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Help! PH too low, can't fix!

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    COCO COIR Help! PH too low, can't fix!

    Hi my name is Ann, I am new to growing autoflowers in Cocoa and I bought a new feeding system called Advanced Nutrients Ph Sensi Grow Coco Part a B Soil Amendments 1 L

    Advanced Nutrients Ph Sensi Bloom Coco Part a B Soil.

    I also I've been having problems with pH levels and wanted to cut that stuff out completely because of all the frustration. My tap water comes out at a pH reading of 7 and when I mix 1/4 strengths part A and Part B of this feeding system Plus quarter teaspoon of Cal Mag right off the top the pH is around 5 from what I've learned is too low for Auto grow right off the bat, and the runoff is off the chart 4 or more. I got scared and flushed it with regular tap water with a pH of 7 probably like 5 times until the very last of the runoff wasn't quite so acidic still bad but better than what it was. Second feeding after the flesh dried somewhat exactly the same thing happened so I flushed it and flushed it again, and now come feeding time I don't know what to do. I'm thinking just watering with my tap water each time until the pH correct itself. If anyone has any suggestions, they would be more than welcome. PS I contacted the company that sells this feeding system and ask them if there is some kind of trick to this no pH system and if not I'd like my money back! I was feeding the three step system of the Flora grow and just couldn't seem to get the pH right going in and coming out, so that's why I tried this new system. It's very expensive, there is the grow two-part system and the floral two-part system a total of 4 bottles cost me $65. What a joke! Hopefully the joke isn't on me. Please help with some suggestions before my auto babies croak

    Hello arg, , all you need is some ph up and ph down, to adjust your water where it needs to be ,
    Cfls for a week or two
    315lec for everything else
    Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
    36x36x63 inch tent.
    6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
    Smart pots


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      I agree. You just need to add ph up after mixing the nutes. The reason why you can’t seem to lower the ph is because the water you are flushing with doesn’t have enough negative ions (or basic ppm) to counteract the high concentration of positive ions (acidic ppm) of your nutrient solution. Did that made sense ? The same reason why one drop of ph Dow or up changes the ph of RO water very aggressively and the same drop in a nutrient solution may not even change it a bit

    For advanced nutrients pH system to work correctly they need to be mixed with r/o water not tap.

    All r/o is 7.0 pH neutral. Once r/o is exposed to air it drops to 5.5 pH. The advanced nutrients mixed correctly with r/o should pH at 5.7 or 5.8 every time. If you switch to r/o and use the nutrients exactly you will never have issues. Nor have to adjust pH again.
    ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


    • arg412005
      arg412005 commented
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      Thanks a lot for helping me understand the r/o. I went out and got a purifier to put on my faucet (pur is brand) and tested just the ro water and it went UP to 8 plus when it was 7 w/o purifier. Then I put half tsp per gallon, part A & B,Cal Meg plus,and Hydro Guard for roots and ph came out way too low at 4.
      SO I think I'd be better off with my other 3 part system(pink,purple& green) rather than this expensive advanced nutrients ph system if I have to monkey around with ph anyway, to me it kind of defeats the purpose!
      On my big plants(LSD) I had a perfect system going on my 3 part system until they started turning yellow, so going by the pics and info on this site,(and I did a lot of obsessing) it basically said that all the symptoms start with ph.
      And then I started with autos(not by choice, I have a limited time before my tent has to come down to put house on market) and all hell broke loose with the ph on autos, witch is where the advanced nute ph system came in.
      What else can I do? I refuse to keep using this product and still having to ph! I have shipping labels ready to send them back.
      Thanks so much for taking time to help me!

    The potassium in pH up and/or Protekt is very beneficial anytime the plant is growing.

    You are looking for the Ph to drift and not worry so much about exact numbers.

    pH ranges:
    • Seedlings, Early Sprouts – 5.5
    • Vegetation Stage – 5.8
    • Pre-Flower (stretch)- 5.9
    • Blooming Stage – 6.0 to 6.2
    • last weeks Bloom/Ripening 6.3 to 6.4
    I generally accomplish this but making everything going in a pH of 6.0.

    Also, the order you mix could effect it- ad the Cal/Mag first then A &B.

    Do you know the pH of the coco before you do anything to it? was is flushed to pH adjust-first?

    It's all bullshit - until you smoke it!

    KISS @ Dry/Cure:

    Staged Harvest:

    Grow Journals:

    #3, Window Sill Grow - auto:

    #4, KISS grow- Girl Scout Cookies- auto:


      I bought a r/o system for my home because I was dealing with p/h issues as well.

      All pH perfects systems work the same. 3 part or 2 parts.
      ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


        Thank you everyone for your replies, most appreciated. I did not pH the Coco to begin with but I am under the impression it has a pH level of 5.4 to 5.5 right out of the bag.
        what is r o water? I I am under the impression that my well water at 7.0 is okay. I liked the video of this two-part feeding system with the perfect pH and if it's that simple I need the RO water!


        • UrbZ
          UrbZ commented
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          R/O is reverse osmosis water its really well filtered through a permeable membrane. You can buy a filter for your home or you can just purchase it. At a culligan store or similar 5 gallons of r/o is a couple bucks.

        • UrbZ
          UrbZ commented
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          Well water does work but the stuff that makes up the ppm in it reacts with the nutrients which changes pH. Which is why you need to adjust pH with well.

        Just out of curiosity why does it say green thumb under my username? I'm a newbie at this and if it's saying that I have a green thumb , that's inaccurate. Just thought I'd put that out there


        • UrbZ
          UrbZ commented
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          It was going to originally going to be a system like that but everyone other than mods are green thumbs.

        I have recently been speaking with the reps at advanced nutrients and they explained a few things to me about their products.

        To guarantee they work it has to be in r/o.

        You cannot adjust amounts of nutrients it will throw the pH off. What I mean by that is you cannot add full dose of your 2 part and half a dose of cal/mag your pH will not come out correct. But if you do adjust you have to adjust everything equally for the system to work.

        So say you put full dose of recommended 2 part. That means any additive added has to be full dose as well.

        But say you cut the 2 part in half. That means all additives half to be cut on half equally or pH will become off.

        Also I recommend finding the feeding schedule that best suits your needs and follow the order of additives. They also mentioned incorrect order will throw it off.

        You dont have to have all the additives from their line for it to work either. You can run it with only bits and pieces of it. But the ones you use should still be mixed in order of the feeding chart. To avoid issues.
        ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


        • UrbZ
          UrbZ commented
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          Do you know what medium? And if its sensi or connoisseur a&b by chance. I have every feeding chart from AN all mediums and grow levels. I can share and maybe help.

        • Chefbjy
          Chefbjy commented
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          pretty sure it's sensi and he gets his soil from someone all he tells me is it's black gold and won't tell me where he gets it. I told him that was his problem lol he probably doesn't know what's in it. I told him to join the site and ask some questions but he's paranoid. I've told him to grow in something labeled with ingredients or coco but seems to think this is some prize winning dirt and swears by it because his buddy did it and grew pounds. Never seen him produce any quality before though now he thinks the nutes just messed his whole grow up first time using them. Says he should have just grown his schwag rofl.

        • UrbZ
          UrbZ commented
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          Actually that is a pretty common soil. You can get it bunch of places and its fairly cheap.... Nothing really makes it special. Its organic and they have a few mixes.

          But its all about following the chart, not to a tee, but knowing what to do to make it work. its a simple process though. he shouldnt be having pH issues if hes using r/o and he is measuring foid correctly and adding in the correct order.

        ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


          I always talk to the same person, every time, cause I want to, at advanced nutrients, when I call, I ask for him.
          He told me all that ph perfect products were designed to be used in DWC, but other growers told him that it works ok, growing other ways too. But he also told me that they get complaints big time ,Every day from people using the ph, perfect products. He said they are still to this very day ,trying to figure it out. It does not work great for everyone, even with RO, water, or less than 100ppm water,. I use advanced nutrients myself, without RO, water an it does ok, but the bottom line is they want to sell nutrients, he also told me that they were worried about some real easy to use products out now like MegaCrop, an several more new products that are 1part nutrients, an super easy to use, that they were also trying to get in on that ,part of it.
          They have guaranteed on my bottles, in big letters, in little letters ,they say for Optimal results, or water less than 100ppm, they want to sell, any way they can, the more the better. They got the best adds, an advertisement, but Advanced Nutrients are not the best out there, by any means. They are ok, but not any better, than the others, even with all their little commercials like the one you show where they do it on camera, I don't think they tell the truth, an neither do lots of other people, all you got to do is read reviews, that have not been doctored. An read other forums, some like advanced, but a hellava lot do not like Advanced
          Cfls for a week or two
          315lec for everything else
          Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
          36x36x63 inch tent.
          6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
          Smart pots


          • arg412005
            arg412005 commented
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            Holy Sh**! Thanks sooo much! I needed that info! You just answered the million dollar(actually $65.00) question!


          Are they having most calls about soil or across all mediums? Because I am in soil and have had nothing but ph issues since the start. I was also using well and now I am switching to r/o currently because of the issues.

          I bought the master grower kit for this grow to try their entire line. The only products I dont have of theirs is their pH up or down. Really hoping Im not throwing money away. The products were working fine other than the weird pH issues. That is until about week 4 of flower now Ive got 7 aggrivated females on my hands.

          I also put in an order for mega crop last night, liked the look of their product.

          What are your thoughts on kind soil compared to nutes at all. Cost is much more but work is less. But I cant get 5 lbs for less than 45 shipped thats only 1 pot.. Is it worth it?

          This grow I am going to try and compare a few nutrient sources and I need it to be much easier than the entire AN line. During summer I work 2 jobs upwards of 70 hrs a week. So I need the easiest feeding possible compared to cost.

          ~UrbZ~ Grow Big or Go Home!


          • D.A.A.S.69
            D.A.A.S.69 commented
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            Please do it ,you will never look back, you got the perfect job ,plus you like to read an study ,there is untold,numbers of good stuff that you can add to your soil, thats makes it even better.
            I know some folks that love their homemade soil, better than their plants, plus it's so easy to do and maintain.

          • UrbZ
            UrbZ commented
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            I am already building a shopping list to make a small test batch!

          • arg412005
            arg412005 commented
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            I ordered that fox brand that comes already ph'ed and considered "hot soil".I wish the shipping were less expensive,I would be using it all the time.
            It costs about what 1 bag of coco already mixed costs,BUT with shipping it doubles the price and personally I can't afford it.I love the bag I have!

          Are you running into pH related issues with your flowers? I started growing with not checking pH and had great results. Once I started using pH pens I started chasing issues that weren't really issues (micromanagement). After about a month of this with no real difference in growth quality I threw that stuff in the trash and never looked back. Of course I'm not recommending you toss the pH stuff, because everyone's system is different. But if it works, why make a mountain out of a mole hill?


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