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New round of Aurora Indica from Nirvana :cool:

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    Hey all!

    Sorry for the wait, but you know how holidays are.

    I'll start off with last week when I got home from visiting my family.

    I got home the 27th of December, and waited till the next day to flush her.

    So on the 28th I flushed her with 2.1 gallons (8 liters) of pH-regulated water, before I gave her a doze of feeding water (2 liters of water mixed with 4ml Bloom, 2ml CalMag, 60ml BioWorm and 1 teaspoon of Molasses).

    While flushing her I measured the runoff and it came out at 7-8 pH for some reason, and it didn't really change at all during the flush. So I decided to feed her and let her dry out a little.

    So I waited a few days, and she has gotten worse since then.

    And last night (after a short week) she was dry enough for me to give the flushing another go, since she was looking so bad that I didn't have a choice really.

    So I flushed her with 5 gallons (20 liters) of pH-regulated water, before I have her the feeding water (2-3 liters of water mixed with 5ml Bloom, 4ml CalMag, 50ml BioWorm and 1 teaspoon of Molasses).

    But while I was flushing her I measured the runoff and it still came out at 7-8 pH. Even after the last can the runoff came out at 7-8 pH.

    I don't know what is causing this. It's like someone put soap into my soil, because it's so base? basic?, you know.. high pH value. And nothing I've done this far have helped at all.
    She is still getting worse, and by this point I actually think it's too late.

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    The smaller leaves, inside the "buds" have started to turn yellow some places, and there's almost no more green leaves left on the rest of the plant.
    I've already removed loads of leaves after they turned all white. Not just yellow, but all white and crunchy.

    What should I do? The only thing I can think about is to change the soil, but I have no good way of doing that at this stage. The pot I'm using is quite large, and I can't rinse the soil of in the shower, that would ruin my plumbing. So I would have to remove the roil by hand, on top of some sort of cover to prevent my house to be messed up with soil everywhere. And it's way to cold to take it outside.

    This is making me really angry because she was doing perfect. And then suddenly everything just went to shit. I believe it to be the nutrients at first. That I had been giving her Grow nutrients together with her Bloom nutrients, and maybe messed up the pH a little with to much salt in the soil or something. But this is not caused by that. This is something else entirely.

    I need help her guys. This one is close to the end if I can't turn this around somehow

    - C


    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      Cocho that was not a very high dose of neem oil. My neem oil concentrate recommends 4 tablespoons per gallon. You roughly had 1& 1/3 tablespoons. The instructions say to get rid of springtails use the correct concentration. I would say a tablespoon per liter would do no harm.

      However this might get rid of the buggers and lower your ph as well. "Vinegar is very acidic, so if you spray it on a springtail, it will kill them. You can use the cheapest vinegar to do this to save money. This is not a project to waste you fancy vinegar on. Put it in a spray bottle or if you have a lot of springtails in a tub or toilet, you can just pour it in." Check out this web site. Hopefully this will resolve your issue.

    • Cocho
      Cocho commented
      Editing a comment
      starramus Really? Ok, I'll try and add a higher dose of Neem Oil next time. Thought 1 teaspoon pr liter would be enough. But then again.. I've never used it before.

    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      This is the product I am using.

      I don't know if what you are using is more or less concentrated.
      Last edited by starramus; 01-04-2019, 09:51 PM.

    The blooms are still looking good so I wouldn't totally write off the plant. You just need to keep the rest of the plant going for a few weeks. Did you still see bugs in the runoff? I wouldn't be changing the soil at this stage of the game. Is it possible to put a stopper over your shower drain? Then give it a really good flush. You could bail the water out and into the toilet. Sounds ultra messy, but there are only three dimensions in this universe. That we are aware of anyway.
    Last edited by starramus; 01-03-2019, 08:16 AM.


    • Cocho
      Cocho commented
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      My tap water is about 8-8.5 pH so I can't use it for flushing without regulating it with some pH-down.

      So what I did was place a large bucket on the floor and put a rail from my oven (you know the ones you have inside your oven, which you make pizza etc on?) on top of the bucket. Then I placed the plant on top of that and watered it heavily with pH-regulated water. That way I could measure up quite a bit of water and use it since the runoff would end up in the bucket, and the bucket would contain a lot of water before I had to empty it.

      I did this for about an hour. Ended up with about 20 liters of runoff in my bucket, before I watered with feeding water containing nutrients. So my hope is that this will get better from now on.

      The only thing that makes me doubt it is the fact that my runoff came out at really high pH. Red is really acidic, yellow to green is in the middle, green is on the higher side of the scale (still ok) and green to blue is to high, while blue is really alkaline. And my runoff came out green/blue in color, which translates to 7-8 pH. And the only thing I've done since day 1 is to water her with nutrients, and a little while ago some Neem Oil. And all this time, after the little setback at the beginning, the pH of my runoff has been about 6.5 every single time. And then suddenly out of the blue, the pH rises really high, really fast.

      I don't get it. It might be the bugs causing it, or it might have been the Neem Oil. I don't know. All I know is that this makes no sense. She was growing beautifully, looked green and healthy. And then suddenly yellow and pale, crumbling and looking sickly for no given reason.

    I know you don't have a Lowes in Norway, but maybe you could find something similar to this at a hardware store.


    • Cocho
      Cocho commented
      Editing a comment
      Yes, I can get one of those here too. I'll be getting one later if this last effort do me no good.
      I'm kind of hoping that the problem is solved, and that I only need to give her time and nutrients from now on.
      But I'm still scared of those bugs and what they might be up to, if they're harmful or not.

    • starramus
      starramus commented
      Editing a comment
      Springtails eat roots.
      Last edited by starramus; 01-04-2019, 08:32 PM.

    Are they soil Mites?
    Proving the world just needs more tumble weeds
    A tale of two seeds
    Batter Up Sour Deisel
    Batter up! Amnesia Haze Autoflower
    New Year, New Grow, Jack Herer DWC
    Batter up, Girl Scout Cookies extreme auto (GSCE)


    • Cocho
      Cocho commented
      Editing a comment
      No, not really. I've yet to see any of them on the surface. And they're really small. Tiny. If I didn't look closely on the runoff I would've never noticed them. They're more like tiny white dots floating in the water.

      What I can say though is that they're "long", slender and have several legs.

    Hello again all!

    It's been a while since last time now. Been waiting out the last flush, letting her dry up a bit while I monitor the development.
    She does not look better, she looks way worse than last time. There's almost no green leaves left, and everything has turned yellow or fallen off.
    She's still alive though, but I'm not sure I'll be able to harvest anything from her when harvest comes. Because it sure looks like she'll start draining the buds for nutrients any day now, if she haven't started already.

    But she's still alive, for now.

    So today I decided to feed her for the first time since the flush. So I mixed 1,5 liter (0,4 gallon) of water with 52ml BioWorm, 3ml CalMag, 5ml Bloom, 1 teaspoon Molasses.
    I made sure to pH everything extra carefully before feeding. I also took my time pouring, making sure everything got absorbed into the soil, so that the runoff came from a fully saturated? soil and not just the feeding water rushing through because the soil didn't have time to absorb it all. So after about 10 mins I saw the first sign of run off. I gathered some an measured it. It looks fine. It was in the 6.0 - 7.0 range.

    I also made sure to examine the run off, try and see if I could see any bugs. And if there were any they must have been really tiny. I'm not sure if I want to use Neem Oil more at this point, since it's closing in on harvest and I've heard that Neem Oil tend to taste really bad? I'm not sure here. Does any of you know?

    I also have a theory why problems like these might happen to me. The light I'm using is a 200W CFL bulb, and even though it's a powerful bulb for what it is (a CFL after all) it's till nothing like a 250W HPS.
    A HPS, in my head, would be better at drying up the soil inside a grow space, am I right? And therefor a better choice if damp grow space, moist soil were a problem? So maybe the thing is that the pot I'm using might be too large for this setup? I'm currently using a 15 liter (4 gallon) pot. This is just me trying to figure out what caused the issues this time.

    Last time I had problems with early stage root rot because the soil I was using then (cheap soil) got way to compact and didn't dry up good.

    Still.. I'm not sure. I use the "stick my finger in the soil method", and I never feed if the soil is still moist. And I dig my finger in there good. At least one knuckle down.

    Anyways.. here's some pictures taken after feeding her today.

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    As you can see, she's really light in color. Not looking good at all.

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    There's still some green in there. But mostly newer/smaller growth further down on the plant. I'm not sure what to take from that, maybe some of you have a good answer for me?

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    There's still a few weeks left until harvest. Hopefully this feeding will turn things around a little.

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    Here you can see some redness on the tips of a yellowing leaf. Probably some deficiency, but I'm not sure what is what these days since there's so much going on at once.

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    That is all I've got for now. I really want to say that I truly believe that she's getting better, but I'm not to sure about that. One can only hope that this feeding will give her some new strength.

    At least I can't see any bugs in the run off, and she's still alive.

    All feedback and advice is more than welcome.

    Take care everyone. I'll be back with another update in a few days if everything goes as planned from now on.

    Peace and love!

    - C

    Attached Files



      Hope you're all having a good weekend

      I decided to take some more pictures today. She's "perking" up a little, and kind of looks better even though she's really pale looking.
      Hopefully the nutrients gave her a little boost. Time will show I guess.

      Anyhow.. I inspected the buds today with my loop.
      I have a battery powered 60-100x loop with a LED light at the end, which I use to see if the tricomes have changed color to the desired milky/amber ratio.
      And as of today (12th of January 2019) she has 100% milky tricomes, as far as I can see. I have not inspected every single millimeter of the buds, because I can to touch them with the loop every time I want to inspect them, and everything just gets sooooo sticky. You know "a 4 year olds chocolate covered Legos sticky". Plus, I don't want to poke her to much since the loop also tend to leave tiny marks here and there.
      But I did a respectable search all over, and all I can see is milky.

      So in my mind I want to leave her a few more days (maybe even a week?) before considering harvesting her.

      With that said, here's some pictures. I know they don't represent the total "picture" since I can't really show you the tricomes themselves, but at least you can see how she's looking as of now.

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      So what do you think? Should I leave her for more than a few days (to a week)?
      It's kind of hard to know at this time, since you never know how long they'll take from milky to amber.

      Again, hope you're all having a good weekend.


      - C


        Quick post from me again.

        Not an update, but more of a "hey look at this" type of deal.

        Took this picture today;

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        And as you can see, this cola is turning slightly purple in the edges, which is super awesome if you ask me.

        Some of the buds have a 60% brown hairs on the top, but most of the hairs from there and down are white.
        This one as you can see have about 10%?? brown hairs I would say.

        But it's still looking kind of cool.

        I get a few more brown hairs every day, so I'll keep waiting. Most of the tricomes have turned milky white, but I guess I'll have to wait for some amber ones so that the hairs will have the chance to ripen too.

        What do you guys think?

        Anyways.. hope you're all having a good week. I have the week off, so I'll be drinking beers relaxing while this horrid winter is ruining everything outside.


        - C


        • Locrian99
          Locrian99 commented
          Editing a comment
          You are looking at the trichs on the buds and not the sugar leaves right? Seems like there is an awful lot of white pistils still.

        • Cocho
          Cocho commented
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          I forgot to go in depth on that, but yes. I'm looking at the buds. That is why I've been trying to figure out where we're at.

          The pistils are mostly white, even though most of the tricomes I've seen on her this far are milky white. That being said, some of the buds have a lot more brown and curly pistils than the one on the picture here.

          So I'll keep watching her for now. Looks like there's still a little while left.

        Hello everyone!

        Quick update from me again.

        There has been a lot going on with this one lately, most of it kind of stressful, but she's still alive.
        There's still yellow leaves, but I can also see some fresh green here and there, so she might be fully recovered and just "shedding" the old yellow leaves since they'll never return to their former glory.

        Anyways. I've been monitoring the feeding closely, more so than ever before, to make sure everything turns out like I want it to.
        So I've been double measuring the pH, mixing the nutrients in separate containers, making sure everything goes as planned, and I believe the pH is back to normal.

        Today I gave her some nutrients. Normally one would start starving the plant at this time, but since she's almost out of leaves and I actually don't believe starving this one would do me any favors, I've decided to feed her as long as possible and maybe just give her pure pH-regulated water the very last feeding. I'm not sure yet.

        But today I started with 0.3 liter (0.08 gallon) of pure pH-regulated water. Just to start her of with something fresh. Then I started feeding her the 1.4 liter (0.37 gallon) of pH-regulated water mixed with; 50 ml BioWorm, 2 ml CalMag, 5 ml Bloom and 1 teaspoon Molasses.

        I then made sure she drained off good enough and removed some of the dead leaves here and there. I also tied her a little tighter to spread the "crown" out a little, so that the lower branches and buds would get more light.

        She's not looking to pretty, but like I said.. she's still alive.

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        As you can see, she's still kind of pale looking. But if you look closer, there's some newer greener growth happening here and there. Hopefully this is a good sign

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        So there' still hope for this little girl. She smells good, and it does not look like she's "cannibalizing" her own flowers. So she's still retaining nutrients of some sort.
        I've not seen any more bugs since maybe 4 feedings ago. So I believe that problem is solved. So maybe I'll get to see this one turn in to a pretty little matured plant after all?

        I've also been checking around with a microscope/loop I have acquired just for the purpose of looking on to the tricomes and pistils.
        And I see a lot of milky tricomes here and there. But there's also a lot of white and pointy pistils all over. Some have darkened and curled up, but not enough yet.
        I'm looking for about 60-70% brown and curly pistils. I want the effect to be heavy, but not the type of heavy that just annihilates you and puts you to sleep.
        Anyway, I believe she still have a little way to go before harvest, so I'll keep checking her for time to time the next week, and by next feeding all depending on how she looks, I'll either feed her or give her that final pure water starvation "flushing" before cutting her a week later. Time will show I guess

        So what do you think? Am I out of the woods yet? Do you think she'll do okay?

        Thanks for keeping up with my "blog" here. I really appreciate it!

        Take care!

        Peace and love

        - C


          Your "unattractive " girl will get you plenty high. I see plenty of trichomes. Be sure to keep her going until you have some amber if that is what you are striving for. You are easily out of the woods.


          • Cocho
            Cocho commented
            Editing a comment
            Yeah. She's like a Kvensk hooker (Kvensk = kvääni = Finnish/Norwegian dialect/people), looks a little rough, and can probably kick your ass and rob you, but she's still a woman. Hehe!

            But it's good to know that she will provide ^^

          LOL Sounds like a couple I met in Karlsruhe a long long time ago.


            Hello all!

            Harvest is coming (soon), so I just wanted to post some pictures here to show how things are coming along.

            Right before I came on here I was checking her out with my loop, and I see about 1 in 5 amber trichomes and 4 in 5 milky trichomes, but there's still a few white pistils here and there, and all the amber/brown pistils haven't curled up yet. So I wanted a second opinion on her.

            So here she is;

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            So what do you think? Should I wait or should I cut here this week?

            And remember I don't want the product to place me in eternal sleep after only 2 puffs :P hehe!
            So some white pistils and more milky than amber trichomes are preferred, I guess.
            But I don't want to take her too soon.


            - C


              Im so sorry I've missed this journal! I've been MIA for a bit but actually grew 1 Aurora Indica with the Dark Harvest Grow Challenge strains! If you haven't chopped yet I would definitey take a peek at those trichomes - ambers come hot and heavy once they're ready. Amber is the color of my energy and Im def not afraid of couchlock lol

              I got my AI tested after cure and came in at 15.7% THC - I forget the yield - I'll have to check my Instagram posts - maybe 5 oz - definitely the best looking bud of the Dark Harvest bunch

              Would love to know how harvest went!

              Instagram: @farmerjim420
              What is VPD?

              #1 Nirvana Super Skunk - 49/49 - DWC - 64g (1 plant)
              Completed: #2 Nirvana Lemon OG Haze - RDWC - 460g (3 plants)
              In progress: #3 DARK HARVEST GROW CHALLENGE! (Group Thread)!
              In progress: #3 Dark Harvest Grow Challenge - farmerjim (thread)

              Current Setup:
              • Scrog Tent: HydroFarm Phantom cMH reflector & ballast - Phillips MasterColor 3100/4200k
              • Mainline Tent: HydroFarm Phantom Dual 315 cMH
              • #diyrdwc
              • GH Flora Trio, CalMag, Hydroguard, ArmorSi, Diamond Nectar


                I am not seeing what you are seeing. Maybe it's the photo.
                Under magnification I am not really seeing any amber. You should wait at least for some amber trichs. After all of the give, and take, and frustration you want something with a little bit more of a sedative effect? Really better late than too early. I know you are itching to get some tokes, but WILLPOWER man!
                Last edited by starramus; 02-01-2019, 12:10 AM.


                • starramus
                  starramus commented
                  Editing a comment
                  Have you had a sample puff yet?

                Smoke report???


                  Have we been trolled?

                  Deep in the Norwegian forest, there is an old man, living an orderly and quiet life. Closed off from the rest of the world, he spends his days together with his…


                  • Mr.furley
                    Mr.furley commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I never mind waiting on a lady.

                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Mr.furley LurkingInTheGrass

                    You are gentlemen and scholars and my homies.

                  • RagWeedDWC
                    RagWeedDWC commented
                    Editing a comment
                    "i never mind waiting on a lady"...... Well if truth be spoken, there were a couple of times in the 30 plus years we have been married, that I would of liked to of shown up on time.....
                    Last edited by RagWeedDWC; 03-08-2019, 07:41 PM. Reason: commas.... where the hell....

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