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only buds died...

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    only buds died...

    I've been growing for a couple months and had 3 plant's (out of 5) bud just dry up and die all within a few days of each other. All the leaves looked perfectly healthy without any signs of wilting. I haven't been able to find anything specific to this. About 3 weeks later and the plant is growing and doing fine, other than all of its bud is gone.
    I was watering about 3x per week, and using a bloom fertilizer once a week.

    Yes, not optimal to get the maximum yield, but enough care to get SOME bud.

    Anyone experience this?

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    Last edited by am44; 08-21-2017, 12:27 PM.

    Could it be bud rot?
    My first grow


    • am44
      am44 commented
      Editing a comment
      Sure didn't show any signs of bud rot. They were all in an open air greenhouse of sorts. Very dry and warm. Buds looked like they were progressing nicely until they weren't and were completely light brown and crispy within a matter of days. I could crumble them in my fingers into fine particles.

    • Aloner
      Aloner commented
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      Weird. Hopefully someone comes along soon who can diagnose that.

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      Looks like bud rot to me:
      Bud rot is a mold that develops in the thickest parts of cannabis buds. Read for more information on how to prevent and solve bud rot before spreading!

    That sounds like bud rot to me 44.
    Cfls for a week or two
    315lec for everything else
    Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
    36x36x63 inch tent.
    6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
    Smart pots


      Originally posted by D.A.A.S.69 View Post
      That sounds like bud rot to me 44.
      Thanks, 69. I guess I'll research more about that and see if that seems to fit.


        Originally posted by am44 View Post

        Thanks, 69. I guess I'll research more about that and see if that seems to fit.
        I just looked at a bunch of pictures on google, it didn't look like rot. It went from fine to dead with no signs of moisture, mold, fungus, etc.

        I just posted a pic I had.


        • alltatup
          alltatup commented
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          Bud rot is a fungus, and the spores could have come from somewhere else and landed on your plant. Or not enough air circulation.

        • Canyon Grower
          Canyon Grower commented
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          Im with alltatup on this one. I know of no other condition that attacks only buds (which are the most succulent part of the plant). There are likely several fungus species that could gave attacked your plants. Dont give up!

        • am44
          am44 commented
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          Thanks, everyone. I'm hoping I can salvage a little bit off these girls. They seem to be heading into flowering again.

        When plants reveg the buds will dry up and die. Could they be revegging?
        Last edited by Burny; 08-22-2017, 09:48 AM. Reason: Punctuation


          Originally posted by Burny View Post
          When plants reveg the buds will dry up and die. Could they be revegging?
          Interesting. It definitely is in reveg mode now but I didn't see that happening before the buds died. Maybe it was happening at the same time.


            To follow up on this, all the plants have re-flowered and are doing okay. I will harvest one of them tonight after giving light deprivation. And it's the harvest moon tonight, so seems appropriate!


              What do you guys think? It's my second plant harvested this year (ever actually). It's a blackberry x santa marta gold. I know this won't win any awards for best bud, but considering this was a late bloomer because of the above issue the weight seems decent.This is day 3 of drying.
              Appreciate any thoughts.


              • am44
                am44 commented
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                It smells pretty good. Super weird what happened, but vegged out nicely again and then flowered pretty good. All the brown dead stuff was cut off before it re-flowered and I never saw any signs of mold. That's why I didn't think it was bud rot. The dead flowers were light brown and crisp all the way through, no moisture, not any side of mold.

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                It totally looks like it was bud rot the first time, but if it didn't come back on your fresh buds, you're a lucky guy!! Congrats!

              • am44
                am44 commented
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              Congrats, that looks great! I've seen buds die if the plant starts revegging, so that could definitely be it, especially since you also had the single-point re-veg leaves. It could also be something else odd, like a bud worm (caterpillar that lives inside stems) got into the stalk lower down, and all the buds above that point died.

              But in the end it all came together and it looks like you harvested some nice buds!


                For reference on buds that die from re-veg, this grower harvested his plant except some buds and a few leaves, then tried to re-veg it.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	just-harvested-reveg-cannabis-sm.jpg
Views:	86
Size:	57.4 KB
ID:	141187

                Within just a few days it started making new leaves, but the buds had already dried up and died. That top bud in this pic sort of reminds me of what your bud looked like.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	just-harvested-reveg-cannabis-3-days-later-sm.jpg
Views:	84
Size:	62.5 KB
ID:	141188

                If anyone is curious how it turned out. It grew into a plant and was harvested again. The grower told me it didn't end up saving time compared to growing from seed since it took a few weeks before it started growing normally. He also hated that he didn't have as much control over the shape, so he decided he wouldn't re-veg again except for outside to reveg a Spring harvest.


                • alltatup
                  alltatup commented
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                Thats certainly what it looks like(nebulas picture) but if your plants went into reveg then there was a light leak somewhere or you gave them the wrong nutes or to much pk booster so alot of stuff could of caused it lol sorry but I would read up on the revegging thing . congrats on getting them to finish ,I just had some reveg and I just cut them down because it takes to long to regrow,easier for me to put healthy plants in bloom and make hash out of the reveging plants. take some time and try to figure out why they reveged good luck
                new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
                current grow




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