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Locrian99s 2nd grow

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  • RosettaStoned
    commented on 's reply
    Looks nice, other than the DeWalt in the picture 😉😁😅

  • Campesino
    commented on 's reply
    I love the gnarled structure, particularly of the first one. Looks like a sculpture or perhaps a bonsai... beautiful.

  • Locrian99
    It’s day 28 of 12/12 for the aurora indicas today. Everything looks fine, they are slow to dry out though. The pots felt a bit heavier than the big tent did at 4 days but it’s been 6 so I went ahead and watered week 4 fox farms schedule minus the Foliar spray and microbe brew with cal mag and raw silica as usual. 6.3 going in and 6.5 coming out. Nothing real exciting going on other than the leaves on top are starting to get a little frost to them (wife was super excited about it lol).

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  • Chefbjy
    commented on 's reply
    Nice looking good. I was actually thinking of trying to reveg one of my girls after harvest outdoors. Replanting may shock it idk. Would be nice to see it blossom again. Idk if frost danger is over though still cold without the 🌞. Mother nature being kinda strange lately.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks ojh that’s a good tip. I’m guessing it’s quite a bit cheaper too. Is it citrus flakes for ph down?

  • oldjarhead100
    commented on 's reply
    Locrian I started using baking powder for a ph up it works pretty good and your not putting those chemicals in your plant

  • UrbZ
    commented on 's reply
    Ill have to watch that close on my grow. Ive never had to deal with pH dropping.. Always buffering back up.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    UrbZ one thing I noticed is my ph run off is now coming out a little lower than what I’m putting in now. They had been same in same out. 6.3 in both WW were 6.1 out, both GSC were 6.2 out. Next plain water day I’ll hit at 6.8, guessing there’s just a bit more build up in there with the full strength. Added bembe this week and it really took the pH down. I had to add 2.5 tbsp of ph up to get back to 6.3.

  • UrbZ
    commented on 's reply
    Natural light is definitely best. Im glad summer is approaching I can actually pop them out on the back patio to check them now. The full dose system looks like it still working just fine. I see no burn

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks man they are actually sitting on my pool table there. I wanted to give them a good look over under more natural light.

  • UrbZ
    commented on 's reply
    Looking really full in there, very nice!

  • UrbZ
    commented on 's reply
    My torpedos had pink/purple stems on only mature leaves, never any new growth. I never really thought anything of it. With the other tent all being dark/purple strains all my plants had them.

  • Locrian99
    It’s a feed day for the big tent. These plants are way thirstier than the AI’s but the tent is about 4 degrees warmer and is a few % lower in RH. They will be getting week 4 fox farms nutes full strength of what’s listed on the feed chart with silica and cal mag. I’m not using flowers kiss or the microbe brew but everything else in the fox farms soil feeding chart. This is day 24 of 12/12. I am super impressed with the WW1 plant. If I was going to be starting another grow after this one I would probably try doing some monster cropping on her.

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  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Low of 66 high of 73 in the tent so they are staying a bit colder in there in general maybe that has something to do with it. The main stems are green with streaks of purple/pink on some. I think everything looks good so I guess it’s fine lol.

  • Locrian99
    commented on 's reply
    Reading on main site sounds like a strain thing here since it’s the only symptom. Just thought how it was green in the half not exposed to the light was curious.

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