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    I took pictures of most of the plants, the first three are of my beast the stick is measured at 4 feet ,so its almost 4 feet tall and 3x4 across, I keep topping as it needs it , in the 5th picture you can see the stick again ,the plant is alaskin purple ,after I took all these pictures I grabbed my moister meter and started checking the plants when I got to this one ,I see a hole in the ground started cussing out the chip munks for make a den in the GH then I stuck my fingers in it and realized I made the hole with the stick I can be such a dum ass sometimes lol anyways the rest of the pics so different plants ,they all have name tags on the fence behind them
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • Spidermite
      Spidermite commented
      Editing a comment
      Very nice. Looking really good.

    • ocgreen
      ocgreen commented
      Editing a comment
      Looking good. That final pic of overall greenhouse looks so peaceful

    • Colombo
      Colombo commented
      Editing a comment
      ojh, real nice outdoor grow ! The colors are fantastic !! The girls are having a good time in the greenhouse ! Good Growing !!

    breakfast leaves ,with fresh garlic scapes and onion tubes (the leaf ) well its almost 6 so time to get the show on the road lol
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


      The buds really show at night.
      Attached Files


      • ReeferMadnezz
        ReeferMadnezz commented
        Editing a comment
        Oh, so pretty!

      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        thats really cool I'm going to do that when the Green house is full of buds ,thanks for the idea

      • MmmHmmml3
        MmmHmmml3 commented
        Editing a comment
        My schedule is sometimes kind of funny and I end up in the garden at like 11pm. I need to take a photo from 15ft away, you can't even see that thing blended between a whole bunch of delicious plants

      Just some more photos of plants.

      First a few of my auto plants:

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      Then my photo plants.

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      You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


      • Mr.furley
        Mr.furley commented
        Editing a comment
        Nice long colas.

      • ocgreen
        ocgreen commented
        Editing a comment
        Showed my wife these pics last night and told her that learning enough to make a "Spidermite quality canopy is the end goal".

        You're officially a standard of excellence in my household. 😂

      • Spidermite
        Spidermite commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks for the compliments. I just like to grow things so spend alot of time with the plants. So I get lots of practice. Love growing inside, outside, and in greenhouses.

      Hard to decide which strain is doing the best at this point 🤔

      Blue Dream'matic:

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      Or Cream Cookies:

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      Unfortunately my mutant didn't really grow to be much of anything and the remaining 3 got a bit of the root rot and failed to thrive.

      Plunked some more blackberry to replace the Cream Cookiea because I am loving the colours:

      Click image for larger version  Name:	20190710_192527.jpg Views:	1 Size:	1.92 MB ID:	321311

      That tent is doing pretty well by my standards:

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      Not exactly a Spidermite quality canopy by any means but at least I haven't killed them yet. 😂
      Up next:
      [Insert your recommendation here]


      • Spidermite
        Spidermite commented
        Editing a comment
        Everything is looking great. I just got my Blue Dream-amatic from fast buds. Looking forward to starting them next month.

        As far as the strain that didnt grow both me and Retodd had one strain refuse to grow. I'm not going to mention the strain as the company more than made up for it. The company that shipped had apparently miss stored the seeds. The actual breeder of the seeds fixed the issue. It wasnt fast buds though.

      • Spidermite
        Spidermite commented
        Editing a comment
        Oh and I've never grown that BlackBerry but it is absolutely beautiful.

      • ocgreen
        ocgreen commented
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        I have to accept at least partial responsibility for Cream Cookies not thriving. Reservoir temps went higher than they should early on and so on.

        BlackBerry has been a real welcome addition to the garden and more in lime with my current skill level. Overall it's a really fast flowering (8 weeks), durable and beautiful plant. Haven't tried any yet but I seem to enjoy anything crossed with the OG.

      I've been batteling with low ph this whole grow for some reason. I'll have my res dialed in close to 6 and in the morning it's a 5 or lower. Every day I've been adding ph up but I can't seem to get it to stay in optimum range. The only variables that I have changed are I've gotten a larger air pump and I've changed my ph up and down brand. The reason I changed was because I was experiencing this problem with my last brand too. So I don't think it's the solution causing the issue. I gave my dwc system a good cleaning with h2o2 before starting this crop. I try to keep my res Temps as low as I can but they stay around 23 degrees. That hasn't seemed to cause issues before. Roots look good but the leaves are pretty twisty and today I've noticed some leaf mutations. Just wondering if anyone has had problems with ph like this and what the cause may be and how did you correct it. I just flipped to 12/12 last week and they already really smell. Want these girls to finish as strong as possible.


      • SirSmksAlot
        SirSmksAlot commented
        Editing a comment
        So after running the intake line from my air pump to outside air, poof no more ph swings. It's been 3 days and it's holding steady! Plants are already starting to look better.

      • Spidermite
        Spidermite commented
        Editing a comment
        That's great. Glad to hear your issues are over. That was some good diagnosing

      • SirSmksAlot
        SirSmksAlot commented
        Editing a comment
        Yes it was! I'm very happy to have it resolved. Thanks 9fingerleafs for pointing it out. I'm also happy to know that I have high co2 levels in my space. I always kinda suspected it but wasn't sure.

      heres a question for this years outdoor grow I used mostly 10 gallon pots with some 7 mixed in I made super soil following the GWE recipe ,while watering yesterday we noticed some yellowing leaves close to the bottom.hers my question ,does this indicate that the nutrients are getting low and I should start giving them nutes I put them in pots in the GH the beginning of April I think lol
      new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
      current grow


      • SoOrbudgal
        SoOrbudgal commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi OJ I don't have mine in GH anymore do to high temps. Mine are in soil that I've mixed and after being in there for 70+ days I start feeding N teas. I notice during the change from teen to adult stage they get hungry. Mine are avg. 5ft right now bud sites are more pronounced so i'm giving them bat/fish, kelp and molasess tea mix. I've also treated them to Epsom salt for heat stress when I plain water couple tbl spoons per gallon this will not burn plants. Mid growth on my outdoor photos I start to see yellow near bottom large fan leafs. Mine are leaving puberty

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
        Editing a comment
        I have not grown in pots outdoor, but we never worried about fan leaves yellowing and falling off from the bottom, we called it mulch!

      • Spidermite
        Spidermite commented
        Editing a comment
        Outside the ones we have in pots we start light feedings after about 2 months. Ours are in 25 gallon pots though. Outside we either top dress after 2 months or use teas

      1500 ladybugs! Turned them loose 2 days ago, some on an infested wild grape vine, the rest in the garden. Checking on them yesterday, I find many still in my plants and on the wild grape, (I started to take a pic but did not want to offend anyone) what do I see,, stacked ladybugs! Thats why I put them there, so much to eat, they'll make babies!
      I went to several places to try to get these and some praying mantis, gave up and went to see if the grow shop has timers in (110v digital w/battery backup). I tell the gal I have been all over looking for ladybugs and praying mantis, they hardly ever have what I want (but there close), she tells me they got ladybugs in yesterday! A tad under $33 and I am out the door with 1500 live ladybugs!

      And a question, when do all y'all take your clones? The days are growing short, and I want to take some for a fall/winter indoor grow. I have a seed soaking now for one plant and I am thinking I need to get this done by the end of this month before they start to flower.


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        outdoor plant will switch to bloom around the 15th of August ,so you could take them in the beginning of Aug.this might be better for a timeline Aug 1st take clones Aug 10-15 transplant clones toward the end of Aug. then in Sept you can train,flip what ever@Rwise type in Lady bugs on amazon you can get 3000 for around 20, I let 3000 go inside before it got warm enough to do it outside but when I moved everything out to the GH they went with it ,also check out they have everything you could ever want in pest control

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
        Editing a comment
        One of the girls is already showing signs, not one I am taking cuttings from.
        4 Rusty Glue (1 from each plant to make fem seed), 1 Colombian Gold, 1 or 2 Bruce Banner 3s, might have to do a cross between the RG and the BB3s for fun.
        Thats what I thought, got to get it done in the next 30 days!

      • Rwise
        Rwise commented
        Editing a comment
        modded the coning station, put 2 bubble wall tubes in it pushed by a dual air pump. Lots of bubbles now, 7 clones started! If all make it, 1 RG will go to a friend.

      Newest CBD plants in the field. These are all AC/DC. They raised the thc max here to .9% so we were able to start some new strains. This potted plants are Franklin's

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      You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
        Editing a comment
        now thats an outdoor grow wish I could do that ,

      • ReeferMadnezz
        ReeferMadnezz commented
        Editing a comment
        You and I sir, work on a very different scale!

      • ocgreen
        ocgreen commented
        Editing a comment
        Just living the dream 😎

      Due to weather I had to move my awesome outdoor auto inside, but not the grow room. How many days will it be fine without light? This was thursday late afternoon. How many days until I need to consider moving it into the grow room? I have to measure, but it might fit.

      I guess the thing to decide is either a 60 day old auto going 3 or 4 days in a cool dark room or move it in grow room with 3 flowering and risk possibly bringing pest in.

      I can move it outdoors for a few hours at a time if that helps, but it's cloudy out. It probably won't clear up until monday morning.


      • Spidermite
        Spidermite commented
        Editing a comment
        You need to provide at least some light to the plant even if it is just a regular overhead light. With autos though without proper light it will slow its growth and have smaller yields in the end.

        But I would not risk bringing pests in with your inside plants.

      • MmmHmmml3
        MmmHmmml3 commented
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        It was pretty crazy for a couple of days there with the weather, but the plant held up well. Too busy to move any lights back there, but I kept the regular ceiling light on. The smell is so good, can't wait only 2 weeks to go!

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      Don’t know if you guys are still posting Saturday updates or not but here’s my p98 lady at about 3 weeks? Close to it anyways. Took her out from under the t5 and added my blurple 100w but it actually grows plants surprisingly well. Already a noticeable amount of growth in the 2 days it’s been switched. Gonna start full nute strength next water. Oh and it’s in ff happy frog now in a 5 gal.

      happy growing!
      “Pounds of weed. Sour D. That medical for my allergies.” - Juicy J

      Second Grow:

      Sweet Tooth Autos (4)
      192w t5 (veg) 400w HPS (flwr) 24/0hr
      3 Gal Smart Pots
      FoxFarm Trio
      +Open Sesame

      First grow:

      150w hps hydro grow (DIY)

      Current Grow:

      (1) new420guy Black Domina and P98 Bubba Kush
      192w t5
      Rapid Rooter/Jiffy-Pot/5 Gal Smart Pot
      FF BushDoctor Coco-Loco
      FF Nutrient Trio + CaliMagic


      • Juicyj89
        Juicyj89 commented
        Editing a comment
        Hey Spidermite cool and thanks. I forgot to mention that I have 3 ww autos in the making as well.

      • Colombo
        Colombo commented
        Editing a comment
        Super nice plant Juicyj89 ! That is one healthy looking Girl you have there !! "Purple Shade" The color is spot on for its size . Good Growing !!

      • Juicyj89
        Juicyj89 commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks Colombo

      Topped these Blue Dream'matic same day as my last post and tied them down using a DIY contraption. Am I doing this right? 😅

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      1 Blue Dream'matic got topped today. I waited a week longer hoping she would get taller but didn't really happen. Nodes are so close I think I gave too much light early on.

      Grapefruit and Blackberry praying to the Gods these days:

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      Photo doesn't really do the colours any justice.

      Next wave of Cookies Kush off to a decent start:

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      And some more blackberry not far behind:

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      At max allowed capacity now and safe to say I'm addicted to growing. 😜
      Up next:
      [Insert your recommendation here]


      • HappyDaze
        HappyDaze commented
        Editing a comment
        Nesting the Rapid Rooters in baskets from the start seems like a good idea. I put mine in recycled 2" plastic starter baskets last time and the plants didn't seem very happy in them...too damp and not enough air.

      • ocgreen
        ocgreen commented
        Editing a comment
        I like it. I used to have rooter in a Dixie cup or even just inside the tray. But the problem there is when the root starts coming out of rooter it ends up being right against the heat pad which is under tray and/or squished against bottom of cup. This way it has a couple inches to dangle before it would hit ground and by that time I transport to final home.

      Looks good to me.
      You may win the race, but you pass all the best things in life on the way.


        Day 50 - ChemDog - mostly Sativa - 45 inches tall - I left her to grow on her own. She soon grew out of the tent - and is now finally putting on some flowers after that big stretch. All this in a 1 gallon pot. Click image for larger version

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        ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
        Mars Hydro
        Vortex in-line 6" fan


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
          Editing a comment
          One of my favorite strains.

        Latest exile out of the tent at 32 inches 47 days out of the soil - THC Bomb Click image for larger version

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        ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
        Mars Hydro
        Vortex in-line 6" fan


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