Before I joined this site I checked some of the other weed sites out. Now I noticed great info out there but a lot of rudeness. Blokes who wouldn`t have the balls to speak in person to another like that without getting seriously decked treated each other like shite. Also, it made the pages feel unwelcoming and that someone was just waiting to get a dig in. I may have just hit those pages randomly, don`t know. What I do know though is that a lot of people who take weed not only do it for physical pain relief, getting blasted, etc but also to help manage some long term mental health issues without resorting to harsh chemical medicines or do it in combinations. To do this, they grow and they ask questions. Loads and loads and loads of questions. I`m always asking questions.
To a person with a mental health issue, the slightest dig or spiteful comment can really have negative implications on them for hrs/ days afterwards.
Any of you know me will know I make no bones about having mental health issues, here. Especially as a bloke I feel it`s important to say it so that other blokes see it`s cool to acknowledge it. So I came back home today, went on site and nattered to a few of my mates here. Just passing chit chat style of things, you know? Nought heavy. Others may even read it in passing. But it had been a tough day. Now, it ain`t. It`s okay.
What I`m saying is this site is really remarkably friendly. I don`t know if Nebula is going around kneeing all the bad folk in the nuts to get them to behave but whatever it is, this is the most non-judgemental site-Weed wise-I`ve come across.
It makes it a safer and nicer experience for those whose days can be hard and can often, as with me, really lift your spirits. Sometimes it`s the only contact I choose to make in a day, sometimes longer.
This is a good community and an excellent one for those who need that friendlier environment.
So for all you non twats out there I just would like to say thanks for making this a nice site. It needed saying as we often only address the more direct growing problems without realising the help we give innocently to others in other ways
To a person with a mental health issue, the slightest dig or spiteful comment can really have negative implications on them for hrs/ days afterwards.
Any of you know me will know I make no bones about having mental health issues, here. Especially as a bloke I feel it`s important to say it so that other blokes see it`s cool to acknowledge it. So I came back home today, went on site and nattered to a few of my mates here. Just passing chit chat style of things, you know? Nought heavy. Others may even read it in passing. But it had been a tough day. Now, it ain`t. It`s okay.
What I`m saying is this site is really remarkably friendly. I don`t know if Nebula is going around kneeing all the bad folk in the nuts to get them to behave but whatever it is, this is the most non-judgemental site-Weed wise-I`ve come across.
It makes it a safer and nicer experience for those whose days can be hard and can often, as with me, really lift your spirits. Sometimes it`s the only contact I choose to make in a day, sometimes longer.
This is a good community and an excellent one for those who need that friendlier environment.
So for all you non twats out there I just would like to say thanks for making this a nice site. It needed saying as we often only address the more direct growing problems without realising the help we give innocently to others in other ways
