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New round of Aurora Indica from Nirvana :cool:

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    I didn't furnish enough info. My grow is in the barn which I can heat when the temps drop. My initial post on this topic.


      Here's a quick update from me!

      This is not going as well as I hoped. When I woke up yesterday I noticed that she had some discoloration here and there. And it's super strange too.
      It might have gotten too cold that night, since some super cold temperatures suddenly came over the area I live and turn everything to winter in matter of minutes.
      So I moved a heater in to the room the tent is placed, but it might have been to late?

      I moved her to a larger pot (been in the same pot since day one, so I was planning on moving here one of there days anyway) just in case she needed more soil.
      I watered her here on the 24th and again yesterday before I moved here because the soil was so dry it was falling apart when I tried to get the little one out of the small pot. So just to make it stick a little more, I added 1dl of water. I've had plants before turning lighter in the color because of lack of nutrients in the small pot, so I figured it was worth a shot to move here.

      So I filled the large pot with new soil, moved her and nothing else. No more water, just the 1dl I gave her before I started prepping the new pot.

      But she still looks kind of off, and I'm starting to believe that it might have gotten to cold here the other day. Not super cold, but it's possible it went down to 15-18C/59-64F during the night.
      Still.. it should not have been a problem? No cold winds (indoor) and it's always 25-30C/77-86F when the light goes out, and it takes a while for the temperature to drop.

      But I don't know.. she looks kind of off.

      Click image for larger version

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ID:	262512

      You can see the slight yellowing inwards the base of the largest leaves there. Like the whole thing is turning yellow all the way into the veins.

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ID:	262510

      And here you can see the same two leaves pointing slightly down towards the ground. You can also see that one side is clearly shorter and less developed than the other side.

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      Here you can see the yellowing even clearer.

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ID:	262509

      Here you can see that one side is shorter than the other, and that it is curling downwards and getting quite light green.

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      Here's the yellowing again.

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ID:	262511

      And here you can clearly see how the leaves are turning purple.

      Like I said; I've only watered her once on the 24th, and just a tiny bit yesterday (just to keep the soil from falling apart when moving her).

      And I've always pH the water to 6,5, and the only thing I've added to it has been BioWorm (which has NPK value). I've also used to as a foliar spray in the morning a few times (the instructions said the plant would benefit greatly from it in the beginning).

      So I have no idea how to handle this other than just let her be and see what happens.

      Any ideas? This soil were supposed to be easier to work with, and I can't say I've done much besides just letting her do her thing. I gave her a "good" amount of water the 24th (2-3dl/0,8-1 cups of water) because the soil came out of the bag so dry.

      Anyway.. that was my update for today.

      Hope you're all having a good one!


      - C


        Just a quick question..... What is the soil or who is it from? is it pre-treated with nutrients ?

        This yellowing of leaves is a significant problem as I am not a very seasoned cultivator however, I seriously spent months reading all of the major books in preparation for a successful start yet as I look into my deeper lower sections of the hydro , I am faced with similar yellowing on a few and a few spots. Is it nitrogen, phosphorus, heat, leaf burn developing, pH.…? they almost start out LOOKING the same and that makes me ( very anal about this stuff) CRAZY !

        I am reading your follow-ups as I want you to get it sorted out soon. All in all, they still look very nice but you have a feeling things are changing and its great to be proactive on that


        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
          Editing a comment
          Cocho, the cooler weather, could cause the purpleing,
          Are you using cal-mag ?

        • Cocho
          Cocho commented
          Editing a comment
          I'm keeping it more toasty in there now, got the heater on during night time.
          So if she turned purple due to cold temperatures, it should not be a problem anymore.

          I'm not using Cal-mag no. But this soil should be enough in this early stage anyway? It's fertilized with the proper NPK value and should be enough for 3 weeks.
          And I just put her in a larger pot, so there's loads of new soil in there. But I still need Cal-mag?

          The leaves are turning more and more yellow, and by now they've started to form a few tiny orange/brown (rusty?) spots here and there on the leaves.
          This makes absolutely no sense to me. I've regulated the water, making sure the pH was on point, not used any nutes in the water, and I've only watered her 2 times in her life (one time when she was 2 days old, and one more time yesterday just to get her out of the small pot).

        • D.A.A.S.69
          D.A.A.S.69 commented
          Editing a comment
          Cocho, I use good soil to, and tap water, but I still add, 2- 3ml of cal-mag. Every other watering, when I'm using nutrients
          Not positively saying you might need cal-mag, or Epson salt ,but it's not gonna hurt anything.imo, never hurt my plants.

        Bought a bottle of Magne-Cal Plus (CalMag+ additive), just in case (
        Didn't realize how hard it was to get my hands on stuff like that here. I must have went through 4 different websites before I found one who sold it.
        Was originally looking for GHE Organics CalMag, but there's no one selling it here. There's either the ones made for hydroponics or coco grows, or the one I ordered.
        And I can't afford to order from other countries (25% extra taxes just to get it across the boarder, plus extra shipping and 3-4 weeks waiting time for the customs to check it through the central).

        Hopefully this stuff comes in handy later in the grow. Now I just need to keep this one alive to figure out what happened here.

        - C


          Hey all!

          Posting a few new pictures here today.

          She's looking worse, and I don't know what is wrong yet.

          The first pair of leaves have started to really take some damage. There's "rusty" spots in between the yellow at he base of the leaves, and they're getting lighter in color for each day.
          These leaves started to yellow from the base of the leaf, and moving out towards the tip after that. They now have spots.

          And the second pair of leaves have started to get quite yellow as well, and on these the yellowing is starting out at the tip and moving inwards. They've also formed a few "rusty" spots here and there.

          And the leaves are turning in to "hooks", pointing down to the ground.

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ID:	263009

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          This far in the grow I've made sure to pH the water, and I've not used any nutrients since the soil should be enough for 3 weeks.
          I've not watered much, just a few times in total, and never a big amount of water each time either.

          The soil has a pH of 6.0 - 7.0 and a EC of 1.0 - 1.5.

          I'm thinking that maybe the soil is to hot for t he young plant? Or maybe I should water her with a higher pH-value and let the soil figure it out more, and not water her with pH 6.5 because it's making the soil to acidic?

          Does anyone have any ideas?

          I have a bottle of Calmag on the way in the mail, and it should be here tomorrow.

          For me this looks like either;

          magnesium defiency (


          sulfur deficiency (


          manganese deficiency (

          and that this is caused by the soil being to hot?

          What do you guys think? I really have no clue what is causing this and I'm grasping for straws here.

          - C


          • GreenhouseEffect
            GreenhouseEffect commented
            Editing a comment
            Ok, how about the fan situation, do you have one on her? To much breeze on a young plant can cause some freeky leaf issues, and the clawing downwards at the tips, can be a sign of to much wind. If you do have a fan, turn it off for now, they don't want any breeze yet.

          • Cocho
            Cocho commented
            Editing a comment
            I have a fan in there circulating the air around, but I made sure it didn't blow directly at her. But I've turned it off now to see if anything changes. I only had it running to circulate the humidity from the humidifier, and since I moved her to a larger pot, the soil helps keep the humidity at a ok range (40-45%).

            So I'll use the next following days to monitor how she develop.

            I got the CalMag today. Should I start using it together with my BioWorm when I water her from now on? I'm not going to add nutrients for a little while, so I'm wondering if it will be ok to just give her wormcastings and CalMag?

            My tap water comes out at pH 8,0 so I've been adding pH-down regulating it to 6,5. But maybe I should stop at about 7,0? The soil itself is 6,5-7,0, so it should be able to manage it itself for a feeding or two? Just to make sure the soil is not to acidic. Or should I just keep feeding her 6,5?

            - C
            Last edited by Cocho; 11-01-2018, 10:16 AM. Reason: Grammar

          Hello everybody, here's an update for you guys!

          Many of you have probably seen my post about CalMag, and the progress I've had fighting the issues my little girl suddenly experienced?

          After a few days of closely monitoring her, and feeding her CalMag, she's looking much better.

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	264840

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          There's still some Magnesium deficiency ( I believe, but hopefully I will be able to manage that after the next feeding.

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	264838

          I'm not sure what is causing this, but I believe it to be my soil being a little to acidic. So since the last feeding I've been trying to manage it by feeding her with pH 7.0 - 7.2 feeding water, and by that passively regulating the pH-value of the soil to the preferred/approved value.

          But she's still looking a lot better, and she has grown a lot in only a few days. Her color looks better, so I'm not too worried about this anymore.
          I'll still keep monitoring her every day, and feed her CalMag every other feeding or every feeding? The first time I added it to the water, I used 0.5ml in 500ml (2 cups of water).*

          The important thing is that she's doing better. And I'm looking forward to seeing how she develops over the next few weeks.


          - C


          • GreenhouseEffect
            GreenhouseEffect commented
            Editing a comment
            Glad to see she's doing better!

          I think I'd put the nix on that soil for next grow. Sometimes you get what you pay for, and other times you don't even get what you do pay for. We are exploited hobbyists.


          • starramus
            starramus commented
            Editing a comment
            CalMag should be numero uno in your list of essentials.

          • GreenhouseEffect
            GreenhouseEffect commented
            Editing a comment
            Ya, I'd tend to agree. The basses for a good grow with soil, is definitely, good soil!
            One thing you might want to slowly start working on up there, if you can get em, is making a worm box. You can "grow" a shit ton of good organic fertilizer, with basically just your kitchen waste. It's really cheap and easy, and would save you having to order in some of this stuff, since I know it's kinda hard to get good supply's where yer at. Google Uncle Jims Worm farm, he has lots of good info on them, and all you really need, is something like a plastic tote drilled full of holes on all sides. Not sure if you can get composting worms, or have regular ones in nature up there, but they will do a ton of good work for you.

          • Farmall
            Farmall commented
            Editing a comment
            Starramus: “We are exploited hobbyists.” .... oh yea ! Big time. Soon as you look for indoor grow anything....Bam!

          Yo Cocho, I get not wanting to over water,but have you ever soaked the whole pot? Even a small plant can shoot out roots to the edge's of your pot. Are they hitting dry soil? If you have good drainage I'd ph. and add cal-mag to enough water to flush the whole pot to good run off,then give her a few days to see what happens.


            Hey all!

            I took notes from your recommendations here, and decided to water her good with pHed water and CalMag.

            I mixed up 2 liters of water, pHed it to 7.0, and added 50ml Bioworm and 2ml CalMag.

            I watered her in turns until I got a good runoff. Then I measured it and it came out at 6.0

            So I'm a little low, and I believe it is because I never presoaked the soil. So next grow I will presoak the soil. I believe the dry soil has a little to low pH from the get go.

            So I'll keep monitoring her for the next week until she dries up again, and then I'll give her a new round of pHed water (a little less, but enough for a little ruboff to measure), but maybe not CalMag next time?

            So what do you think? Any experience in these kinds of things? I don't want to do anything wrong you know.

            Thanks for all your help!

            - C


            • 9fingerleafs
              9fingerleafs commented
              Editing a comment
              Keep givin her calmag every watering but not too much at a time. I would personally take a spray bottle and fill with to water with a high dose of calmag (5ml/lt) and spray couple times a day

            • starramus
              starramus commented
              Editing a comment
              I use CalMag every watering, and feeding. Seems the plants can't get enough of it. More is better than less IMO.

            • 9fingerleafs
              9fingerleafs commented
              Editing a comment
              And keeps the leaves dark like I like em haha

            In my spare time, I do mother of pearl inlays. Some times I might be working with a piece of furniture that someone spent 4-6 weeks getting ready to have inlaid and then finished.... and with a DUMB MISTAKE, I can come along and ruin it by way too many unknown potential problems or the slip of a miniature routing tool

            OK... What do you want to try next with your plants ? We spend much time and effort getting them to a certain stage and losing them to something stupid really SUCKS! Stay focused and watch out for too many nutes…. Now that's only 2 cents worth


              Hey all!

              How was your weekend? Started on the preparations for the holidays yet?

              I thought an update was in order, to let you know how the little one is doing after I gave her a good pure feeding last week to try and correct the pH values.

              She's looking way better. There's still some discoloration here and there, but only on the older growth, and I can't see any on the new growth, plus she is growing fast.

              This is one of the pictures I've posted already, just for comparison.

              (picture taken 5th of November 2018)

              Click image for larger version

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Size:	3.74 MB
ID:	266896

              I topped her on the 8th of November, and already the next day two new tops were racing towards the light.

              (pictures taken 8th of November 2018)

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	266897

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ID:	266898

              As you can see from the first picture, she didn't come close to the edge of the pot, and only after 3 days she was reaching over the edge.
              Which I take as a good sign (regarding the pH values and all).

              And today she looked like this.

              (pictures taken 12th of November 2018)

              Click image for larger version

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Size:	3.53 MB
ID:	266899

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Size:	3.69 MB
ID:	266902

              Like I said, there's still some discoloration here and there. But only on the really big fan leaves, which are the old ones from the older pictures, projecting Magnesium deficiency.
              So I'm not taking it to hard, but I'll still water her with some good pH'ed water next feeding (about pH 7.1 and CalMag till runoff and take it from there). Last runoff came out at 6.0 if you remember.

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ID:	266901

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ID:	266900

              Over all she's looking good I believe. What do you think? Am I out of the woods?
              The progress have boosted my expectations for this grow, and I'm starting to believe I'll get some prima bud from this one.
              She's fattening up really fast, and I can already see how bushy this pheno is. After the next feeding I'll defoliate some and clear out those big fan leaves.
              I just want to keep them for now, until this pH problem goes away (better to let the large leaves take the hit from deficiency, rather than the new growth).

              Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it!


              - C


              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
                Editing a comment
                She looks awesome!!! And I think you're right not to add more stress right away.

              Time for a new challenge Cocho, she needs a bigger Home, 3 or 5 gal. smart pot would be my suggestion.


              • Cocho
                Cocho commented
                Editing a comment
                I have a 3 gallon pot on standby from last grow.
                I don't believe a larger pot would be smart, or I can't really tell.

                The only restriction for me would be the height of the tent. My tent is only 4 feet 11 inches, and the lamp and carbon filter takes up some of that space.

                And smart pots are not sold here, so I would have to order from another country which would take 4-6 weeks to deliver. But I'll get a few smart pots for my next grow though.

                But how do you think she's looking?

                - C

              Man she’s looking wonderful. You are doin the right thing by letting her cannibalize those big fan leaves while the soil recovers, in a week I’m sure she’ll be darker and you could then defoliate a bit to expose lower growth to light


              • Cocho
                Cocho commented
                Editing a comment
                Thanks man!

                It just felt right to let her recover on her own.
                Been thinking about moving her to a larger pot after a little while. Like PRIMO said, she could use a 3 gallon pot. Right now she's growing in a 2 gallon pot and the tent is 4 feet 11 inches, and the lamp and carbon filter takes up some of that space.

                If any of you have a suggestions, I'll appreciate it!

                - C

              • 9fingerleafs
                9fingerleafs commented
                Editing a comment
                In my opinion there’s no rush. Specially because she’s recovering. But yeah be sure to transplant at least a week before flowering

              Looking lot's better! Your Pot definitely needs re-potting!
              Make sure you flip her in time. Some strains can double in height, once you switch there light cycle, and then of course you have to keep them far enough away from the bulb, so that they don't get light burn. You will want to keep that plant nice and low, as far as training goes. Probably flip kinda early, to.
              Looks like she is nice and short, so far, though!
              Organic Soil,
              with molasses,
              In a Greenhouse with,
              Redneck engineering.


              • Cocho
                Cocho commented
                Editing a comment
                I'll re-pot her next feeding I think. Trying to let her rest a little now, and catch up again after the pH issues

                I believe I'll top her a few more times, defoliate some of the lower tinier growth, and when I switch to flower I'll use my SCROG-net.

                Sounds good?

                - C

              • GreenhouseEffect
                GreenhouseEffect commented
                Editing a comment
                That sounds like a pretty solid plan to me.

              Feeding day!

              She was dry enough for me to give her another good round of water, just to make sure the pH has corrected itself.

              And it has! The runoff came out at 6.7 today, which is A-OK in my book!

              So I'll let her dry up again, then move her over to a larger pot and maybe start easing in with some nutrients, maybe 20% strength depending on how much more she'll be needing together with the tiny bit of new soil I'll be giving her when re-potting.

              I'll also do more topping and finally start defoliating. I didn't want to stress her while the pH was off, but since she has bounced back again I can start doing what I'm supposed to do.

              So the plan for next week will be:

              Re-pot to a 3 gallon pot.
              Add some new soil.
              Top her again.
              Start defoliating.
              Start adding nutrients to the feeding water.

              How does that sound to you guys? The soil were supposed to be enough for 3 weeks, so even with the new soil in the new pot, she'll move over to that stage where they grow a lot.
              So a small dosage of nutrients from then on should be okay?

              I have BioThrive Grow and Bloom, as well as a tub of organic Molasses.

              I believe that will eventually turn in to a good mix when she gets hungry.

              Hope you're all having a good day!


              - C


              • 9fingerleafs
                9fingerleafs commented
                Editing a comment
                That sounds like a great plan. Let a couple of days between transplant and topping/defo. About the nutrients I got no idea. That the thing with soils. You don’t know what’s in it and what needs to be added. It’s always a gamble, you can only react

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