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Outdoor Update 6/25/2017

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    Outdoor Update 6/25/2017

    Hey all, just some pics of my outdoor grown. One of the girls is taller and has popcorn buds. Seeds started 6march2017 and are currently flowering and budding. Probably won't harvest for another 6-8 weeks.... it almost feels like they started flowering pre maturely though, but I'm not sure. Right now, I think my girls are going through another flowering stretch. It almost seems like they're re-vegging but I can see the budlets all up and down the colas. All insight is welcome

    hey rooster wow good looking girls there you didn't say if they were autos but from the time line I would say yes they are autos .I'm doing my first auto grow right now outside . mine have been in ground since may 18th and 5 of 5 showed pistals last week. how are you feeding them I used to much sonic bloom once and caused the plants to foxtail ,but that doesn't look like its happening here . the only thing I do different is I plant mine in ground it makes them harder to see first pic is of veggie garden with 4 thc bomb plants in it and the other is of a gorilla grow plant .If I could grow anymore in back yard I would but inorder to comply with the law they need to be fenced in and out of sight of public . as you can see I can't get them out of sight of public lol so hence the gorilla grow
    new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
    current grow


    • Rooster
      Rooster commented
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      these are supposed to be photo period seeds, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they may be autos. I use kind soil for my medium, so that alleviates me having to put in any extra type of nutes. I tell you what, I think I'm going to invest in a small indoor grow tent. These worms and caterpillars have been giving me a run for my money. I've used neem oil and spinosaid to try and combat against these pests, but they keep coming on back.

    I think you planted too early. I made same mistake couple years ago. When plants start to grow outdoors before light reaches 12/12 the plants get confused and go to flower early then reveg.


    • Minoo96
      Minoo96 commented
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      Thing is, if you had planted them too early, they would have flowered from the beginning. They wouldn't look so big today. Also 10 hours of direct sunlight is good enough. There is the ambient light to take in account How long does the day last?

    • Rooster
      Rooster commented
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      The sun rises around 5:45 AM and sets around 8:30pm. Summer solstice just passed a few days ago, so the days are gonna start getting shorter around here.

    • Minoo96
      Minoo96 commented
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      So weird... You get as much sun as me, if not even more. You don't use nutes that could have confused her to re-veg... Honestly I have no clue why she's doing that, and i'm interested to know when you will have found out! Maybe try to tag NebulaHaze, catch her attention. (I don't want to be punished because I said that, don't beat me up people xD I know Nebula is busy)

    Like Desertdan said, you might have planted too early. Check the amount of sunlight you get where you are next time
    I planted 29 march, north of the equator, mine just started showing pre-flowers.
    Could be an autoflower, like Oldjarhead mentionned.

    Also, I can't help but notice the size... If you can, next time, plant in amended soil directly, no pot. I've had results beyond expectations (supposed to be 1M tall? Its 1M80 right now... I'll have to remove the greenhouse eventually.) It's my 2 cents, and it's only my first grow, maybe something else made them grow so big, I'm not sure. (Having a nice summer here)
    Inexperienced outdoor grower, near Switzerland. I have some theoretical knowledge and only a little bit of practice, hence take what I say with a grain of salt. Also I believe everyone has his own growing way.


    • Rooster
      Rooster commented
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      Right on. You have any pics of ur grow?

    Of course!!! With great pleasure I share it
    I didn't do much but amend the soil, prepare the greenhouse. (Do you know what amendment means? I'm not taking you for a fool, i'm just asking )
    Then let the sun do its work... Beginning was slow, and when middle of spring, beginning summer came, it just BOOMED like... Idk. See the special Kush, its a photoperiod plant, it just started its flowering stretch and its the same height than the Royal Bluematic (autoflower supposed to be 1M height outdoor, according to seed bank, royal queen seeds). I'm pretty sure i'll have to remove the mosquito net, and probably the greenhouse itself... It grew more than expected Its good and bad in the same time. I have another special Kush that I bent on the side, its filling the space horizontally. I now know I should have done that on Special kush 1 (or not, because I wouldn't have any space for Royal bluematic 3 and Royal ak...)

    I just mean to say it became more than expected in my wildest dream. Now to make it to harvest time!!!

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    Inexperienced outdoor grower, near Switzerland. I have some theoretical knowledge and only a little bit of practice, hence take what I say with a grain of salt. Also I believe everyone has his own growing way.


    • Minoo96
      Minoo96 commented
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      Then again it is just my first grow. So... Genetics might also play a big role (or other circumstances)! In two or three grows I should know better

    • oldjarhead100
      oldjarhead100 commented
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      Used water that sat in sun for too long, and added some nettle juice (for veg),Minoo why Nettle .have used for arthritis but never heard of for plants.Nice plants they look fantastic.

    • Minoo96
      Minoo96 commented
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      So i just checked on google, cause of course I didn't use the right word ^^ Its nettle manure. (Don't drink that haha!)
      Its a tip for those growing REALLY bio (take plants from your own garden and use it to feed other plants, something I learnt with permaculture. ( )
      Here's a link to it, I'm not 100% sure of its benefits, my brother used it when he was gardening huge amount.
      Stinging nettle is a weed with a variety of beneficial uses, from a food source to a medicinal treatment to nettle garden fertilizer. This article covers its use as plant food. Click here for more information.

      That's mainly for the veg period I gathered. For the flowering I would use comfrey manure. (
      As you can see, there are other ways to use it, as a companion plant for instance. I love such ideas

      So I made the nettle manure myself, hence probably why its pH is so F up. The comfrey manure I bought though, from a bio shop. This one seemed much less... problematic. Probably they made sure the pH was alright, they created it using some method that makes it better, I don't know. Maybe it's not as good as homemade comfrey manure. I stopped using, as long as plants don't need Potted one might need it though. Will use it on her.

    I also have a plant in a pot! she was meant to be with the other, but she was sooooo tiny and puny, I thought she would die. I kept her in pot when I saw her getting better. Here's some pics:
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    I don't have a meter to show the size but she is small. I could take a picture with me behind tomorrow if you want.
    Inexperienced outdoor grower, near Switzerland. I have some theoretical knowledge and only a little bit of practice, hence take what I say with a grain of salt. Also I believe everyone has his own growing way.


    • Rooster
      Rooster commented
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      How long until the bubble kush is ready for harvest?

    • Minoo96
      Minoo96 commented
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      September normally. Mid-end sept. But might be more, I have no clue... My royal bluematic are supposed to be ready within 60/70 days, and they are just starting to fatten up at day 70. I think they were stunted due to cold, because march is a bit early to plant. I have ONE royal bluematic that was planted way too soon, and she is the smallest of them all. 60cm max. That's because she was in flowering, stopped growing upward, when the good sun came. That's an important step also... I forgot to mention it in other replies. She's really tiny/puny because I germinated too soon. She's an auto, so she didn't flower because of lack of sun, she just didn't get enough sun at the time she needed it. Not like Royal Bluematic 3 for instance!!! She's a beast. I'm going to send picture to the seed bank.

    roooster... with those rounded top leaves did you reveg or was that natural?


    • Rooster
      Rooster commented
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      smh, They starting re vegging on their own. i have NO clue what might have caused this. I dont add nutes, and for the most part, they're in the same spot in my yard, with the exception when it rains. I put them in the green house when its raining

    hello jarhead


      rooster... if you could stabalize it that would leave duck foot in the dust for stealthness


      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
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        What do you mean?

      Here are some more pictures for yall to check out


      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
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        NebulaHaze , care to weigh in? Would this be considered monster cropping?

      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        Outdoor grow, without nutrients added, so there's no "obvious" reason for the re-veg. (Resuming for Nebula, don't want her to have to go through everything we wrote )
        She will ask if there are any light leaks though. Have you made sure of that?

      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
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        Check out my last post about adding kind soil (towards the bottom)

      Hey Rooster I also grow in KindSoil, you really need to stay on top of your PH , with those Earth Juice Crystals you got.
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
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        so in regards to the Ph, would I be checking the Ph of at the water tap OR the Ph of the water that comes from the bottom of the smart pot?

      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        Both! ^^ Why stopping at one? Before to know what pH is the water you give to your plant, after to know how's the soil pH (it'll affect the runoff, you should see it maybe)
        You do that from time to time, but not every time, don't worry.

      • Aloner
        Aloner commented
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        Just a heads up: if you're using Kind Soil, you shouldn't be watering to runoff -- you'll wash away a bunch of the good stuff they pack in there!!

      SMH.... Ladies and Gents, i believe I've made a noobie mistake. So maybe like two or three weeks ago, I went ahead and added MORE kind soil in order to top off my pot . I'm thinking all the Fresh nutes being trickled down to the roots may have caused the girls to re-veg. Maybe an increase in Nitrogen? Please feel free to weigh in.

      That's why they try to tell us newcomers NOT to perform experiments when first starting out.


      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        Erf, I don't agree man, you should experiment, how will you learn otherwise?

        Maybe that, altough i'd be surprised if it was that! Its not like you added ONLY nitrogen. Or is the kind soil full of nitrogen and poor in PK?

      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
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        the bag I used has been open for some time so I dont know if that affected the NPK

      If all was done correctly from the start ,get your PH right from the start an don't water to runoff . Nice plants anyway PH is the biggest concern with KindSoil that's good stuff man.
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
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        do u think it's too late in the game to start checking PH?

      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        Never too late! Better now than never!

      All I got when I top dressed was a little burn on the leaf tips ,it showed the next day. Your gonna be alright.
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


      • Rooster
        Rooster commented
        Editing a comment
        ok cool. Do you think it helped?

      Personally I don't think you hurt a thing. When you were filling your pots did you go by KindSoil's directions ? Just gonna be a little longer. Good luck Rooster
      Cfls for a week or two
      315lec for everything else
      Dug up Ms.topsoil, with perlite added
      36x36x63 inch tent.
      6inch - exaust - intake fans an scrubber
      Smart pots


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