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Are you "illegal" ? How are you protecting yourself to get on GWE?

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    Are you "illegal" ? How are you protecting yourself to get on GWE?

    I've been wondering about this for a while now and it kinda gets to me that I can't talk freely about what im doing and post about it the way i want due to the charges i can face by doing what we people like doing...

    Most of the people here i've seen are in some window-legal or totally legalized weed countries/states and thats amazing coz without you guys most of us would have a tough time finding such information repositories elsewhere and thank you for that...Some of us however,are in countries where stealth is needed in many ways,ISP's sniffing,cookies,lack of https protocol on sites,lack of encryption etc can all lead to messy situations if not handled correctly...

    I am in one of those countries,it is totally illegal to posses,grow,by,use for medical purposes or even have hemp,unless you are a company,hemp growing companies have now started here but personal growing of hemp wil get you 2 years minimum.

    That aside the local detectives are a pain in the arse and will bust a door if they hear shit about someone,so the local "nsa" dept has an eye and an ear out for connections such as mine going to weed forums,ordering seeds or whatever it is that contains illegality...

    I have an encrypted desktop computer and i am using a secure vpn to connect to GWE everytime i wish to do so,i also have my computers "bootloader" encrypted so nothing can actually be used without a password..All the above however will never be enough since we leave stigmas everywhere we go,if no https is present on the End Computer i.e :

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    So i have decided to share a little about what i did and do t get to GWE ,which we cannot be without <3 !

    These are software and OS based actions,unlike using a second/not linked to you email or not stating facts that could boomerang..

    A) Encrypting my C:/ Drive with Veracrypt which is Open Source(Free and open to review of security).
    Any help i can offer with Veracrypt please ask ,it is a once time setup in most cases,i'd be glad to assist.

    B) Using a secure VPN software such as Windscribe and/or CyberGhost .
    There is a way to do it safer than just software but im no pro so... i can however provide you with links to the software that will give you privileges to the connections so again,feel free to msg me about it..

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    • Get an Antivirus
    • Change your Router Admin Password(Not your wifi,your router's interface account password)
    • Clear your browsing history/cookies/search indexes often(No need to wipe,you can selectively do so from every modern browser)

    I believe thats all i have done up until now,besides Firefox Addons i use which are :
    • Ghostery (Tracking Prevention)
    • AdBlock Plus(Advert Filtering)
    • Https Everywhere(Does not work on sites that don't provide certificates)
    • Windscribe(VPN Addon to be used in combination with the program to provide a "double hop"

    It is not paranoia nor over exaggeration,it is takin care of ones arse if i may excuse my language

    Peace people,knock if you have questions,i'll be in
    Tent : 4x4


    2x Viparspectra v300

    BioBizzLight Mix
    Felt Pots 15/25L

    Advanced Nutrients
    Grow , Micro , Bloom , B-52
    Bud Ignitor , Big Bud, Overdrive
    CalMag Xtra

    Completed Journals
    Nartak's 1st Grow - Canna Nutes - HPS 600W

    If I was not in a "legal" state, you would never hear from me on any forum.
    If you are on a computer, making claims in writing, that you are growing marijuana illegally, I don't see any up side to that. If you read the tutorials and follow topics on this forum, you will be successful without any additional knowledge.

    One example from my state, is about some guys who exceeded their limit on ducks, and posted their marvelous hunting skills on a hunting forum. The forum owner was served with a warrant for the ID of the computer that sent the information. The great hunters were subsequently arrested and their own post on a forum got them convicted. It is just not worth it IMO.
    completed 7 grows
    what I have learned so far:
    environment maters more than nutrients
    at least a dab of nutrients in every watering
    effective flushing before harvest is critical to quality


    • Nartak
      Nartak commented
      Editing a comment
      Gotta do what you gotta do,i have no info about who i am on this site nor any connected leaks so therefore im safe,plus no pictures

    WOW.........Sometimes we take a lotta shit for granted -------- USA----USA !


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      Hahahahahaha are you forgetting who your hiding from???? No wonder Americans are the most incarcerated country in the world.

    • PRIMO
      PRIMO commented
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      They gotta catch me first !

    • Nartak
      Nartak commented
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      Naah man im not running,it's a few thousand years to damn late to run just because you are growing a plant,being cautious however is another thing...

    I would think that if anyone was perusing the forums looking for people to bust, we have lost sight of everything. There are gazilions more offensive, illegal, downright wrong stuff going on the internet, this has to be pretty low on the general radar. ymmv


    • Flockshot
      Flockshot commented
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      It is not about finding the worst criminals, it is about getting the most arrests and convictions to make your numbers look good. That is how "budgets" are built.

    • Nartak
      Nartak commented
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      ^ exactly

    • prairie boy
      prairie boy commented
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      and with more and more jails being privately owned its more about money than anything



    • Weedgrodamus
      Weedgrodamus commented
      Editing a comment
      This guy has great content, I never heard of him before, thanks.



    • Nartak
      Nartak commented
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      Not where im from man..

    I of the opinion that if thay want you than thay can get you. Just keep it on the downlow hope it becomes liget soon. Peace


    • Nartak
      Nartak commented
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      They wont put the time and money into something like me but on a large scale of picking up searches and loose ends from no secure connection sites they can get to you..Now,it will take months before they decrypt my hard drive and get access to my browser files which are stored on a 2nd encrypted drive which requiers you to be booted in the OS (password protected disc n loader)

    2 plants in a basement vs 2 kilos of real drugs. We are small potatoes in the "war on drugs"


    • Nartak
      Nartak commented
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      not really,the war on drugs is a frontline for getting the productive generation of the country in cells so they aren't accounted for as unemployed ,at least here thats the army and prison use...

    • South Sierra Dude
      South Sierra Dude commented
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      We're the type they put away for life. The big time guys get 5 to10, flip then come back for more. we'd get 25 plus out the door.

    The spying by governments for drug offenses is real. China has a whole agency doing that and a special jail for it, (any) drug offense lands you there. A forum member stopped posting in the middle of his journal, kinda concerned really. If I was still in my ("developed" European homeland I'd never post anything here. But I'm in Oregon where it's fully legal. I feel very lucky and wanna try to help out those out there in difficult situations. The forums are a great way to put all the tutorials together and to practice.
    Nartak it's awesome what you offer. Just awesome! I hope it helps some people out there, thanks so much on behalf of those who can't say it themselves.
    x1 LED Cirrus T5 500w, x3 Sun System LEC315, x1 Nanolux LEC315, Saturn 5 controller, x4 6" can vents, 8800 btu A/C, 70 pint dehumidifier


      Scent of Marijuana Alone Not Enough for Search Warrant, Appeals Court Rules
      The state Court of Appeals has ruled that the scent of marijuana alone can no longer be used as probable cause for a search warrant in Arizona because...


        Good thing as I live in Arizona and I have a medical Cannabis card huh?


          I don't think you can grow in AZ. with a card unless you live more than 30 miles,as the crow flies, from a dispensary.


            THE no grow law in Arizona is 25 miles as the crow fly's from nearest dispensary to be exact. The point is the state tossed out a conviction as the guy they busted had a state issued Arizona medical card. This means that even if it is illegal to grow the case would be tossed if the grower had a card and the smell was the ONLY reason to search given and or used. I guess the card does offer some protection (BUT IT IS EXPENCIVE AT $300.00 A YEAR JUST FOR A CARD). You can not get a search warrant based only on smell in Arizona ALONE, IF there is a card holding Cannabis user at the grow location then the search would be invalid and charges will be dropped. Your grow on the other hand lights fans ducting and PLANTS will be at Police headquarters in the evidence room (by the time you get your stuff back we will be colonizing Mars.) The retailer built a operating $200.00- $340. a ounce second shelf quality weed "Non profit" dispensary here in Arizona 23.4 miles from everyone and they did it for "our convenience" yea right.!. (ever played Monopoly?).
            Last edited by dontknownuttin; 12-08-2016, 12:37 PM.


              Im in the EU so im not all that worried about profiling and info farming im just worried about pictures mostly and the info they carry,however all the above are not meant to be used only to access canabis forums but to use the internet safer and with less information leaks...
              Tent : 4x4


              2x Viparspectra v300

              BioBizzLight Mix
              Felt Pots 15/25L

              Advanced Nutrients
              Grow , Micro , Bloom , B-52
              Bud Ignitor , Big Bud, Overdrive
              CalMag Xtra

              Completed Journals
              Nartak's 1st Grow - Canna Nutes - HPS 600W


                Based on alarmist statements from the county sheriff that even the possession of “nonmedical marijuana” leads to “a variety of threats,” the Board on Tuesday declared “the possession, planting, cultivation, harvesting, drying, or processing of nonmedical marijuana outdoors on the grounds of a private residence, and the establishment or operation of businesses engaged in commercial marijuana activity” as “a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare of the residents of and visitors to Fresno County.”


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