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Flowering time?

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      I could be wrong (and I hope I am), but from the looks of that last pic, it seems like you have some unwanted guests (pests). I'm not sure what they are, but they don't look too friendly. Might want to double check on those leaves. Mites? Aphids?
      Cannabliss - Grow The Bliss
      White Widow Grow Journal


        The daylight bulbs are 40watt and the other two overhead bulbs are maybe 80-100watt or more. It's several and all our identical basically, which is pretty cool I think. Had only two males out of ten. The grow area is outside and indoor, but mainly indoor last couple weeks since switching to flower. I have a furnished shed/hang out area, basically the size of a normal one car garage, with 8ft ceiling.




            No we are good, sorry that was like a two week old pic, I caught them and they are no more I made sure lol. Thanks to this site and others I was able to nip that in the bud quick


              Certain pics will upload and some won't so sorry I was just throwing and older and recent together to give the idea of what they look like. I also only had those unwanted guests on one plant out of the bunch, which is still more than I ever like to have lol.


                Haha well that's a relief. Moving on...

                Oh yea man, she's a beauty just ready for you to give her some intense lighting to produce those sparkling, juicy buds.

                Ok, let's have a look at what you have so far. According to your details, you have 2 Halogen lights above everything producing roughly 200w both. You also have 3 daylight bulbs above each plant producing roughly 120w for each plant. 200w + 120w we get roughly 320w/plant. I'm saying roughly alot because that's really what we have here lol. Ok, so you were giving them all roughly 320w of light per plant in veg. Now that you're entering flower, you're going to want to try to give them double that (or at least as close as you can get to double the light from veg). So to answer your question as to what I suggest, my answer is something close to 600w (or more if you can afford those 630w CMH fixtures). They sell some really nice CMH fixture kits with ballast and everything for roughly (lol) about $400 or so. I don't know your budget, but bottom line, I'd give your girls much more light than what you're giving them now. You're going to need it if you want those buds to really thicken up.

                They also sell some cheap (but good) LED's. Some for as little as $80 or so at Amazon. They have Veg and Flower settings and have full spectrum and all that juicy stuff. Might want to look into them as well.
                Last edited by Cannabliss; 09-07-2017, 11:30 PM.
                Cannabliss - Grow The Bliss
                White Widow Grow Journal


                  With my minimal experience I'd say you have at least a month+ before harvest. Also worth mentioning, halogen bulbs generate a lot of heat -- not the best choice for growing. Nice looking plant nonetheless.
                  My first grow


                    Awesome and thanks for the advice.


                      Ur gunna want 40-60 wats per sqf and if u have a tall plant u will want extra side lighting about 10-20 or more watts per sqf


                        Nice plants!


                        • SoOrbudgal
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                          Hey maryannegarreth you are posting comments on very old grows. Do you see the dates?

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