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Just wanting to say hello and thank you

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    Just wanting to say hello and thank you

    Hey guys and girls,

    I've been reading these forums and tutorials for a few months now and finally decided to register and say hello. Let me preface this and say, I don't really smoke much if at all. I'm here to help another person, and I actually love working in my garden and with plants in general. My girlfriend was diagnosed with Lupus a few years ago and she suffered(we actually all suffered)... She was prescribed percocets and other major narcotics to battle her extreme joint pains and other issues associated with the disease. She gained almost 100 pounds due to the lethargy brought on by the narcs. We're talking about a girl that never broke 130 in her life. She was withdrawn and sometimes hostile. Then, she was accepted into a experimental treatment program about two years ago, and it has worked wonders! About that same time her daughters(now in their 20's) suggested she try medical marijuana instead of the major narcotics she was on, and frankly becoming addicted to. After a lot of needling, she finally tried it and everything has been going so much smoother now! We just have to worry about occasional flare ups and trying to keep some weight on her

    Neither one of us is financially super solid, and honestly, she smokes a bunch. We got some decent smoke from a friend that had accidentally been pollinated so I had about 25 seeds in the container(I think it was two strains, they just look drastically different). At that point I decided I could just grow for her. I have two plants in harvest, a few clones going and a couple others in Veg now.

    I'm working with what I have available in town here and from my business. Running 200W CFL's and 100W LED's also 250W HPS. Running the same 250W HPS for flower. My nutes at this point are pretty Walmart, which I know isn't great.

    Just wanting to say hi. Because of this forum and the forums at 420 mag I might be able to grow enough to help out on the financial side of things. On the aside, I am actually having tons of fun getting there.

    Anyways, greetings to all my new friends here. I hope to contribute as much as I learn. I have been documenting my growth in pics and I might post a journal in the near future.

    -Thanks for all the help,

    What a wonderful story, my friend, yeah those narcotics are horrible, glad that your girlfriend is doing much better,
    Sounds like you got a green thumb already ,and it is lots of fun growing your own meds. Very addicting, but in a good way.
    If you ever need a hand, plenty of nice ,friendly folks on GWE, that are always willing, to try to help you.
    HappyGrowing and welcome to GWE.
    Cfls for a week or two
    315lec for everything else
    Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
    36x36x63 inch tent.
    6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
    Smart pots


      Thank you D.A.A.S.69 for the warm welcome. I've seen the help the forum members have extended to other people and I hope to be able to do the same for other people in the future. Cannabis is truly a difference maker to so many people and their quality of life. I know it's indirectly made my life so much better.


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Welcome to the forum, Sub! And right on for your girlfriend getting off the bad shit. Her ECS (endocannabinoid system) will help her out and reduce a lot of inflammation. I had heart surgery last summer and they were giving me percocets during the first few days. Scariest fkn drug I ever took, I mean really scarey stuff.
        Last edited by alltatup; 12-28-2018, 05:33 AM.

      • D.A.A.S.69
        D.A.A.S.69 commented
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        Subliminal you are very welcome, and I'm sure will be great help on this forum.
        Nothin like smoking your own homegrown killer medicine, no comparison to the bullsh-t, they sell on the streets, lol
        As I'm sure you already know.
        HappyGrowing Sub.

      Welcome to the forum first off.
      That is a touching introduction for me, at the age of 14 my Mother was diagnosed with Lupus and I know first hand the struggle that comes with it in your life. It has been 30 years of ups and down, and even though she don't use cannabis I am luck to still have her in my life today and am thankful for it.

      Truly glad to hear that you have found a home in the pages of GWE and the fourm, some of the best information here. Truth be told I think 90% of the members here "Lurk" in the background for months before stepping in and I think some just stay that way but we love them all the same

      You will find a lot of willing and helpful peeps with some really great knowledge of how to get the best out of what you need and have to work with. If there is anything you need just ask.

      Space for Rent.


        Mr.furley first of all I want you to know that I LOVE your handle. It's ****ing awesome. I have read you and what you contribute tons. Thank you for your contributions. And thank you so much for your support


        • Mr.furley
          Mr.furley commented
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          Aw Shucks Subliminal.
          Im just trying to help best I can.

        My best friends mom was diagnosed with Lupus when we were teens and I didn't understand how much if effects EVERYTHING. When I say best friend, I spent 75% of my life at his house. She is 78 and doing well, I hope your mother is doing the thoughts are with you Mr.furley.


          She is, thanks for asking. The absolute worst was the mood swings and fits she would have from the medication, never seen her loss it before.

          Two new hips and a new shoulder later, Still has flare ups and the years of wear and tear from the disease shows it toll. One of the biggest thinks about Lupus and aging is she has had other things like Sjogren's set in. but she still gets around better then I thought she would at this age.

          They just legalized medical marijuana in her state so I'm hopeful that she takes advantage of it to replace some Pharmaceuticals she's been on for years.

          Space for Rent.


            Glad to see things are getting better for u sir. Welcome to th he grow show best bunch of people you could possibly meet on here. Always willing to help out. Sounds like your doing just fine growing and setup very well. Its very inspiring to read your story and great to see a successful switch from the zombie drugs to cannabis. You and yo u r family should be proud of yourselves


              Hey Sub welcome to the forum , I like how you started . When I first started indoors I was able to go to a grow show , all the booths had tons of sample nutrients , I had 2 big bags that weighed about 40 lbs each , then the other day I was buying some soil and the clerk gave me 4 bottles and 4 packets of bat guano , That being said go to the web sites of different nutrient companies and ask if they have samples I bet most of them do and are more than happy to get you to try their product .

              A lot of the folks here do dyi projects for growing so if you ever have questions ask someone will give the right answer , oh that brings up another thing you are likely to get 6 different answers to one question and they all probably;y work just pick one and try it if it doesn't feel right to you pick a different one ,everyone here is here for help or to give help when needed I have personally met a few members and can say they are mighty fine people
              new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
              current grow




                You’ve at the right place for friendly advice, and welcome to the show sub, if u can get away from that Walmart sh t your plants will do much better with nutes made for weed 😁 looking forward to your journal
                I have been growing weed since I was a kid contracted cancer over a year ago, and it has really helped me with the after affects of cemo and the opioids that the doctors prescribed that I refused to take. I got hooked on them when I was wounded in nam,back the sixties thay just gave u more and more with no regard of the effects. Or the addition that followed. Since I am very susceptible to opioids addiction even after fifty years Iv found that medical marijuana takes the edge off and releaves my discomfort with out the fear of addiction.🧐
                Last edited by Potted; 12-28-2018, 10:55 AM.


                  Welcome, I’m glad cannabis is helping, we are all here to help each other and as you can see everyone is super friendly and supportive. Again welcome to the GWE family


                    I appreciate the warm welcome from everybody. I just got home from work and I'm gonna attempt to piece together all these pics I have taken into a journal. My plants in flower got messed up last night because my light timer got stuck and never turned off. I immediately unplugged and gonna leave them in dark for 12+ as of 9 this morning. I searched and hoping people are right that they will stay in flower. Got a new timer on the way home today. Cross your fingers.


                      Originally posted by Potted View Post
                      You’ve at the right place for friendly advice, and welcome to the show sub, if u can get away from that Walmart sh t your plants will do much better with nutes made for weed 😁 looking forward to your journal
                      I have been growing weed since I was a kid contracted cancer over a year ago, and it has really helped me with the after affects of cemo and the opioids that the doctors prescribed that I refused to take. I got hooked on them when I was wounded in nam,back the sixties thay just gave u more and more with no regard of the effects. Or the addition that followed. Since I am very susceptible to opioids addiction even after fifty years Iv found that medical marijuana takes the edge off and releaves my discomfort with out the fear of addiction.🧐
                      Hey Potted,
                      I just want to say thank you for your service. I'm sorry you had to endure so much to preserve peace and our way of life and I am happy you found a semi-solution to your problem in cannabis. Cancer sucks, I have lost a few family members to it and I will keep you in my thoughts. It's working for Shawna, and I'm glad it's working for you as well.

                      Thank you brother.


                      • Potted
                        Potted commented
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                        Along with the government check for disability that arrives mounthly since then,I got shot in the foot hanging out of a helicopter door stupid sh t I was 18 what did I know....I got a purple hart .... Combat related was the navy’s response,limped for a while adjusting to a new way of walking.... spent the next 50+ years married,raised two kids put them thru college and now there married with kids and houses of thier own btw Iv got sum great grandkids,and the checks keep rolling in along with a good pension and S.S. I dident plan it this way I fell into this. Drafted 1968
                        Last edited by Potted; 12-28-2018, 07:22 PM.

                      • oldjarhead100
                        oldjarhead100 commented
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                        @ Potted WELCOME HOME brother you boys didn't receive the homecoming you deserved. it might be 40 years late but welcome home and thank you

                      Sounds like an amazing story waiting to be put down into words. I'd read every word. My uncle was drafted in '68, wish I knew more but he died a few years back and he's a sore spot in the family to ask about. Thanks again brother, hopefully I can get this journal going and you can give me some pointers


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