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Grow bible says lights on 24/7 for all veg

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    Grow bible says lights on 24/7 for all veg

    I was reading the MJ Grow Bible recently, and it recommends keeping lights on 24/7 for veg, whether photos or Autos. It says it promotes faster leaf production. What about 20/4? Kind of a part of both. More than 18/6, bit less than 24/7? Just curious here. I have several Autos in with photos, and photo clones ,and auto seedlings in one room, and the photos go into room 2 for flowering. Would I benefit from Longer lights on time?
    The earth does not belong to us.
    We belong to the earth.

    Auto's and Super auto's in Coast of Maine
    Photos in Coast of Maine
    Nothern lights auto, AK48 auto, OG Kush auto Cookie G3 Super auto's
    PurePowerPlant photo, Sweet Zombie photo, Wonder woman photo
    3 & 5 & 7 & 10 gal 24/7 grow bags
    Recharge, molasses, Botanicare nutrient line
    12(6 in each room) 450 watt Viparspector LED
    (2) 6" Carbon filter and fans
    House of hydro foggers both veg and 12/12 rooms.
    8' x 10' Veg room (18/6)
    9 x 12' Flowering room (12/12 room)

    I personally veg with lights 24/0 because I use cfls so I want as much growth as possible in the lesser time possible. Also I don’t pay electricity so there’s that to consider. I think if you use metal halide 24 hours are unnecessary but with cfls it’s fine


    • Trimmings426
      Trimmings426 commented
      Editing a comment
      I agree with you 9fingerleafs. I run my CFLs 24/0 during my seedling growth and first week or 2 of youngling growth then I flip over to my 600 watt MH and run it on a 18/6 schedule. If I were to run my MH 24/0 not only would my electrin bill be through the roof but I would almost definately have to upgrade to a bigger and better exhaust system for the heat to keep the girls from frying.

    I grow auto&photos at 24/7 until the 5th node- then 20/4 for the remainder for autos and 18/6 for photos until the flip.
    It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

    KISS @ Dry/Cure:

    Staged Harvest:

    Grow Journals:

    #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

    #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


      Well, I grow with LEDs, and DO pay for electric. I'm thinking of doing g the 20/4 . WeedPharma,why do you go down to 18/6 on photos before flipping to 12/12?
      The earth does not belong to us.
      We belong to the earth.

      Auto's and Super auto's in Coast of Maine
      Photos in Coast of Maine
      Nothern lights auto, AK48 auto, OG Kush auto Cookie G3 Super auto's
      PurePowerPlant photo, Sweet Zombie photo, Wonder woman photo
      3 & 5 & 7 & 10 gal 24/7 grow bags
      Recharge, molasses, Botanicare nutrient line
      12(6 in each room) 450 watt Viparspector LED
      (2) 6" Carbon filter and fans
      House of hydro foggers both veg and 12/12 rooms.
      8' x 10' Veg room (18/6)
      9 x 12' Flowering room (12/12 room)


        Never grown with cfl's or flourecents . its always been my understanding that the plants need a dark cycle to "age" . Running 1000wt HID's and these new LED's I'm playing with get plenty of veg and growth with 18/6. More than enough LOL. I suppose running the lower wattage setups though 24/0 or so would be fine


          I also use 24/0 with young plants and low power light sources, such as fluorescents. But then switch to 18/6 for the rest of main vegetation.

          The current review on continous lighting shows that some plants are tolerant but others are not. And even with plants that are tolerant, they may not fully use the extra light they recieve.

          Even though cannabis is apart of the c3 family where a dark cycle is not needed to complete the light independant reactions. This does not mean that plants might not benefit from a dark cycle. In the broad review on continous lighting, those that did not tolerate continous lighting. Presented with symptoms of chlorosis and reduced biomass. This has been suggested to happen because of starch accumulation in leaves, preventing adequate phloem unloading and slowing down photosynthesis as a result. This could be for many reasons. But it would likely be due to the effects from genetic expressions and or also circardian rythems.

          So even though cannabis may be visually tolerant to the extra 25% more light it recieves, it may not fully reflect this with 25% more growth. For reasons previously said. So it is a lot more safer to stick with 18/6 to prevent such conditions occuring, if they do happen. Even though there is the potential for increased growth from longer light cycles, you also increase energy input per biomass produced. So you do not gain any extra efficiency in the ideal scenario. Just a reduced veg time.
          Written Articles:
          Light Metric Systems
          Using Light Efficiently
          The Light Cycle Debate
          Environment Conditions
          Grow Light Technologies
          How To Compare Grow Lights
          To Defoliate Or Not To Defoliate
          Having A Light Source Too Close

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            Well I've run them all. I think mostly it's a cost to benefit argument


              So mj has a “rest” period where it will not produce energy even if the lights are on. If you run lights 24-7 during the entire veg cycle there will be some wasted electricity involved. Each strain will be different in how much of a rest period they require.
              The growth rates of 24 on vs 18 on 6 off are not much different when compared side by side.
              4x4 600w HID empty for summer
              3x3 400w HID with Bruce Banner and Skywalker Kush
              2x2 65w Quantum Board LED with 4 mother strains
              running all simultaneously for a perpetual harvests.


                Greenpassion, It has been covered well from above posts-

                Basically once the plant has 17.5 hrs of light per day, the law of diminshing returns kicks in and it's not effecient.

                Also, I use light to heat the grow tent-
                I veg photo's in the summer months- so not battling the daytime heat, by having lights out during the warmest part of the day.

                I grow auto's the rest of the year and additional light is used for heat!

                Below is some interesting information from 420mag.

                (First number minimum requirement for optimal light)(Second number Maximum requirement for Optimal light)

                (255 - 752 micromoles) on 24 hours daylight schedule. (VEG with 24/0)
                (383 - 1128 micromoles) on 18 hours daylight schedule. (VEG with 18/6)
                (510 - 1504 micromoles) on 12 hours daylight schedule. (Flowering at 12/12)

                In regards to flowering at 12/12.
                We want over 510 micromoles across the entire grow space for the minimum optimal growth
                We want 800-1100 micromoles across the entire grow space for Maximum Optimal growth without added CO2)
                We want 1,000 to 1500 micromoles across the entire grow space with added CO2 supplementation)

                Anything measuring less than what is recommended above will still grow buds, but will not grow at optimal levels, so yield may significantly be affected.
                It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

                KISS @ Dry/Cure:

                Staged Harvest:

                Grow Journals:

                #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

                #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


                • Greenpassion
                  Greenpassion commented
                  Editing a comment
                  So 9. Fingerleafs then it sounds like I don't have anywhere near enough light in either room. Is that right? With all of those 450w viparspectra?

                • cardshooter
                  cardshooter commented
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                  "Sounds" like it according to the info above. Micromoles is another way of measuring your LED's. I've seen it explained but its pretty headie stuff. Mine are 330wt running 810 micromoles max. I'm not using Co2. The jury is out till this grow is done though. With so many lights might make up for your lower micromoles

                • 9fingerleafs
                  9fingerleafs commented
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                  It’s not that simple, imagine the footprint of a single light right below its 600 and 300 to the sides. So if you hang a second light next to it and combine them footprints you get 600 under each light and 600 where the sides of both footprints collide (between the two) and 300 on the edges.
                  So you can imagine with several fixtures any single point get lights from different sources so the overal amount of light adds up quickly. Now this are number at 24 inches of height I think. If you lower the light the footprint gets smaller and those numbers go up

                You can grow some great plants with the viperspectrum 450s. They are actually about 212 watts. Trust me when I say they work great. I have lots of lights of various kinds and they will produce alot of nice bud.


                • Greenpassion
                  Greenpassion commented
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                  I just hope I have enough. And if I didn't what would I do with all those 450s? I'm worried about having to go out and buy like 800 watt viparspectra or something like that. I think six of them about a foot and a half apart covering a 4 by 6 foot area or maybe a little larger than that over 6 plants should be enough. Or at least that was my hope.

                • Redwasp
                  Redwasp commented
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                  Well they work. No need to get rid of them. They work just fine.

                • 9fingerleafs
                  9fingerleafs commented
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                  That will just produce a bigger footprint. Not higher intensity. The distance between diodes is the same. The fixture is bigger so it consumes more electricity

                I sure as hell hope so! I want to be able to grow huge buds like you guys do.
                The earth does not belong to us.
                We belong to the earth.

                Auto's and Super auto's in Coast of Maine
                Photos in Coast of Maine
                Nothern lights auto, AK48 auto, OG Kush auto Cookie G3 Super auto's
                PurePowerPlant photo, Sweet Zombie photo, Wonder woman photo
                3 & 5 & 7 & 10 gal 24/7 grow bags
                Recharge, molasses, Botanicare nutrient line
                12(6 in each room) 450 watt Viparspector LED
                (2) 6" Carbon filter and fans
                House of hydro foggers both veg and 12/12 rooms.
                8' x 10' Veg room (18/6)
                9 x 12' Flowering room (12/12 room)


                  Here are some pics to understand better. They’re HPS but the logic is the same
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	3B8C53CC-17E9-4B39-B1F1-B8F4641B909A.jpeg
Views:	365
Size:	1.17 MB
ID:	270389Click image for larger version

Name:	DADBA645-A001-444C-AAE4-850E143ABB23.jpeg
Views:	367
Size:	1.18 MB
ID:	270390


                    Those pics are very helpful!
                    The earth does not belong to us.
                    We belong to the earth.

                    Auto's and Super auto's in Coast of Maine
                    Photos in Coast of Maine
                    Nothern lights auto, AK48 auto, OG Kush auto Cookie G3 Super auto's
                    PurePowerPlant photo, Sweet Zombie photo, Wonder woman photo
                    3 & 5 & 7 & 10 gal 24/7 grow bags
                    Recharge, molasses, Botanicare nutrient line
                    12(6 in each room) 450 watt Viparspector LED
                    (2) 6" Carbon filter and fans
                    House of hydro foggers both veg and 12/12 rooms.
                    8' x 10' Veg room (18/6)
                    9 x 12' Flowering room (12/12 room)


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