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Dry herd vape

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    Dry herd vape

    My wife has fibro, has been wanting to try marijuana for it but hates smoke so I got her a G Pen today. Does vaping release all the compounds like smoking? She doesn't seem to be getting anything from it, she has smoked weed so she knows what it is to be high.

    Dry HERB lol


      I got a cloud vape, not a pen but portable. I coughed more from it than when I smoke. so I I think you should make some edibles. they take longer to kick in butlast longer. I made brownies, an after they kick in I don't smoke agin for 3 or 4 hours.


        Hi Joker,

        Here is a quick breakdown of the different temperatures and effects from vaporizing cannabis:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	volcano-vapourizer-temperature-chart_-4-22_thumb.jpg
Views:	367
Size:	294.7 KB
ID:	19957

        To avoid harmful components you want to stay below 401 oF.

        One thing to be aware of is that the temperature capability of your device is only a basic guide as you don't necessarily know if the devices temperature control is accurate. Nor can you guarantee that the temperature is stable, for example the oven or heater may be at one temperature but as soon as you begin to draw you introduce cooler air into the oven causing the temperature to fluctuate.

        A general rule is to stay below 400 oF.

        You will need to experiment a little bit with your vape and material to gauge the different effects yourself.

        Although vapor is not nearly as thick and obnoxious as smoke it can still cause your throat and lungs irritation, so it is definitely worth considering 'Jibblerjoe's' recommendation of trying edibles.

        I'd suggest you investigate canna-caps which are capsules filled with oil infused with cannabis. This thread talks about making cannabutter, we can take that thread further for discussing infusing with coconut oil and filling capsules.


          As the chart above shows it's all about the temps. I vape at 365f, but that came for trial and error-
          @MoreNurgzPlz , Thanks for the chart!
          It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

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            My pleasure 'Weed Pharma', hope it helps.

            It's a great chart, when I want to get a good night's sleep I vape my daytime weed at the lower temps (below 350oF) to remove some of the THC and collect the AVB for re-vaping in the evening time.

            This means the AVB I rehit in the evening has had a fair amount of the THC removed and I'm mostly hitting the reaming CBD/CBN at around 370oF creating a more sedative effect.


              great chart and info MoreNurgz. Thanks for sharing.


                I vape but when it comes to weed I dab. So much smoother than the best vape.


                  Recently heard in a Green Flower class that to get the full benefits of vaping (beyond just choosing a good temp) is to give it 3-4 pulls so that all over the goodies in the cannabis have had enough time heated to be effective. I tried this yesterday with my vape (set at 352) and I definitely noticed the high was more powerful. Good luck on finding a solution. I also prefer to make tinctures from my weed and dose that way! 😊🌿
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                  • Chemichael
                    Chemichael commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Love to talk more on that. I love smoking. I'm not a big vape. Maybe because i never dialed it in. That said I'm liking the tinctures a lot. So hard to tell full effect for me wiTh the day smoke but right now regardless 1/2 my face feels like it's off. Lol

                  • rockman
                    rockman commented
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                    Yeah Chemichael, tinctures are a super delivery method, especially if you know how much to dose!😊 So easy to make them from homegrown, they store really well, and are discreet if that is an issue!
                    Last edited by rockman; 11-26-2016, 08:06 PM.

                  Ah yes 'rockman' this is true and a great tip.

                  For convection vapes (vapes that heat air which is then drawn over the material) the material doesn't start heating up until the air is drawn over it. So many vapers using convection vapes will do a primer pull to get some of the hot air into the material and extracting the goods. Because you are drawing air through the material it is best not to pack the bowl too tightly or tamp the material down.

                  This technique is not required for conduction vapes (vapes that act like an oven and heat the material by conduction) as the material is in direct contact with the heater. With conduction vapes you want to pack the bowl with a finer grind and fairly tightly. Not so tight that you can't draw from it but the material should be tamped down and a little compressed.


                    Originally posted by Joker View Post
                    My wife has fibro, has been wanting to try marijuana for it but hates smoke so I got her a G Pen today. Does vaping release all the compounds like smoking? She doesn't seem to be getting anything from it, she has smoked weed so she knows what it is to be high.
                    My wife has fibro too. She's had it for over 10 years now. She enjoys smoking to manage her pain and help her sleep. She's sensitive to anxiety and paranoia. She prefers indica dominant hybrids for her pain relief and goes heavy couchlock indica for sleeping. We've just started dabbling in edibles and results are good so far. We plan on making tincture real soon to experiment.

                    We feel vaping is safer than traditional methods, so we bought an Arizer Extreme Q recently. Several members here have them and love them, we do too. It's $125 on ebay. Lots of glass, so beware. Replacement parts are cheap too.

                    Good luck to you and your wife

                    Thanks Nurgz for the chart. You are a bastion of information. Thanks for doing what you do.


                      Thanks Royal nugs


                        Thanks Royal Nugs, glad that I'm able to help out. It is amazing that with a little knowledge it is possible to really hone in on the effect one wants. This plant is truly a gift and now that the States are opening up on the prohibition we are starting to discover all manner of new ways in which the green bud can help people live their lives pain free.

                        Stay happy and stay healthy people.


                          A gift indeed. Much admiration of the plant, its medicinal value, and the people that covet this wonderful plant.

                          My wife is making a salve as I type this! Happy Growing!


                            I'm really interested in a salve, I suffer from chronic eczema and have been tempted to do something similar. I've found sativas when smoked/vaped make me itchy, like a dog with fleas itchy. But indicas don't seem to and certainly help with the pain of open sores and wounds. The only issue I have with indicas is they make me hunger for all the food types I'm not supposed to eat (basically everything). So I was going to have a play with a salve based on my next GDP harvest.

                            Definitely let us know how it goes, it would be great to get off the steroid ointments, although I'm not looking forward to the Topical Steroid Withdrawal symptoms, last time that nearly did me in.


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