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Hemp federally legal in the USA! 12/20/18 press release

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    Hemp federally legal in the USA! 12/20/18 press release

    You have to read this! Also any product with added CBD or THC is not!
    And then please comment!

    WOW no comments? Well it reads to me they will be cracking down on CBD and eatables with CBD/THC if they make claims of health benefits. This sounds like preparation to raid medical states, maybe I am just a tad paranoid when it comes to our government.


      I could care less about the govt. Going to be hard to crack down on anything if they don't work lol. More into building walls and ruining the country


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        Mr President, I have a question on this wall,, just how high must we build it to keep them from digging under it?
        And remember "tear down that wall!",,,,

      • kingfish
        kingfish commented
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        One more thing about this dumb-ass wall. On which side of the Rio Grande are you going to build it?

      thats kinda the big weed conflict in the us isn't it? its legal at state level but prohibited federally?


      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
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        And they have told us since we were young that we live in the land of the free,,, ya right, I call
        BS. We have the most censored TV of almost any land, and just look around, Canada has went legal and Mexico is making noises to go legal as well. The "land of the free" will be sandwiched between 2 countries with more freedoms than us.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        I agree with you Potted When and if they legalize it where I live, I'll still grow as an outlaw cuz ain't nobody gonna regulate my Cannabis. It's not a carbon emission, for chrissake...

      • 9fingerleafs
        9fingerleafs commented
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        I plan on being an outlaw too haha

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