Greetings all
D.A.A.S.69 and myself have decided to both grow a Red Diesel. His will be from seed, mine from a cutting. We both grow in different ways and decided to do a friendly grow for grow comparison. Winner is he who produces the biggest yield, dry. Since we are both clocking the other`s grow style, no-one losses. Well, that`s the theory, anyway
Pic 1 starts this off from my side with 3 cuttings from a Mother. I`ve decided to cultivate the roots in water before going into soil as I haven`t tried it as yet so bit of an experiment. I will choose the best of the 3 in a couple of weeks pending whether root growth is good and the cutting is suitable for training towards manifolding. This should be fun
D.A.A.S.69 and myself have decided to both grow a Red Diesel. His will be from seed, mine from a cutting. We both grow in different ways and decided to do a friendly grow for grow comparison. Winner is he who produces the biggest yield, dry. Since we are both clocking the other`s grow style, no-one losses. Well, that`s the theory, anyway
