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The Great and Secret Garden of Ganja Ged - Indoor-Ebb&Flow-LED-2 Tent Perpetual

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    The Great and Secret Garden of Ganja Ged - Indoor-Ebb&Flow-LED-2 Tent Perpetual

    Ok it’s not really “great” except in my mind and it’s not really “secret” since I’m telling you about it. However, it is a Garden and I am Ganja Ged,~Get, not Gem~

    Why The Great and Secret Garden? It’s a play on the title of Clive Barker’s novel The Great and Secret Show which was one of the first books that Jeanette and I discovered together, many years ago.

    I’m a music lover, almost anything, lol. If I was going to categorize myself I’d say I’m a rock and roller. That might be quite a bit more broad than many would say. From ABBA to Zeppelin, Johnny Cash to Dave Mustaine, Howlin’ Wolf to the Sex Pistols. You’ll find I’ll post a lot of music videos. I like live music best.

    Down in my signature you’ll see the link to my first thread here at GWE, it was my first serious attempt to grow. There’s also posts in there about my Lewy Bodies Disease and Jeanette my wife who passed away and other little tidbits about me like I recently became a Grandfather, as I was first getting involved in the community here.

    If you ever want to know something about me, just ask, I’m very open about my life, and if you or someone you know has LBD etc. and you’d like to talk, I’m here.

    This will be my “home thread” I plan to be here until I can no longer maintain the garden or post due to my situation. Not just a grow journal, not really a blog, I don’t know what I’d call it, lol. This is where I’ve chosen to spend my time, with some very awesome people in a community oriented on something that has become a focal point for my life. From researching to purchasing equipment, buying seeds and caring for them through harvest, to a daily medicine that has allowed me to quit all of my pain and sleep meds, provides a relaxing evening wind down like a glass of wine or beer ~except I don’t drink, lol~ and the occasional “I feel like just getting wasted” session ~almost nonexistent at 52 compared to 22, lol~

    The garden is a perpetual setup, it is meant to grow and produce as a therapy for the Spirit, Mind and Body for as long as I am able.

    Welcome to my garden and my thread and thank you for joining me here.

    The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

    The Ganja Ged Thread
    Water Curing Experiment
    My E&F System

    If you get confused, listen to the music play!


    The magical machinery that makes it all happen.
    • Tent A - 3’x3’x6’
    • LED 600we (~250 Draw)
    • Ebb and Flow (two 2’x1.5’x6” Trays, 19 Gal Reservoir (15 gal fill))
    • 4” Inline Exhaust Fan (190 cfm) w/speed controller
    • 4” Carbon Filter
    • Passive Intake
    • Thermometer, Hygrometer, Circulation Fans
    • Tent B - 3’x3’x6’
    • LED 300we (~135 draw)
    • Ebb and Flow (two 2’x1.5’x6” Trays, 19 Gal Reservoir (15 gal fill))
    • Passive Intake
    • Thermometer, Hygrometer, Circulation Fans
    • Digital TDS Meter
    • Digital PH Meter
    • PH Test Drops
    • Battery Powered Fluid Transfer Pump
    • Various Industrial Syringes
    • Aero/Bubble Cloner
    • Propagation Trays and Domes
    • 1-2-5 Gallon Smart Pots
    • Various Buckets, Containers, Measuring Things, etc.
    • Two Micro Shears
    • Heavy Duty Pruning Shear

    Tent B is new and in the process of being upgraded to match Tent A. For now I’m swapping the lights back and forth so that the 600we is in the current flowering tent and the 300 in the current vegging tent.

    The plan is to use a single exhaust for both tents. That’s a DIY project for when I get the time or the need arises, whichever happens first.

    The E&F trays can be swapped out for 3’x1.5’x6” trays in about 5 minutes. There are probably other sizes but these two sizes fit my needs and are made and ready.

    The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

    The Ganja Ged Thread
    Water Curing Experiment
    My E&F System

    If you get confused, listen to the music play!


      I'll get the Current Grow info up through-out the day. Finally got time to start getting the babies ready for show time
      The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

      The Ganja Ged Thread
      Water Curing Experiment
      My E&F System

      If you get confused, listen to the music play!



        I’m starting out in Tent B since Tent A was still flowering. I’m going to do some moving of wires and such in Tent A now that it’s empty, mostly…

        Fall 2017 Tent B

        Changes from normal set-up

        +600we LED (from Tent A)

        +4” Exhaust Fan (from Tent A)

        -300we LED (to Tent A)

        Nutrients and Additives

        RO Water

        GH Flora Trio

        CalMag (Botanicare)

        3% Hydrogen Peroxide

        GH PH Up/Down


        Wonder Woman - Nirvana (Seedsman)

        White Widow - Nirvana (Direct)

        Northern Light - Nirvana (Direct)

        Candida (CD-1) - Medical Marijuana Genetics (Seedsman)

        To get this up to date:


        I don’t wanna talk about it! Let’s just say there were spills, thrills and chills. I fell and killed a plant, my cat ate plants, etc. It was quite a time.

        In general I:

        Soak the seeds overnight in tap water and H2O2 and rinsed the LECA for the grow and soak in a water/alcohol solution for a few hours then spread it out with a fan over it to dry.

        Next day put seeds into paper towels with same solution on heat mat. Rinse LECA and soak in H2O2 and tap, rinse and soak in a solution of Tap/Micro/Bloom/H2O2. I like to just put it in the system and let it run normally.

        I like to let my seeds fully pop in the towel, it’s just easier for me to handle them that way. When ready I split a Rapid Rooter and place the root into it (I use the square, flat top as the bottom), with either the seed head or cotyledons above the surface. I then place it in a propagation tray on heat mat. I place some LECA or something to keep the rooter off the bottom and out of the water I have in the tray. I take a paper towel and fold it so it’s long and narrow setting the rooter on one end and dipping the other into the water. The wicking action keeps the rooter perfectly wet for me.

        Once I have roots I place an empty rooter into a smart pot surrounded by LECA with the flat side up. I place it so it’s top is at minimum above the flood line. I place the planted rooter on top of the empty one, flat sides together, and adjust height to where I want it, making sure that the bottom rooter stays partially below the flood line. Surround and back-fill with LECA and the wicking keeps everything from drying out. I’ll pour a cup of solution on the surrounding LECA for a few days until the seedling is growing strong then I just let it go and back-fill as needed until the smart pot is full. That’s when I start my “Veg Time”

        Up to Date

        Plants range from 3-4 weeks in age, starting from soak. Nothing has been done as far as training until today, which is late but ok. If growing teaches one anything it’s that nothing ever goes as planned.

        2x Wonder Woman

        2x White Widow

        1x Northern Light

        1x Candida

        This was planned as a 4 strain 4 plant grow, but Mr. Murphy insisted otherwise, bastard.

        Wonder Woman #1 - She stalled at the 2nd true leaf set and had no growth tip, the stem split down to first node, I pinched it off, and she took off like a mad woman, branching from the first node like a normal 3rd node topping would do.

        Wonder Woman #2 - All normal

        White Widow #1 - All Normal

        White Widow #2 - The twin. This popped out of the seed for #1. It was a fully formed seedling, white root, green cotyledons but only like ¼-⅜ inch big. I was certain she would die, but nope, she’s a bit smaller but growing strong.

        Northern Light - All Normal

        Candida - All Normal. Got the Indica Pheno, score!


        First Training Session

        Weekly Wrap-up 9-2 / 9.9

        Getting Up to Date After Forum Downtime

        Update 10-4
        Last edited by GanjaGed; 10-04-2017, 06:29 PM. Reason: Added update links
        The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

        The Ganja Ged Thread
        Water Curing Experiment
        My E&F System

        If you get confused, listen to the music play!


          Wow Ganj , everything sure looks great. I hope you sleep well at night cause you got lots of fun work going on. This is going to be a good one. Happy Growing.
          Cfls for a week or two
          315lec for everything else
          Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
          36x36x63 inch tent.
          6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
          Smart pots


            @gangaged thanks for the invite. I'm subbed for the long haul buddy ! I love music also. My 3 month old loves the blues...booker t and the mgs, John Lee Booker, etc...funny how she can be pissed crying...then I take her and put on some music and she goes right to sleep. Love your posts.
            "Life is not about being dealt a great hand but playing a poor hand well"...

            •Roots Organics over kindsoil in 5gal fabric pots

            •600w hps supplement w/Kind LEDs during flower

            •4" can-fan w/can-filter(carbon)

            •14,000btu air conditioner


              Awesome introduction and detail of setup.
              First grow Bagseed and Acid Dough:

              First grow Acid Dough:

              Second grow Monster Cropped Acid Dough:

              1000w HPS. (4) 136w LEDs. 48x96x80" flower tent. (1) 136w LED. (6) 13w cfls. 2x2x4' clone tent. DWC. House and Garden nutes: Aqua Flakes + supplements per HG DWC feeding schedule. Hydroguard.


                Thank you for the kind words.

                Busy day in Tent B...

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                This is is the before shot.

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                Wonder Woman #1 - One thing is certain this gal isn't into pole dancing. You can see that white patch in the center where I had to bandage a split main stem. This is the same one that split the stem before with no growth tip. I also broke a branch. I should have waited to start after my morning meds, tremors and training do not mix! She's all facing up again so we'll see. As you can see the roots are just going crazy.

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                Northern Light - Not happy on the node spacing but otherwise pretty good.

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                Candida - So much Indica! Now that she's got some air and light I'm hoping she goes nuts. More rootage. Gotta love Smart Pots.

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                White Widow #1 and #2 - Both have weak stems right at the Rooter, I'm a bit concerned. It's interesting that it's only the Widows, makes me wonder if it's a strain issue, maybe they don't appreciate the moisture of the rooter. I'll watch and see. Both have roots out but #2 is only directly underneath so no pic.

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                Wonder Woman #2 - Yes!

                Busy busy day lol.

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                The After shot! Much cleaner looking

                HEY what was that!

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                Attached Files
                The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

                The Ganja Ged Thread
                Water Curing Experiment
                My E&F System

                If you get confused, listen to the music play!


                  The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

                  The Ganja Ged Thread
                  Water Curing Experiment
                  My E&F System

                  If you get confused, listen to the music play!


                  • Tazard
                    Tazard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Wow thread complete with entertainment!!!!

                  • GanjaGed
                    GanjaGed commented
                    Editing a comment
                    We aim to please

                  wow Ged what a great write up very detailed looking forward to the show
                  new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
                  current grow




                  • GanjaGed
                    GanjaGed commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Thanks OJH!

                    Now your grow room, that's nice

                  Quiet couple days letting the girls recover from training day.

                  Everyone has bounced back really well.

                  Wonder Woman #1 is all facing up and showing no signs of stress from the main stem split. I'll let that stay wrapped for about 2 weeks with an occasional H2O2 spray, then see where she's at.

                  White Widow #1 and #2 - I'm really not happy with their rate of growth. I'm not sure if it's the strain or a product of these being twins from the same seed. They're a bit "pulled down" almost like over watered but not, they seem, stunted to me. Temper that with these are the first heavy indica phenos I've grown so I understand that there will be differences. I'll keep an eye on them, but I'm toying with the idea of keeping them in veg when the others go to flower.

                  Candida - The other heavy indica pheno. She grows different, like the Widows, but better, more vigorous. Still shorter than the Wonders and Northern, but not in a concerning way.

                  Every one else is in good shape too.

                  The pairings are very clear and distinct, Candida and White Widow - Wonder Woman and Northern Light. Unless something changes that's the pairs I'll grow together.

                  Dialed in the vertical grow space. Veg to 10" Flower Stretch for another 10". I built an extra 6" not taken into account in case of over stretch, lol. From the test grow, I know I have a solid 10-12" of light penetration, possibly more but that much for sure, So I've got everything matched up pretty well overall. Once I see these strains grow I can fine tune the vertical space.

                  Working on Tent A and getting it ready roll.

                  The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

                  The Ganja Ged Thread
                  Water Curing Experiment
                  My E&F System

                  If you get confused, listen to the music play!


                  • Tazard
                    Tazard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I'm little confused. I flowered my Acid Dough at 3 weeks veg she was 8" tall with 7 nice tops. I was expecting a 24" or less plant. I have a 52" tall monster. What do you do I didn't?

                  • Tazard
                    Tazard commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Hmm could it be that when they grew up to the 100k lux level I kept raising the light? Should I have left them in the 100k range?

                  • GanjaGed
                    GanjaGed commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Isn't the A.D. a mostly sativa?

                    I stick with short to medium hybrids or indicas. But even then, I wouldn't have been prepared for a stretch of 7-8x lol, that's crazy.

                    Mostly I just run a combination of Topping, LST, Manifolding. Now that I'm set up I'm going to switch to ScrOG to try and have a more uniform and repeatable grow and yield.

                    If I run into something like that, I guess I'm gonna get a lot of practice on my Super-Cropping skills, lol. Or open the side doors, grow her horizontal into the other tent.... Oh I don't even want to picture the problems.

                  Yes it's 80/20 sativa I was good till they passed 3' lol
                  First grow Bagseed and Acid Dough:

                  First grow Acid Dough:

                  Second grow Monster Cropped Acid Dough:

                  1000w HPS. (4) 136w LEDs. 48x96x80" flower tent. (1) 136w LED. (6) 13w cfls. 2x2x4' clone tent. DWC. House and Garden nutes: Aqua Flakes + supplements per HG DWC feeding schedule. Hydroguard.


                    I have this sinking feeling that both White Widows are lost causes...

                    They're just not growing well. they're just stalled out. It still might be from the training but I don't think so. All the other plants are recovered and doing their thing. Even the Candida, the other heavy Indica pheno, while smaller than the hybrids is perky and going good. Sure she's smaller and growing different but that difference is clearly a strain/variety difference. And Widow is not known to take poorly to training.

                    It's a hard decision on what to do though, the Widows look great, nice and green, full foliage etc. They look beautiful, just not growing.

                    So to keep them going knowing that even if they come out of it, they'll be so far behind, they'll suffer from lack of light or pull them, try Widow another time and let the 2 Wonder Woman plants use that freed space which they'd use easily.

                    Knowing that these both came from the same seed as twins and most of the time I've read about twins they seem to have problems, I think it's just bad luck on the seed I sprouted and I should cut them instead of feeding, lighting, and giving space to something very likely to be unproductive.
                    The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

                    The Ganja Ged Thread
                    Water Curing Experiment
                    My E&F System

                    If you get confused, listen to the music play!


                      I'm sure you have already sweet talked them , try talking Dirty to them one time Ganj, maybe that's what they want
                      Cfls for a week or two
                      315lec for everything else
                      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
                      36x36x63 inch tent.
                      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
                      Smart pots


                        Well here's the "then and "now"

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                        Immediately after training. Widows are in the right side tray, front and back. Candida is back/left.

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ID:	131679

                        5 days later. You can see the widows are stalled The Candida recovered nicely, hell look at the Wonder Woman on the left that's the one with the split main stem, lol.

                        Anyone have a reason I shouldn't open up that space for the ones growing? I'm looking to flip to flower soon, anyone think they can catch up in a week or two? I think twins are just usually bad news, they seem to go wrong way more than right, though these are my first ones so....

                        Sigh decisions decisions.

                        Attached Files
                        The Great and Secret Garden Indoor-Hydro-LED-Perpetual

                        The Ganja Ged Thread
                        Water Curing Experiment
                        My E&F System

                        If you get confused, listen to the music play!


                        • GanjaGed
                          GanjaGed commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Also added 12ml Grow to res. to up ppm and drop PH a bit. PH at 6 and ppm 1120, it's running nice and stable with a slow up trend, love it

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