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My First Grow Journal...EVER! 600W MH/HPS Bubbleponics Cabinet Grow

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    12:00AM: Checked on the plants again and they are looking good. I wanted to share a couple of photos. One of the water that accumulates on leaves as they grow along with a white moth that is on my plant (it's not harming anything so no biggie), and another photo of a bud site close up showing the trichomes starting. Thanks for reading!
    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


    • ellz
      ellz commented
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      I have fly paper up to catch them but the only other thing I could do would be to spray them with Neem oil.

    • Californiakid
      Californiakid commented
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      Your fly paper should work. I occasionally find one on my sticky yellow cards. I freak out first sign of any bug in my room lol.

    • ellz
      ellz commented
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      I had to end up removing the fly paper today because it is too close to touching my plants. I might try to cut it shorter but when I checked the plants today I didn't notice any moths.


    06:30PM: Checked on the girls today and the tallest parts of the plants are now touching the grow light glass or growing past it on the sides. I am going to try to raise the light up tomorrow by taking the ratchet parts off and just hanging the light hangers off the eye bolts instead. That should give me at least another 3 inches. Beyond that...they are just going to have to touch because they are almost at the top of the cabinet itself!! That's right....they are almost 5 foot tall if that happens! CRAZY! Anyway, here are the photos from the end of week 9 (day 63) from seed...and thanks for reading!
    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).



      10:45PM: Went ahead and did my weekly reservoir change with week 9's schedule for feeding. I may duplicate that one next week depending on how far along these girls are. I used a new battery powered water pump today and it was awesome. You can learn more about it here:
      As of today, they are over-growing the light! Many colas have reached their Sun and some are growing past it now! All I can do is hope for the best with that because the light is maxed out. The inline fan is blocking it from going up any further so that is something I will have to adjust next grow. I will likely relocate it higher or over to the side. As you can see in the pics below, I am almost out of space in my cabinet! They are about 4-foot tall or so right now and still have a while to go so I don't know what to do!
      Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
      Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
      Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

      1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

      2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


      • IanHale
        IanHale commented
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        Same pump I have

      Damn idk what id do about that either id either look into bending them hella far down but thats why i went more indica only a 5 ft tent so i have 4and 1/2 ft to grow with the res takeing up a foot leaveing me 3 1/2 ft of growing area
      DWC/hydroton clay pellets600w digital/dimmable ballast,
      250w MH veg,400w HPS flowering,floratrio nute schedule ,48*32*60 grow tent,
      current grow: feminized blue wizard


      • ellz
        ellz commented
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        I can tell you this grow I am installing places I can tie down on the sides! That way I could pull them over to the side and buy them more space. This should also help support sagging buds like I had earlier. I was thinking of installing a trellis along the sides but vertical along the wall rather than horizontal for training.

      • Graff420
        Graff420 commented
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        Thats what i did with my soft plant ties i hooked it onto the lid and made it cross 4 times so i had hella places to hook on my lst ties to lol ill take a pic in morn and show you what i mean

      Yea this is my wireing for the lst iv got going on i just used the same wire i use for the lst lol forgot to post pic yesterday but it allows me to pull the stems where ever i want them and i can pop my lid completely off and carry it across the room without disturbing my lst
      DWC/hydroton clay pellets600w digital/dimmable ballast,
      250w MH veg,400w HPS flowering,floratrio nute schedule ,48*32*60 grow tent,
      current grow: feminized blue wizard


      • ellz
        ellz commented
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        Nice set up! Thanks for sharing! I have a temporary fix I am going to try tonight. I haven't updated the main post yet but I will soon.


      10:00PM: The plants are growing into the light so I removed the ratchet system and replaced it with zip ties. The carbon filter is now sitting on top of the light and is held in place via being snug! The inline fan is blocking the light from going any higher so I will have to adjust that for the next grow. The plants look good other than where they are touching the light. Those parts are looking light burnt as you would expect and the leaves and buds are curled up.


      11:00PM: I decided to buy some magnets with hooks on them rated at 9 pounds each since I had to do something about the plants touching the lights. I put two hook magnets on each side and pulled the main stalks over to the side allowing them more room to grow without touching the light. These magnets are great for this! I might buy more of them for the next grow! I also had to add about 2 gallons of pHed, HydroGuard water to the reservoir since it was low. Thanks for reading! Photos of the past two days below.
      Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
      Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
      Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

      1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

      2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).



        07:30PM: Checked on the girls today and they are doing better now that they aren't hitting the light. I have to adjust a couple of branches later but for the most part they look like they will be okay if they keep going up now. I have attached some photos below of today's progress. You can see in a couple of the pictures the bud damage done by the light but it's only in a couple of places and very small. If anything, it likely forced them to stop getting taller and focus on fattening up because there is little or no new growth coming up in those places. Also, you will see that I have a couple of 9-finger leaves among the bushes! Thanks for reading!
        Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
        Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
        Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

        1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

        2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


          Freaking pretty pretty lmao im high af gotta imagine rinding around the leaves and chilling licking some tricomes lmao
          DWC/hydroton clay pellets600w digital/dimmable ballast,
          250w MH veg,400w HPS flowering,floratrio nute schedule ,48*32*60 grow tent,
          current grow: feminized blue wizard


          • ellz
            ellz commented
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            I am considering cutting off the burnt ends and toking them! LOL!

          Closeups of the buds with my Canon T2i...
          Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
          Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
          Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

          1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

          2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).



            11:30PM: Added 4 gallons of pHed, HydroGuard water to the reservoir. I adjusted the magnets a bit so the main stalks are pulled away from the light but there is still a lot of light burn going on. Lesson learned: Don't let the plants get too tall in a controlled space! Apart from the leaf and bud burn from the light, the rest of the plant is growing nicely. The bud sites are frosting up and expanding so that is a good thing! Below is a pic of the overall look today and a shot of the leaf damage due to the light burn. Thanks for reading.
            Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
            Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
            Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

            1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

            2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


              HOLY SHIT WE ARE FINALLY BACK UP AND RUNNING! SWEET! I am not even going to start now on my shit....since it's been almost a month! Instead, I will be backing up everything I have done and posting it to my own blog. This can't happen again! I needed my info and this site let me down BIG TIME!
              Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
              Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
              Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

              1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

              2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
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                Good luck with your blog.

              • Daskahn
                Daskahn commented
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                Hey can I have a link to your blog.. I've been out of reading material since before the cane... and well I've went nuts lol

              • ellz
                ellz commented
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      's a private blog right now until I finish it but the link is:
                I am going to try to keep this grow journal going out of convenience but I was really pissed about missing a month of updates so I am still steaming.

              Basically all I have is photos. I don't have shit to update beyond that because I didn't write it down! I was using this as my grow journal and the site crashed. Beginner mistake on my part.

              Images below are from 09/10/2017 to 09/20/2017
              Last edited by ellz; 10-05-2017, 11:51 PM.
              Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
              Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
              Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

              1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

              2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


                The following images are from 09/21/2017 to 09/30/2017
                Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
                Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
                Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

                1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

                2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


                  10/01/2017: The top growth of the plants is touching the glass on the light. The bud sites are pretty small, very under-developed but they have a lot of trichomes so I am just going to cut them and take my losses before I lose them due to light burn. Plus, the light is being blocked to the rest of the grow cabinet so there is too much shading from this growth. You will see in the photos below before and after cutting as well as how they look trimmed and drying. I had to do this earlier on as well while the site was down but those were REALLy underdeveloped. I am attempting to cure them now but I doubt they will be worth much more than a cough or two. Plus, it's barely a gram or 2 dried. The cuttings in the photo below are more like 3 or 4 grams total.

                  The following photos are from 09/30/2017 through 10/01/2017.
                  Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
                  Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
                  Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

                  1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

                  2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


                    The following photos are from 10/02/2017 to 10/04/2017. Other than adding pHed, HydroGuard water every couple of days and feeding week 10's schedule the past 3 feedings, not much else to update. I did add a bunch of 9lb. magnet hooks all over the case to tie my plants to. Seems to work great! Last added more water on 10/04.
                    Whoever's growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations! You have won a cruise! Report to security to claim your tickets.
                    Ellz GrowCam Channel on YouTube:
                    Ellz GrowCam Time Lapse Playlist:

                    1st Hydro Grow: 600W MH/HPS Homemade Bubbleponics Homemade Cabinet - White Poison (White Widow x Durban Poison) COMPLETE! Final yield: 10.2 ounces off 2 plants. 124 days total from seed (34 days vegetative + 90 days flower)

                    2nd hydro - Peyote Cookies and OG Kush COMPLETE! Final yield: 11.8 ounces combined, 2.7 ounces of Peyote Cookies (150 days from seed), 9.1 ounces of OG Kush (138 days from seed).


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