
      Lay low and rest!

    Well, nothing I have done has seemed to improve my angry gorilla. The 2 different strain widows continue to be happy girls.
    So I don't know. I have decided to finish the grow with water only, the white widow looks like it will be the last to finish and still might be a ways away. I'd say a few more weeks for the blue widow. We'll see on the GG4, still seeing production but I think she's certainly being held back by the dying leaves. I expect quantity will take a hit, but quality should be good.
    But, I wonder if my issues aren't a result of hot soil, maybe accumulated nuets, or possibly the FFOF soil or combination of both. Funny though the widows are unaffected so far. Seems everything was great through veg and first 4 weeks of flower, then bang on the gorilla.
    We'll definitely pick up a PH kit for the next go. And maybe look into different soil, but again the widows look fine.
    Snowing out this morning
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      I used to grow in coco and not water every day about 4 weeks into bloom they would lock out on me and I would have to flush I used a saucer that had holes in it and put that over a 5 gallon bucket then pour 5 gallons of water though it works but takes alot of water ,when I did GG I was a few days from harvesting and no big buds so I gave them a heavy dose of molasses's and 3 days later I could not get my fingers around the buds post a pic of the gg would you please

    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      I'll try and get a pic when I turn the lights off this evening.
      Basically it starts by a yellowing of the veins in the leaves, spreads and then brown spots appear. Leaves begin to crinkle up. Pretty much just on fan leaves, but even the tiny ones.
      Leaves in the shade are far less affected. It is throughout the plant not just top or bottom.

    So I'm going/am flushing it again. She's awful floppy and hard to move around.
    Looking at the gwe symptoms page, I'd lean towards nitrogen toxicity. BWDIK (g)
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      I hate problems like that I'll look back on my records but I think GG was a little finicky , thats the hard part of growing more than one strain at a time ,you can never zero in on that sweet spot ,you have to go with what the weakest strain will tolerate

    Its awful white out there did you get snow last night to it only looks like a dusting
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • GreenState
      GreenState commented
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      We got a few inches, windy and blowing snow this morning. It's still winter here, I usually get up and going around the 17th of April, funny how that works out. And that date has changed big time, use to be closer to the second week of May as a start date. Now run well into Nov., a month later. Go figure. So the white widow appears to have nice tops, much fluffier and pointier than the blue widow. Hard to believe how totally different the widows are from one another. One tall, one short, one dense, one fluffy budded. WW pistils are long, BW's are very short.
      We'll just let the GG plug along and see what we will see. Trimming will be more of a pain I'm sure. Hopefully she'll sense the end is nearing and signal to the buds that it's time to tighten up every chance they get and get the job done! (ha)

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      I have one of those bud spinners/trimmers and depending on the strain ,I have no problem droping the whole bud with fans on it and spin away then I use all of the trim in the bowl for hash,oil,wax whatever I need hell I've smoked it before not bad in a pinch lol

    I would love one of those spinner/trimmers. I hate trimming.
    So here at day 50 since flip is-the GG is still building and fattening up the buds, thought about trimming off the discolored leaves, but figured they were still supplying energy to the plant. Widows are plumping as well, trichs are still glassy clear.
    Beautiful day out today, a taste of things to come
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      it is a necessity when the outdoor grows come in , I helped a friend get started growing and when his outdoor grow came in he asked to borrow it , wrong time of year its not leaving my house now if you want to use it bring your stuff here and you can but it doesn't leave here lol, A auto takes about 20 min. depending how big 20 min. is for about 2 ounces .

    I'm only good for trimming one plant a day (g). So here's a question, do you do anything differently when drying,curing and especially storing real sticky weed?
    Is it more apt to run into mold issues?
    I think the blue widows vigor has slowed quite a bit. So I'll be need to go on trich watch soon
    (did I see near 70 degrees in bean town for Sat.?)
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      np I dont do anything different I weigh my buds before drying so I dont worry about how they feel ,I would try and keep them as loose so no packing jars lol

    We have a problem. I see a seed and on closer inspection nanners just becoming visible on the GG4.
    Day 54 of flowering. I think I should chop it down, she's been a problem child.
    opinions? I hate to see the widows get seeded.
    Wonder if I could move it to another room and finish it out in front of a window, au natural?
    Day length currently is about 12 1/2hr.
    Last edited by GreenState; 03-28-2019, 06:11 AM.
    "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


      My new "window sill" plant. Have to get it out of the closet.
      Not sure if you can see the seed in the pic or nanners in the other. The color of nanners is what always catches my eye. (both are at the tip of the buds--two different buds)
      Edit-----If there is an upside, at least the widows can now spread their wings.
      A pic of the BW also
      Last edited by GreenState; 03-28-2019, 07:53 AM.
      "That's your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don't drink"


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