To me it looks like u have a potasium def that's the slight discoloration around the edges of the leaves and also the slowed grow as potasium acts like the energy for the plant. Bump up ur potasium and ull see growth.
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Have u been giveing ur plant silica b vitims or calmeg 1-2weeks before transplant? Those 3 things condistion ur plant for stress and puts the imuine system on high alert to respond to stress quicker. I think if there still doing good just give them a small shot of potasium and the bio stimulants (if u have them) and u will see posative growth
Do u have any nutes? Nitrogen is for green leaves phosphausous is for roots and flowering and potasium is for energy/health. then silica is to thicken cell walls. B vitamins are to make ur plants imune on high allert and recover faster. Amino acids help oven ion chanells and make ur uptake or nutes/water faster. Kelp is to make cells thicker help growth and to feed microbes humic acid opens ion chanels/ uptake nutes more effective and when used kelp and humic acid 5-1 ratio it increases growth a lot. Mollasas feeds microbes cal Meg is used for thickness of stems and health and then u got all the different kinds of good bacteria and fungi but that's a general break down. There's a lot more benifits to all the products but that's general. Just to help ya a bit
Pmoe90 You've got some yellowing there. Check out this page and see if you can figure out what's causing it:
@alltatup appreciate the info I also saw the yellowing. I believe I was watering to frequent so hopefully they will bounce back