Below are 4 pics. Both are Red Diesels and the first pic`s lass is just 12 days younger than pic`s 2-4. Both have had same diet, watering, etc, etc. The only difference that I believe the ill lass to have been closer to the input vent which blows in from above and his angled towards the ceiling to give a downward defused air flow. Now, I`v got 5 girls like the ill one but the rest of my girls are fine. Don`t think it`s any of the nute probs like burn, nit deficiency, etc and it`s not heat (25-28C lights on) or light burn (Really on top of those). Leaves are starting to either go partially green again as well or that could just be me. What I`m thinking is that 6 odd weeks ago it went very cold and at night I reckon temps really fell, even indoors. Could this be the effects of night-time cold airflow? They are both fed on organic compost tea with or not, organic nutes added which means you cant Ph the soil or so I`ve read. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
Weird, was singing Highway To Hell as I wrote this (Playing on YouTube)...rather apt.
