First off let me just say that this web site is Hands Down the best there is. Everything you need can be found here, no BS, no Junk, no hype. Thank You for all the time and effort, it really is a fantastic site.
I have always been from way back in the 60's a dirt outside pot grower, I'm ancient, old as dirt. I have a tattoo that is 45 years old.
I was inspired 4 years ago, by this website and the 600w hydro grow guide. This is my fourth grow cycle in my new tent and in-door hydroponic growing system. This has been the MOST fun i have ever had growing and has been a fantastic experience for me. I have also learned a ton, made many mistakes, and improve my growing on every run. This brings me to my question and latest tragedy. I am growing White Widow Extreme, and the plants are at full term right now, fully budding and i am watching my trichomes for just the right time to harvest. I had two problems late in the grow run, one was a slight light burn, and the other was some root rot in my solution. My buds look ok considering the two screw ups but the trichomes dont seem to be turning any more white, like they should be. So my question is:
Short of the plants dying, Do trichomes always continue to go through there life cycle? or can they be slowed? or stoped? by a compromised plant? or an injured plant?
The buds do not seem to me to be growing, thickening, or changing in any way, like they are frozen in time. Is it time to give up and harvest or will the trichiomes eventually turn all milky? (about 50% clear 50% white right now)
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
My system is a:
4x4 tent.
600w MH/HPS bulbs
2 60W Supplemental Led spectrum lights
GH Eco Grower 14 gallon deep water culture hydro system
GH Flora Series Nut. System, with all recommended life cycle supplements
440 cfm fan, w/ light cooling hood and ducting
Growing White Widow Extreme from seed, from a very reputable seed bank
Have used the same system for 3 previous runs with great success. High Yields and High Quality.
Thank You