Hi all, the title says it all.
I'm looking for the STRONGEST Indica strain you've ever grown/tasted, mainly looking to put me to sleep, it can't be "too much".
Please chime in even if you've only grown a few strains... I plan on taking everyone's opinion and if one strain in particular keep coming back, then I'll surely give it a try.
Perhaps this post has already been done, but as time goes on we discover new strains.
So far I've noted down the Skywalker OG (thanks Campesino ). Black Domina also (can't remember who told me about it, probably oldjarhead100 ).
I've looked at the Seedmans advanced research tool (Thanks alltatup) , and... It didn't help me much. To be honest I don't trust websites that much, I'd rather go with personal opinion. If you could give some details as to why you think this strain was the strongest against insomnia, it would help considerably making my choice.
Looking forward to read your replies!
I'm looking for the STRONGEST Indica strain you've ever grown/tasted, mainly looking to put me to sleep, it can't be "too much".
Please chime in even if you've only grown a few strains... I plan on taking everyone's opinion and if one strain in particular keep coming back, then I'll surely give it a try.
Perhaps this post has already been done, but as time goes on we discover new strains.
So far I've noted down the Skywalker OG (thanks Campesino ). Black Domina also (can't remember who told me about it, probably oldjarhead100 ).
I've looked at the Seedmans advanced research tool (Thanks alltatup) , and... It didn't help me much. To be honest I don't trust websites that much, I'd rather go with personal opinion. If you could give some details as to why you think this strain was the strongest against insomnia, it would help considerably making my choice.

Looking forward to read your replies!
