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    Hello CatMomma welcome!! Be careful and don't let kitty get too friendly with you new baby, or you'll end up with a weed kitty like I have!! Lol . CFLs will work great .But you haven't told us if you are going to be growing more??? If you are.., I would look into some other lighting options. I started out with cfls and a couple of dollars tree tinfoil turkey roaster pans for reflectors... And a bunch of other redneck engineered ideas for my first plant. Give her some sunlight if you can...


      Pyro1711, hello! Thank you for responding to my post. I have many cats and I can’t let any of those dastardly critters near my plants! A couple of them are dedicated wire-chewers and leaf-nibblers. BTW: thats a great idea to use tinfoil pans as reflectors!! I’m afraid to put the plant outside because it’s getting cold where I live... mid 50s temperature... will that harm the plant? Thank you for your help and encouragement!!!


      • Nartak
        Nartak commented
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        Hey Momma,you're lucky,my tent is in my bedroom so i have to spray around it water with vinegar and teatree oil (makes him sneeze)to get him not to claw his way on the top of my 5x5 ti sit on the breeze (the tent sits on the corner between 2 windows) . I chase after him and he understands but being a 18month old male he's a handful!!Wire chewer,shock draw thief,my x's underwear that i found in his carton box and cotton buds !!He loves cotton buds and twisty tie pieces that are shaped like a ball lol!!

        71-75 should be the lowest you have your plants in and again the fluctuation must only be 10 degrees between lights on and lights off.

      Ahaha!!! Nartak, he sounds like a great cat! Is he a tuxedo cat?


        He's a tabby cat with gold and white belly and white pots!! And he loves belly rubs,constantly cries for them and flips on his side every time my hand touches his belly !!Lmao
        Attached Files
        Tent : 4x4


        2x Viparspectra v300

        BioBizzLight Mix
        Felt Pots 15/25L

        Advanced Nutrients
        Grow , Micro , Bloom , B-52
        Bud Ignitor , Big Bud, Overdrive
        CalMag Xtra

        Completed Journals
        Nartak's 1st Grow - Canna Nutes - HPS 600W


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          That is so cute, Nartak!! I've had a couple of females who loved to get their bellies rubbed, but never a male!!!

        He’s GORGEOUS!! And unusual... most cats don’t like to have their tummies touched.


        • Nartak
          Nartak commented
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          He wont have it any other way,its our morning snooze and our night cuddle thing...He lays beside my pillow and looks out the window while i snooze with his purrs and rub his belly...He loves being touched and he talks back when you talk to him and has a very strong character!Adorable lil fluffball

        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Nartak Sounds like you two have a strong karmic connection, ya know? Each cat (or dog) comes into my life so that we can work on issues together, clean up our karma, and both reincarnate as humans in order to do the most good...

        Awww... he sounds like a real gem! So sweet.


          Our cat Pirate Jack loves his stomach rubbed by me only. He is very trusting of this Bolshevik. He is called Jack because of his one eye patch. He looks very similar to Julian Assange's cat. I share my politics with Julian as well as look alike cats. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0526.JPG
Views:	164
Size:	2.08 MB
ID:	262345


          • starramus
            starramus commented
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            Somebody needs to vacuum that fuckin rug!

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            starramus Yeah, get to work!!!!!!

          What a cutie pie, that pirate eyed Jack! And please, don’t mention cat hair... I have eight cats.🤪


            Hello, again. I haven’t dropped off of the face of the earth, or the toe or the elbow of the earth... I’ve now noticed that the plant I’ve been nurturing seems to have somewhat puny and unimpressive flowers. Is this normal? Will they get bigger? As you may know, I am new to this and I don’t know how old the plant is because I stupidly didn’t think to start a journal. I’ve posted a photo of it when it was a toddler (I think) around the second week in September. It was doing well for a while but now it seems to be not doing too much. Do you have any suggestions?? You’ve all been so kind and helpful! I sort of feel like I’m driving around the side of a mountain at night without my glasses and with the headlights failing.


            • Canuck147
              Canuck147 commented
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              Cannabis plants will only grow as big as the pot allows them - but your pot isn't that small - so it should be bigger. My guess why is - your pot is only half full of soil; not enough nutrients; not enough light.

            CatMomma It looks to me like various things might have contributed to her light color, her underwhelming growth and the small buds you're getting. Perhaps not enough light? Not feeding enough of the right nutes at the right time? As Canuck says, keeping her in a too small pot? You won't get plant growth without vigorous root growth.

            Unless you have someone where you live who will take you on as their pot apprentice (which most of us living in illegal states don't have), you're going to have to read your tail off to learn how to do this right. It seems like a lot of stuff to learn, apply and remember when you first start, but it gets a little easier with each grow.

            Of course, it might have been the burbon that the seed was soaking in...
            Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

            Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
            2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
            Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


              Alltatup, hehe... I’m wondering if you’re right about the bourbon bath that little seed endured!!🤪


                Canuck147, should I put more soil in the flower pot? I have perlite and pearmoss but haven’t used them....


                • Canuck147
                  Canuck147 commented
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                  Good idea

                Oops... haha... I typed “pearmoss” instead of peatmoss! Canuck, should I simply add more (organic) soil or should I also include peatmoss and perlite? They sound like a couple: Peatmoss and Perlite. Don’t mind me... I get very silly.


                • PRIMO
                  PRIMO commented
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                  Mix some soil and perlite to top off your pot. Although your plant would be happier in a 2 or 3 gal. smart pot.

                • Nartak
                  Nartak commented
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                  That was a cute trip in Neverland,they do sound like they hand out don't they haha!! You can just add 50% soil / 20 peat moss / 30 perlite and you will be fine!!

                Okay, thank you so much, Primo!!!! I’ll do that and post a photo of her “re-do.”


                  These are really great grow bags, and relatively cheap.


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