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    Setup looks great - plants are Fabulastic - you're one busy dude, but cannabis plants do that to us. I was going to shut down for the winter, but my wife gave me the idea to upgrade, so i thank her for letting me. When I said about $800 she said okay.
    ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
    Mars Hydro
    Vortex in-line 6" fan


    • D.A.A.S.69
      D.A.A.S.69 commented
      Editing a comment
      Canuck147 you got a great wife, that's for sure.
      HappyHolidays 147

    • Canuck147
      Canuck147 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks H - we're good for each other.

    • PRIMO
      PRIMO commented
      Editing a comment
      You just gotta love em--eh?

    LurkingInTheGrass Mr.furley I am using eye bolts for the first time: the net pots look like Frankenstein's neck...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	mh dec26.JPG
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ID:	279461
    Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

    Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
    2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
    Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


    • Mr.furley
      Mr.furley commented
      Editing a comment
      Cloth pots and coco I use binder clips on the edge with plant ties. Problem is with a smaller plant in a 5 gal smart pot the angle to the edge is 45° to 90° so your setup gives more, Straight down pull for a early start at training. I do use 12 gage wire but they don't really stay put unless they have roots binding the coco around them. I have multiple miscellaneous items like nuts, bolts washers I have used to weigh things down, but they get in the way. Something a little clearer and permanent.
      Soooooooo my brain has been turning for a little bit and I will reveal something soon.
      Forever Fumbling Furley.

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
      Editing a comment
      Mr.furley Fabulous fertile-minded furley, you mean...

    • LurkingInTheGrass
      LurkingInTheGrass commented
      Editing a comment
      +1 for @alltatup
      I like that one better 😁

    aliquid diebus apud hortus

    The Garden
    Click image for larger version

Name:	the gang.jpg
Views:	291
Size:	1.19 MB
ID:	280308
    Left top : LoJ
    Left bottom : NL
    center solo cup : cNL
    center top : cNL2
    center middle : cNL1
    center bottom : cLoJ2
    right top : Thing 2
    right middle : cLoJ1
    right botttom : Thing 1

    been a great few days, family, festivities, trip to the hardware store, trip to garden center/hydro store . way WAY to many people.

    so, I bide my time and slink off to the garden and just r e l a x
    and maybe burn 1 or 2

    smoke em, if you got em - and (virtually) walk through my garden with me

    The Spinsters
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	280309

    there is a height difference, not as big as this picture indicates, just an inch or so

    112 days from seed

    picture: top left

    she is mad at me, I don't blame her
    I took her out of her 5 gallon pot, and put her in a 3.5 gallon pot, downsizing, its happening everywhere
    cleaned out her middle - a very little bit - she needs a defoliation - still quite thick with leaf in the middle, no damp spots, just thick

    106 days from seed

    picture: bottom left

    also not happy with me - another downsizing
    while fitting her upper collar - I noticed a big thin patch (bad training), will fix that once she starts lifting the upper ring

    I downsized both of these girls, to manage the light for the space better
    needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few, etc etc

    25 days from cut
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	280310
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ID:	280311

    just cruising along - I just removed the support I had on her, make sure she can carry her own weight
    putting out new growth
    she takes water (CALiMAGig and Armor Si) every 2-4 days (just let her dry out, and slowly water her in, just until run off, keeping what little goodness there is, in the solo)
    not seeing any roots at the bottom. soon

    25 days from cut
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	280312
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cNL2.down.jpg
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ID:	280313

    teeniest of new growth
    last to put her roots in the nutes

    25 days from cut
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cNL1.jpg
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ID:	280315

    I left those leaves (with the junk) cause they were busy - she has put out a couple of nodes now - I will remove those ugly leaves - once she puts out new fans

    25 days from cut
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cLoJ2.jpg
Views:	311
Size:	987.8 KB
ID:	280316

    she straightened most of the curve out of her spine on her own (just grew through the pain, I guess)
    I have high expectations from this one - not sure why, I get good vibes from her

    Thing 2
    22 days from seed
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ID:	280317
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ID:	280318

    being gentle with her - I think I crimped her right over at one point, during the tieing. giving her a day or two of 'no touching'

    25 days from cut

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	280319

    she was first with roots in the nutes, still doing the best (new growth)

    Thing 1
    28 days from seed
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ID:	280321
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	280320

    she is doing great, despite all the things I have done to her

    I topped her, and missed - ended up with a fim?
    waiting for her to sort that out enough to actually see whats going on and how many tips

    started her at %25 GH schedule Nutes
    a couple of tips showed a burn, so I pulled some nutes out and replace with plain water - been good ever since
    RQS advised 'minimal nutrients' - so will go with %20 on next res change

    expecting a package, any day now, from Amazon - Fan Upgrade (from 4" to 8")
    really need it - daytime temps have started hitting 30-31 (depending on the thermometer I look at

    15 picture limit/post?!?!
    ok then - LOL. will post accordingly

    Attached Files


      Lurking, wow, this is a real epic poem you got going on!! A few comments:

      a. Does the Latin mean, All of that dies in the garden???? Lousy translation, only had one semester of Latin in high school, way back when.

      b. "Too many people": Always a good idea to go lurk in the hortus and get high when too many humans are around.

      c. When you write, The Spinsters, I believe you mean the goddesses? Oh, and by the way, I'm a spinster, but I prefer the term crone, or wise elder woman. If those two goddesses didn't need 5 gals and you downsized them to 3.5, they aren't mad at you: they're snug. Surely you realize how much our plants love us when we care for them with love.

      d. "needs of the many, out weigh the needs of the few, etc etc": While I totally respect your communism, I gotta say, Survival of the fittest in the case of Cannabis. You don't want a bunch of mediocre plants who didn't get enough light or have enough room to reach their max. potential; you want the correct number of plants to thrive and grow you the phattest dankest buds you can get in your environment.

      For example, I'm keeping my eye on my White Widow plant, and I've already decided that if she doesn't flourish more as she grows, I'll remove her so that Jack Herer and Cindy99 have more space; they will get bigger if I have to do that, cuz I'll know long before flower and I'll be able to train them. Sometimes we have to do it to achieve the best harvest.

      As for the rest of it: A+++++++
      Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

      Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
      2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
      Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


      • LurkingInTheGrass
        LurkingInTheGrass commented
        Editing a comment

        some time in the garden
        took me a while, playing with google translate to get me there. Im sure Latin Scholars are rolling in their graves, laughing and pointing at my conjugation. For some weird reason, I could remember hortus=garden (must have been in a book, or something I read, somewhere along the line)
        oooh, dating yourself Atu, Im oldish - but Latin wasn't taught

        humans are why we haven't REALLY seen any Aliens. They want nothing to do with us
        I don't mean Clem out on the mountain "the giant silver ship drove up to me, 2 legged critters got out, asked me if their hankie smelled like chloroform, when I woke up, they were gone and my behind is really sore" type of aliens. Those are equivalent to human drunken rednecks, out for a joyride, flipping turtles* onto their back and tipping cows*
        When the Aliens come, we are ALL going to know

        *no actual animals were hurt in this post

        a spinster is a Wise Elder Woman, of course
        the crass words society uses for women have no power here
        I saw a T-Shirt once (wish I owned it) "I met God, She is black"

        LOL - no communal drive here. Pure LAZINESS. I could raise 4 pots (means finding 4 blocks, lugging them into the garden, moving out the pot, move in the block ...), or lower 4 pots (remove 2 blocks, downsize 2 pots). I chose the path with the least amount of real work.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
        Editing a comment
        LurkingInTheGrass My fears are put to rest. I was momentarily afraid that you had turned into a plant-restricting, older-woman-dissing, fluent-Latin-speaking, Karl-Marx-spouting hooligan,but then I remembered:

        That's not possible. He's Canadian. And everyone knows that Canadians are the nicest people on the planet. What was I thinking???!!!???



      Click image for larger version

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ID:	280515


        Dear Amazon Clause

        I love you

        it (will) fit perfectly


        now, off to figure out how to mount it ... to the googles

        (actually, already did that, have my parts list - just need a trip to the hardware store)


          Amazon Claus is the best! lurking the eBay bunny is coming next?
          Last edited by Mr.furley; 12-31-2018, 03:39 PM.
          Space for Rent.


          I knew it would fit and I LOVE it

          the badly used fan, I made him work his guts out - he did his best, to get the air out - he deserves a well earned rest.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	the old.jpg
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ID:	281433
          For a week or two, then back into the 2x4 - waiting to be put to work

          Introducing - 8" fan, on shelf
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	281434
          Click image for larger version

Name:	8inch fan.jpg
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ID:	281435

          I haven't gotten a proper latch for the grow room door. so, I use a balloon and...

          Fan at lowest power
          Click image for larger version

Name:	lowest.jpg
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ID:	281437

          fan at highest power
          Click image for larger version

Name:	highest.jpg
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ID:	281436

          the 4" could pull the door open, when you unhooked the baloon
          but it never moved the balloon

          I have all the negative pressure I need - LOL

          so happy, almost giddy


          • PRIMO
            PRIMO commented
            Editing a comment
            That's kinda like a "do not disturb sign" on the old frat. room door. Nobody wanted to grab it......... C'mon you were all thinking it.

          • LurkingInTheGrass
            LurkingInTheGrass commented
            Editing a comment
            am now.😁

          • Doubledealing72
            Doubledealing72 commented
            Editing a comment
            That looks great! I love the diy stuff you have to do to get a setup going, or just make life easier for yourself. Great job lurking!

          aliquid diebus apud hortus

          remembered to take pictures BEFORE I manhandled the plants, so they look their bestest

          The Strains:
          Light of JAH - Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds
          75% Sativa / 25% Indica
          flowering: 10 - 12 weeks
          THC: 20-30%
          CBD: --

          Northern Lights - Canuk Seeds
          Mostly Indica (Afghani/Skunk No. 1/Haze)
          flowering: 49 days
          THC: 22%
          CBD: --

          Things (1 and 2)
          Royal Gorilla Automatic - Royal Queen Seeds
          Mostly Indica (Royal Gorilla x Royal Cookies x Ruderalis)
          56-70 days from germination
          THC: 20%
          CBD: --

          The Garden
          Click image for larger version

Name:	garden.jpg
Views:	406
Size:	1.27 MB
ID:	282683
          back Left: NL
          back Right: LoJ
          middle Left: cLoJ2
          middle Center: cNL1
          middle Solo: cNL
          middle right: cNL2
          front Left: Thing 1
          front Center: cLoJ1
          front Right: Thing 2

          115 days from seed
          121 days from seed
          Click image for larger version

Name:	NL- LoJ.jpg
Views:	314
Size:	884.0 KB
ID:	282684
          NL: left
          LoJ: right

          these crazy gals are doing great, bushing right out for me
          I think I was neglecting them a little (fussing over clones and Things)
          so, after a few days of some hands on - they are showing lots of new white root growth and lots of upper growth

          I get to start picking branches for the outside and branches to send back inwards - she has a couple of good solid stems off the main stalk - just can't get a picture of it

          running her branches against the 'scrog' screen, so she could/should be a pretty little scrog

          34 days from cut (clone of LoJ)
          Click image for larger version

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Size:	1.26 MB
ID:	282685Click image for larger version

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Size:	1.21 MB
ID:	282686

          I topped her the other day - screwed it up by going 1 node lower than I meant to. just giving her time and space, so she can make some new leaves

          34 days from cut (clone of NL
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	282688Click image for larger version

Name:	cNL1.jpg
Views:	330
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ID:	282687

          all old (pre clone) growth has been removed
          have the hardware to attach her ring, later this week

          34 days from cut (clone of NL)
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	282689Click image for larger version

Name:	cNL.jpg
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ID:	282690

          she is doing great - will up-pot her in the coming days (lined milk crate, around 5.5 - 6 gallons)
          she is going to be a test. going to grow her in a 50/50 Coco Perlite mix, with Gaia Green Amendments (2x4x5 tent, Meizhi r450)

          34 days from cut (clone of NL)
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	282692Click image for larger version

Name:	cNL2.jpg
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Size:	714.0 KB
ID:	282691

          last clone to get her roots into the nutrients - but she is coming along fine

          Thing 1
          38 days from seed
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Thing
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ID:	282696Click image for larger version

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ID:	282693

          Thing 2
          32 days from seed
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Thing
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ID:	282695Click image for larger version

Name:	Thing 2.jpg
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ID:	282694

          I have treated the Things, like photo's. still no sign of pistils.
          both are growing steadily, I still seeing daily changes
          doing my best to keep everything on a fairly even plane. trying not to touch them everyday - LOL


            almost missed one

            34 days from cut (clone of LoJ)
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	282699Click image for larger version

Name:	cLoJ1.jpg
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Size:	977.0 KB
ID:	282698

            she was the first to put roots in her nutes.


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
              Editing a comment
              Total jungle. Where's my machete?

            Dang Lurking, you have some patience! My gorilla glue auto was 131 days old, and I was going crazy not taking it down (finally did though, as you know!) I can't wait to see how those plants look at harvest time!

            Funny that you are growing Light of Jah. When my buddy first decided to grow and become a millonaire (spoiler alert, did not happen), that was his very first plant. It was some good smoke too!

            All your stuff is coming along great!

            Past Grows


              39 days from cut (clone of NL)

              today, she went from Solo cup
              Click image for larger version  Name:	cNL.jpg Views:	3 Size:	809.0 KB ID:	283639Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_125110.jpg Views:	2 Size:	554.8 KB ID:	283648

              to final pot
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_125412.jpg Views:	2 Size:	1.06 MB ID:	283640

              her final pot is a lined (landscape fabric) milk crate, containing 3 gallons of Coco and 3 Gallons of Perlite
              OMG - I worked with bagged coco (Canna), my previous coco was bricks (same brand) that I had to rehydrate. WOW!! night and day difference between the two products. this was beautiful stuff to mix up and work with.
              (must stop looking around for somewhere to put another pot, must stop looking....)

              Ok, so, she is getting a blend of organic amendments
              she will only get (love), regular watering (pHd water) and amended 1/month (top dressed and watered in)
              (feeding the dirt, not the plant)
              after a couple of grows like this, once I get the hang of it - I am thinking trying molasses
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_164711.jpg Views:	2 Size:	812.3 KB ID:	283641

              she is living in the 2x4x5 tent, under my blurple LED (Meizhi r450 - 197W draw)
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_152308.jpg Views:	2 Size:	899.5 KB ID:	283643
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_152403.jpg Views:	2 Size:	1,011.0 KB ID:	283642
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_152423.jpg Views:	2 Size:	1.55 MB ID:	283644
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_152432.jpg Views:	2 Size:	1.76 MB ID:	283645

              4" Extraction vent, connected to external 200 cfm fan)
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_170731.jpg Views:	1 Size:	1.77 MB ID:	283647

              and 4" passive intake, pipe running along back wall to prevent light leak and allow intake to be diagonally opposite the extraction vent (extraction = top right of tent, intake = bottom left of tent)
              Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20190112_170817.jpg Views:	1 Size:	881.4 KB ID:	283646

              This is my version of somebody else's growing style. I know it works and works well. so, I am going in

              reading over and over and over, how to water a small plant in a large pot

              and, one last picture - the 2x3.5 screen have DIY bug on my back (for this scrog thing anyway) - almost done, I have some alterations I wish to make. haven't done the legs yet, was waiting on drip tray, etc to get a proper final measurement
              Click image for larger version  Name:	scrog.jpg Views:	2 Size:	1.24 MB ID:	283650

              thanks for stopping by

              Click image for larger version  Name:	ganjamon.gif Views:	7 Size:	8.4 KB ID:	283649
              Last edited by LurkingInTheGrass; 01-12-2019, 04:52 PM.


              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
                Editing a comment
                You havin lots of fun!!!!!!!!

              • maner
                maner commented
                Editing a comment
                Whats your scrog's square measurements?

              • LurkingInTheGrass
                LurkingInTheGrass commented
                Editing a comment

                I went with 3" squares (2.5 inches seemed small)

              Just having som fun, I saw u had 999 views and I made it a even thousand 😁


              • Doubledealing72
                Doubledealing72 commented
                Editing a comment
                Your OCD has been satiated lol

              • Sallisawjim
                Sallisawjim commented
                Editing a comment
                Lol. That's awesome. Mcubed476, did u see the weekly newsletter? Your pics are awesome!

              • Doubledealing72
                Doubledealing72 commented
                Editing a comment
                Sallisawjim - yes I did! I was going through the email, saw the plant of the week and thought, "that looks really familiar..."

                Turned out it was familiar, because I grew it lol.

                I was honored to see that my plant made it in the newsletter. I guess I'm doing something right lol.

                Maybe my more recent plant will make it a few weeks down the line lol.

                Have a great day sallisawjim!


              I finally got around to putting up some panda film.
              i have a flower box, mostly finished.
              inside measurements: 5 x almost 4 (must have been medicated, it was supposed to be 4 😁) x 8 (HID about 7.5)
              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20190621_013330.jpg
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ID:	317084Click image for larger version

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ID:	317085

              after all the horrendous treatment they were subjected to, thr girls (LoJ and NL) have been in flower for 17ish days

              the NL got super huge and to make sure I had vertical space, I bound her up tight, her canopy is 2.5 x 5 and handy to 5ish feet tall (well, 3 feet from pot). She is taking 4+ liters of nutes every day.
              My only real regret, is that she is in a 5gallon bucket - she should have a large tote, with a much better access port for me 😁

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20190621_005705.jpg
Views:	316
Size:	1.54 MB
ID:	317081 taken just after lights out
              Click image for larger version

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Size:	1.53 MB
ID:	317082
              Took a good month to get her fully pulled down

              the LoJ is taking 2-3 liters per day, and doing great, she wasnt as huge, so no real binding. She is still a big girl 2 x 3 and is also right around 5 from the ground (3 feet from pot) but manageable compared to her room mate.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20190621_005648.jpg
Views:	278
Size:	1.53 MB
ID:	317083
              Right: Some of NL
              Left: some of LoJ

              Green Thoughts


              • Mr.furley
                Mr.furley commented
                Editing a comment
                Nice Box Lurking.

              • LurkingInTheGrass
                LurkingInTheGrass commented
                Editing a comment
                Mmmm, love me some vague double entendre 😁

              Hello Lurking...I don't think I've ever seen such a large plant growing in a 5 gallon bucket. My EC and pH swing all over the map when my plants get half that big, how in the %$#@ did you pulled that off??

              Space 1: 3ft x 3ft T-Tek tent
              400W HPS Mag Ballast
              GH Floro - DWC
              Current grow - Humboldt Fem Green Crck from seed
              - TGA GSC x Space Dude clones

              Space 2: 6ft x 6ft x 8ft room
              IponicZone 400/600/1000W dimmable HPS E-Ballast
              Supplemented with California Lightworks Solar System 275 with spectrum control
              GH Maxi Series-DWC
              Current grow - Humboldt Fem Blue Dream from seed
              - Humboldt Fem Blue Dream Clones
              - TGA GSC x Space Dude from reg seed in dirt, G.O. Box nutes


              • LurkingInTheGrass
                LurkingInTheGrass commented
                Editing a comment
                I did not plan it -LOL - sheer luck and the plant really wanting to live

                They had a mighty long veg. Couple of months under MH. Another couple of months under HID. Some LST, nothing major
                They were growing with Autos, so I ran the lights at 20/4. Once the autos came down slowly stepped the lights down to 12/12 and started tieing her down

                When she popped from seed, she gave me 2 stems and I kept them both. 1 stem was normal (2 leafs/node) the other stem gave me 3 leafs/node (until I bumped the growth tip)

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