I am doing my first hydrogrow and everything has been going really well, especially for being the first grow.
Right now I am in the middle of week 5 flower.
Two tents, 150×150
Mars pro II cree 256 light
360 L Rdwc with 22 5 Gal buckets.
Gold label A
Gold label B
Ultra PK
Ultra MG
Ultra NK
And ofc some good old PH down.
Gold Label Hydrocorn
Green house seeds White Widow Feminized
I am growing in two separate tents but the RDWC flows thru them both.
I haven't used any techniques during veg and first 3 weeks of flower. ( I have learned what to do to prepare for better yields in my next grow(witch already are in week Three veg, I'll leave that out for now)
In Tent 1. I just have an soft supportnet to prevent the plants from spreading out to much
In Tent 2. I am using an SCRoG net. here everything is going really well. No problems what I can see.
In the second tent however i have some issues I hope to get some feedback on.
Issue 1.
I have posted a thread regarding this issue earlier but I'm not sure what to do, the plants differs much in height(If I even need to do anything?)
Issue 2.
FIRST STAINS !? So thru out the whole grow I haven't had any stains/nute/ph burns. I just found them on two of my plants, so I hope I can prevent the others from getting I'll.
Plant 1. The stains are mainly on the top leaves, the stains look like cupper.
Plant 2.
The stains are only on the lower leaves and look something like dried saltwater-stains. I also perceive these leaves as soft and "lifeloosing"
The weird thing is that I am growing all of them In the same hydroculture.
My PH was at 6.5
Watertemprature 22°
EC between 2000-2900 ( I believe my EC meter needs calibration, I have two and one of them showed 2000 and the other 2900)
So my first guess was to much nutrients.
The action I have taked today:
I poured out 50 l from the RDWC and replaced it with 50 l tap water to lower nutrient level.
I also ph:d down to 5.8-6.
For all of you who had the patience to read thru all this I'll soon reward you with some budporn.

As I wrote in the beginning it's going well and I can see buds forming everywhere, i also saw my first trichomes today. It was like the first time I saw porn, amazing, interesting, scary and beautiful at the same time. 😅
To be short:
Do I need to do anything about the height difference(I can see difference in the development of the the buds) ?
What are the cupperstains ?
What are the salty stains ?
Last question, I found a branch that broke a few days ago.
When I found it I taped it and gave it support. Will this heal or should I cut it of ?
[Edit 1.] The order of the pictures dont correspond with the red thread in my thread. Hope you'll be fine anyways.