Hello all, lately I've been concerned about the tops of one of my plants and the fact that I've now moved my LED light to the very top of my tent (There's no more height to work with!). The tips of my leaves near the top are slightly yellow/discoloured. So, what should I do? I'm thinking about just tieing the plant so that its going to the top corner of my tent, but then that part of the plant won't be getting much light (if any, as it will actually be above the light itself). Does the bud part of the plant need direct light? Or will the light on the leaves below give the buds what they need. I'd say that the top of the plant to the light is at about 10" (Pictures have been attached). How much more height should I expect before I need to harvest? The fact that one plant is so much higher than the others has kind of thrown the height of the light for the rest of the group.
My light is a 1200w Morsen LED. The strain is an auto flowering NYC Diesel.
In hindsight I should have probably done more super-cropping methods. I never topped these. I didn't want to do a whole lot as this is my first grow.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Also, if you have any other comments or advice related to any other problems you may see in the following pictures - I'm always open to suggestions.
Thank you!
If interested... other posts of mine include:
My light is a 1200w Morsen LED. The strain is an auto flowering NYC Diesel.
In hindsight I should have probably done more super-cropping methods. I never topped these. I didn't want to do a whole lot as this is my first grow.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
If interested... other posts of mine include: