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Grow Journal For Silver Haze & Higg's Boson Haze

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    Day-27 Blue System
    Water Changed- Day- 2
    System Water Level- Full
    pH- 6.10
    PPM's- 147
    Water Temp- 78.3
    Air Temp - 76.5
    RH- 50.0
    CO2- Off
    Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
    Veg LED

    Temps suppose to be very hot again today, running the temps cooler for the clones to start and trying to balance for the increased heat which is expected. The two new clones are taking off rather well, keep spraying with Clone Start, and the two plants are being sprayed with Magic Green and are taking off, especially since Topping the Silver Haze (Clone) is now really bushing out, it really appears as if I can put it into flower soon and move it to the Red System, when the Clones are able to be placed into the Blue System.
    The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


      Day-28 Blue System
      Water Changed- Day- 3
      System Water Level- Full
      pH- 6.10
      PPM's- 152
      Water Temp- 80.9
      Air Temp - 81.0
      RH- 51.0
      CO2- Off
      Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
      Veg LED

      The Silver Haze (Clone) is seriously rocketing off because of the Topping, which is so impressive... The Higgs Boson Haze (Seed) is really bushing out and making itself squat and tight for its leaves, were the Silver Haze is becoming more long and lanky. The cuttings which were taken are appearing as if though they are looking up with continued spraying of foliar CX Clone Start... truthfully, just as soon as they push roots or I am even thinking of today starting to spray them with Magic Green to see what happens.
      The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


      • PigSquishy
        PigSquishy commented
        Editing a comment
        I am seriously not even clear on what to say here... I wished I'd taken photos if I'd known this was going to happen...

        When I took the cutting, I cut off the lower leaves as we all know to do, of the leaves taken off I eyed a couple which looked to be the best of them and a similar size, and I gave them the cloning gel same as the cutting and stuck them in a Rapid Rooter. Now my cutting is sticking out past the Rapid Rooter a bit because I got two nodes in the gel on that one. Up to this point I seriously earlier did not even think the leaves were going to survive as I wrote my last comment, they were laying flat and spread out along the 'ground level' the cutting is the only one in which had leaves picking themselves up towards the light and looking like it stood a prayer of survival.

        I went back to look to honestly look for signs I needed to start washing the cuttings with distilled water if the Magic Green turned out to be promoting any negative effects. Instead I see the two leaves actually having picked themselves up off the ground level, since maybe 20-30 minutes after having been cut and put into the same Rapid Rooter because I honestly as we all know the chances of their survival are next to none. I never seriously thought Magic Green was going to be anything near to what I am seeing for results, I hate to ever start promoting a product beyond this is what I use and this has worked or not worked out for me... But this stuff is really starting to look very promising as something I will firmly get behind if it really keeps proving itself like this as more time and experiences with it come.

        Oh and to answer a question I'd gotten:

        The reasoning I am using increased Epsom Salt is because of the LED's I have are very powerful which is not the case with all LED's as there is a HUGE difference in brands and who really stacks up to what they claim compared to others. Side by side comparisons on YouTube are the best way to honestly figure it out, to put into perspective how bright they are... I can seriously bleach leaves completely white, and for those of you wondering NO, I am not counting this as the Hash Tips either, I do get those as well on a good portion of my plant, but this is actual leaf bleaching from the intense LED's. How can I claim to know this... I had one LED light, and replaced it with two more powerful one's the next size up... and in turn in a couple of days to a weeks time in VEG I had leaves turn 100% white and continue to grow... later in FLOWER I would develop all white buds, which I assumed then was just light bleached buds. However what really got me was at the end of the flowering I read an article on Hash Tips in High TImes and compared what I had to what they called Hash Tips.

        So because of the powerful LED's are more powerful than the sun outside, and I am reflecting so much light back thanks to Ocra on the walls, I started having issues with Mag previously, and I've ran into issues with not having enough Cal-Mag because of using OminA by RAW Solubles, because of what all it does for the plants in regards to the transfer of the calcium ions. Want to really know a lot more look up Harley Smith on YouTube, he will explain it in his NPK Univeristy videos as he really explains all the different one's and what it all does. He also brings up in a lecture about the issue with Mag under LED lighting, so I added a little Epsom Salt that day and it fixed my issue I was having at the tim, which I thought was something else. From there I learned when my plants start having an issue with needing more Cal-Mag and Epsom Salt and continue to try to get it all dialed in better by keeping careful track and notes.

        I write as much as I do at times because every detail of what I do, why I do it, the thoughts, reasonings, products I am using, etc... I will later look back on it and compare notes and numbers and see when I was happier or not happier and dial down what is working or not working for me. I have sometimes even looked back to realize when I've made a mistake which later lead to other issues all because of my notes and ramblings... thus why I put them all into here.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        WRITE AWAY, GT!! Whatever it takes to keep our grows on track!!!

      • PigSquishy
        PigSquishy commented
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        Thank You alltatup my normal grow journal is all hand written in detail, not just about this one garden, but all of them outside as well... I keep track of every pest, if I have it or someone else in the area near me, I write a book as I try to keep track of all kinds of stuff. Like when I got aphids for the first time inside I was able to trace it back to a specific tree and even caught the error in my entry notes of how I screwed up and brought them inside. In the end I found what I did wrong, changed how I handle the two environments, from that point forward I shower and change clothes before coming anywhere near the other plants inside, and since the cycled maintenance I found another issue with dust getting through a few places which helped me to make better decisions on where air leaks are and how to best fix them, even found a filter I once thought highly of was letting in the finest of dust which was more powdery than a woman's makeup powder with the BIG feathery puff. It's the only thing I can think to compare it too, I had to wet it just to clean it air drafts once the filter was off would stir it into the air it was so fine. I ended up deciding on trying the HEPA carbon air filter for my intake next to curb that issue.

        Some growers just make some plants grow and are happy with the results whatever they are, some I've known try far out weird to the point of stupid experiments, and still others I've seen can't even get a plant past the seedling stage without killing it. I am never happy as a grower, I take care of gardens of fruit trees, bushes, and plants, I am always trying to learn as much as I can because the better I can grow my own food with the better flavors and tastes the more I'm going to enjoy that next meal. I care if I lose a single plant because I can't just clone it again and still bear fruit in enough time for my growing season. When I came to learn about cannabis back in the day it was for the single reason to learn about another plant to better help me understand the plant kingdom, I had no idea how it would seriously open my eyes to learning everything I needed to know to do amazing things in my gardens. I became a cannabis growing expert before I ever planted my first seed, because I love to read and absorb information like a sponge on a daily basis,

        At one point I had people question how much could someone who's never grown a plant really know about a plant, and I've held my ground with them... Tomatoes and cannabis are so closely related, and I've been raising various strains of tomatoes for years. One of the changes I made in coming over to learn cannabis was keeping a grow journal, I never did it as a gardener before that point, but as newbie's were always being asked for the basics, I started keeping track of everything. Once I started doing that, I started seeing when plants did better when I watered them at different times of the day, I saw when I was using what fertilizers I would see different results after different periods of time, all these things before I just took as being the way a plant grows, I suddenly got educated on thanks to cannabis growers. As I was always so willing to learn from whoever was willing to teach me what they knew and I could read in books which seemed more scientific I have learned the ropes over the years one might say. In all my years I have painfully learned the devil is in the details... I can see something at one point and believe one thing, look back days later see it was something completely different, learn from my mistake and change it. I try to keep track of every detail, every thought, every question relating to the plants I have when I make my notes usually at the end of the day or when I have time the following day for the day previous. My grow journals are books, but I thankfully can look back and remember lessons learned, what products worked I thought so well... until... and then why I stopped and won't go back to them.

        If Magic Green takes off those leaves being rooted, I am seriously going to do more trials with it for clones, and if it still holds up then I am trying the CX Clone Start in the water of the cloning tray. Either it's going to work to do better than the Magic Green being used in combination with it or I'm not going to buy anymore of it once this is gone, I have been so impressed to this point I question why I didn't try this sooner. I know one person who swears by Home and Garden's, says its worth the price... and so on... and then I looked at the price at the cheapest place I know of... OMG (Voice in Angry Birds who says it) and I was thinking that had best be some of the most truly amazing smoke you have ever enjoyed in your entire life because you are dying and want to have the best in the end for those prices for the full lineup. I very reluctantly bought this one bottle of theirs ONLY because of that person's grow journal complete with photos of Magic Green and Cultured Solutions and I was so blown away and impressed I wanted to see if it really works like that for myself, because I am in need of a miracle right now for plant growth rates.

        I got my severe brain injury the beginning of March this year, killed every single plant I had growing within a short time after... wiped it all out... somehow got left with what I now have which is getting close to being a month old now, and look at where they are now thanks to Magic Green. For having to try to figure everything out all over again and try to piece everything back together thanks to detailed grow journals I have from previous I am able to get back up to speed rather quickly to get back on top of things, remembering why I did the things I did, when I did them and how they've been working out for me. So thankfully all these ramblings somehow do help me in the end, if only I get to teach myself if I forget it again sometime soon again.

      GT, I know you know this, but the injury wasn't that long ago!! You have come a long, long way since then, and it will only get better and better from here. I feel deeply for you and how challenging this has been, but I see your grow journals as the exercise you are giving your brain as it continues to heal. It's like a form of rehab therapy. We know that brain workouts and challenges are very good for fending off senility and all that junk.

      You wrote:
      "I can see something at one point and believe one thing, look back days later see it was something completely different, learn from my mistake and change it."

      That nails it spot on!! Sometimes I will sit for a couple of hours, examining my plants, thinking about what I've learned, what I need to review and refresh, and what I need to apply. It took me around three weeks of staring at 4 landrace sativas in my grow box to finally make the decision to remove the three that were lagging behind and let the strongest one take up all the space in the box. She is covered in buds right now, spread out over the entire box. This is the beginning of week 11 of flower, and I anticipate another 4-6 weeks before she's ready to harvest. I continue to have a problem with nitrogen toxicity although I have used nutes way below the recommended dose. Even though I just changed the reservoir an hour ago, after sitting there and looking at her for a while, I decided that I need to flush her, so I will drain the res. if a couple of hours and give her a weekend flush.

      You are a horticultural scholar--both reader and writer, and you use it to your best advantage. I also find myself thanking my lucky stars as a cannabis grower for the training I went through in graduate school, which made my research/analytic skills razor sharp. Then the fun comes in as we continue to stretch and stretch the intellect with each new realm we investigate. Plants are amazing "beings"--I have always thought so, and have cultivated succulents and various garden flowers for many years. They ARE beings to me, and I love their vibrations.

      Anyone can grow schwag. If you want to grow top shelf bud, study hard:

      Growing since July 21, 2016; pothead since 1967
      2 BCNL Roommate hydroponic grow boxes w/ 400w COB LEDs, Future Harvest nutes
      Grow # 18, Aug. 2023: Anesia Seeds: Imperium X, Future 1, Sleepy Joe, Slurricane


      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Nothing healthier than spending hours in the gardens lost... away from this insane world. I believe that no matter what happens, it should force us to be the very best we can be, and YOU, my friend, are certainly doing that. That's kind of my interpretation of karma.

        Your great great grandma sounds like an amazing person. From what old country did she come? My grandparents came from Russia in the 19 teens, I don't know a lot about them, but I know they worked so hard throughout the depression to send their 5 children to college. An amazing story to me.

      • PigSquishy
        PigSquishy commented
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        They came from Germany before the dirty 30's... back around the late 1800's to settle first in South Dakota, but the homesteading didn't pan out two places there, so they again moved the boxcar and cattle up into Surrey, North Dakota and struck coal and ended up coal mining with the locals around which generated the income. I actually have the only original photos of my Great, Great Grandma and Grandpa when they got off the ship in the new world. They spent what little they had because it meant so much to them to have made it across the sea to the new promise land where they were trying to escape the issues of food shortages there, is what I am told. My Grandma wrote down all the stories from all the years going back to her childhood, every lesson she learned, every person's stories that they told of their previous former lives up to that point, etc... she wrote it all down, said one day people will want to remember, need to remember the old ways. I couldn't agree with her more in today's world.

        I am knowledgeable in both medicines of the old ways as well know the old time skills, people around me are still surprised I don't sell anyone anything, I will trade you for it, and I'm always willing to trade for the lower side of things. When the day comes I'm short people seem to remember that and everything always works out I get what I need, when I need it. I've taught a lot of people how to grow and garden over the years, but for me the best joy is when a child returns with bigger, better produce than I can grow that year and asks if this is okay? There is no greater joy in life than to see someone take what you can teach them and see them accel at in and be able to earn the respect of others for a talent they now posse because you took the time to teach it to them.

      • alltatup
        alltatup commented
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        Which is why I love teaching!! Which is what you encourage people to do in your signature: back to the basics of reading. I try to keep my focus on the students who do follow through on what I teach them, while it seems that most millenials have simply given up reading anything that's not on a cell phone screen. Very sad.
        I teach in the classroom, and you teach life skills. I actually try to teach life skills to my students--which is much more important for them than Spanish. And when they come back and show me that they have improved their abilities, their outlook--whatever it was we were working on--I always remind them to pay it forward and be ready to assist others who need to learn the same skills. I work with a lot of students who come from the underclasses of the dirty south, victims of the traumas of racism and economic marginalization for generations. I love them so much.

        What your grandma did is amazing: what a gift to her family!! My family was the opposite--too much mental illness and depression. I know so little of the grandparents who came from a shtetl outside of Minsk, I believe. They settled in Niagara Falls and ran a small grocery store. When I read Bernard Malamud's The Assistant, that's exactly how I imagined my gradparents' store.

        So you are blessed with the old wisdom!! And use value (rather than exchange value). Right on, GT!!!


      I have watched the pH drop from 6.10 to 6.00, the PPM's are 154, and the water temp is 81.8... it is 83.0 air temp... The plants are booming at a growth rate which is amazing, I need to start taking photos of them everyday or even a couple of times a day if these growth rates keep up. Last night I believed I smelled the cannabis, but wrote it off as a nice dream because it smells like freshly harvested cannabis... and I haven't got the carbon filter on because they are small plants in Veg. Today there can be no mistake the plants are smelling something fierce and sooner than later need to be moved to the Red System at the next water change, it is such a serious issue I'm considering pushing the water transfer over with minimal loses just to try to bring this very real issue under control. I will be looking at remedies until I can make more upgrades to the Red System to bring more aspects of it online.
      The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


        Day-29 Blue System
        Water Changed- Day- 4
        System Water Level- Full
        pH- 6.00
        PPM's- 153
        Water Temp- 79.8
        Air Temp - 80.5
        RH- 54.0
        CO2- Off
        Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
        Veg LED
        The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


          Day-5 Yellow System
          Water Changed- Day- 5
          pH- 6.00
          T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
          Humidity Dome- In Place
          Medium- Rapid Rooters
          Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
          CX Clone Start Added to the water

          Foliar Spraying- Magic Green, CX Clone Start, Yucca Root, & Kelp

          Silver Haze (Clone- Cutting) Day-5
          Silver Haze (Clone- 2-Leaves) Day-5

          The one Silver Haze leaf looks as if though the Magic Green was too much for it and thus it appears to have started the process of death, possibly do to a combination of heat and temps, the 2nd leaf is also showing signs of having issues, when I checked the Rapid Rooter it is on the dry side, but still has plenty of moisture, wet it again. Silver Haze Cutting is very perky, looks and appears as if though it should have roots feeding it, but nothing out the bottom or the sides of the Rapid Rooter to show any rooting happening, Magic Green really perked it up and has given the impression on that one that I need to keep giving it the Magic Green foliar spraying on a 1-2 times a day basis, and switch up with CX Clone Start, and other foliar mix.


          Day-30 Blue System
          Water Changed- Day- 5
          System Water Level- Full
          pH- 6.00
          PPM's- 154
          Water Temp- 80.1
          Air Temp - 79.5
          RH- 52.0
          CO2- Off
          Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
          Veg LED (P-300, Platinum LED)

          The Silver Haze (Clone) appears to really be much happier for taking its cutting, the Higgs Boson Haze is now caught up to the point I can now take a cutting from it to start cloning it as well, which is why I have now divided the Grow Journal into two of the three systems which are as follows and what each does.

          Yellow System- (T-5 HO) Clones, Cuttings, Seedlings, Mother Plants
          Blue System - (P-300, Platinum LED)- Veg
          ​​​​​​​Red System - (#2 P-450, Platinum LED)- Flower
          The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            Go Silver Haze clone!!!

          Day-6 Yellow System
          Water Changed- Day- 6
          pH- 6.00
          T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
          Humidity Dome- In Place
          Medium- Rapid Rooters
          Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
          CX Clone Start Added to the water

          Foliar Spraying- Magic Green, CX Clone Start, Yucca Root, & Kelp

          The two sets of leaves are officially dying off, 100% believed to be issues with the temp swings and high heat lately, I really thought they did stand a chance there for awhile, but in the end it was a combination of letting the Rapid Rooter get too dry and the heat/humidity is why I think they didn't survive, as unlike the cutting, they didn't have the extra water and nutrient stores to sustain them during the critical periods when issues hit.

          The Silver Haze cutting is doing so well I am actually wanting to transfer it to the Blue System, with the exception I am making some changes to the Blue System before the water change and even as of today, so now transfers yet until I get this mess all sorted out... (More Infomation Below)


          Day-31 Blue System
          Water Changed- Day- 6
          System Water Level- Full
          pH- 5.90
          PPM's- 153
          Water Temp- 78.8
          Air Temp - 76.5
          RH- 51.5
          CO2- Off
          Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
          Veg LED (P-300, Platinum LED) = *VEG & BLOOM ON*

          * As of today, both the VEG & BLOOM Switches are now on for the Blue System
          ** Also added the 6-Point LED (WARM) with the Utility Clamp Light

          % Got the parts to start connecting up to the Hyper Fan from the Blue System and have a way to even finally regulate the airflow from each system across the Ice Box Cooler, one more step closer to trying to have better temperature control. Hoping to get the needed upgrades done between now and the water change to bring more of the aspects of both the Red & Blue Systems online, and be one more step closer to finally getting these finally up to the specs they were designed to run at in their fullest capacity.

          In turning on the VEG & BLOOM Switches at Mid-Day there is substantial increase of plant growth and a drop of 0.10 pH since the change and adding the extra WARM LED light bulb to better help fill in the light spectrum of the missing Yellows, Oranges, and Red's so claimed one article I read. All I know is that in reading the following article I know 99% of this in practice from personal experience, so who am I to argue the science they are claiming behind it.

          I did have to provide my email address to read the article, but that was all and I haven't been spammed by the company still and it has been hours now...
          The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            GT, I read the article about LEDs; I didn't understand the technicalities very well, but one statement struck me: Was the article arguing that one doesn't have to switch between MH and HID, but rather should use a wide spectrum bulb all the way through the grow? I'm using MH and HID in my large grow box.

          • PigSquishy
            PigSquishy commented
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            He was more trying to get the point across I think that the reasoning we switch between MH and HPS is commonly portrayed as "you ONLY need these color bands during this point of the plant's life", which he was then trying to get the point across that is 100% not true at all. Plants need a broad spectrum of lighting at all times, yes sometimes the plant will fair better with more of one color band or another, but the plant still needs a wide range of colors.

            A friend and I discussed MH-HPS versus a very powerful LED, cost to run, heat it would generate and even the yields... To try to make everything as fair as possible he set up the MH-HPS and the LED in the same room so they would get the same everything, but be under two different lighting systems for the entire grow. Among all the things he would report back as findings, when the HPS and the LED overlapped in the center of the room he had the best yields and the best potency. I questioned it of course, because it didn't seem like it should make a difference, however I did change my mind to agree with him after having it proved to me. I've already got my lights, I don't need or want anymore... so I have no reasoning to continue to researching lighting as much as I do other than the fact I want answers as to why HPS and LED combined makes the best buds.

            As a part of that article when they are explaining the plants needs for specific color bands it brings out LED lights can't make some certain colors, and that is why when the HPS is combined with it suddenly the plant gets all of the color bands it needs. Hence why LED companies aren't the same, explains why LED grow lights are purple, and why even under MH-HPS lighting you won't get the same results as HPS & LED together. Because until you get all the different color bands to match as closely to the sun as growing outside, nothing you grow will ever be as good as the sun itself. We are making improvements all the time with lighting, but we are honestly still a long ways from mimicking the sunlight itself for a plant.

          • alltatup
            alltatup commented
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            Wow, thanks so much GT! I understand that perfectly!! It makes such sense. Systems just like what your friend experimented are right around the corner...

          Day-7 Yellow System
          Water Changed- Day- 7
          pH- 6.00
          T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
          Humidity Dome- In Place
          Medium- Rapid Rooters
          Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
          CX Clone Start Added to the water

          Foliar Spraying- Magic Green, CX Clone Start, Yucca Root, & Kelp


          Day-32 Blue System
          Water Changed- Day- 7
          System Water Level- Full
          pH- 5.90
          PPM's- 158
          Water Temp- 79.8
          Air Temp - 83.0
          RH- 63.5
          CO2- Off
          Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
          Veg LED (P-300, Platinum LED) = *VEG & BLOOM ON*

          * Reversed temp vent fan up top to blow heat out, instead of continuing to blow cooler air into the system
          ** Found the filter bypass was leaking at the connections, caught the problem because of the drip cloth and catch glittered from the water, I WOULD NOT HAVE IF THE LOWER LIGHTING WAS OFF!!!

          % Making this post early as several severe storms are heading right at us, and the Storm Chasers from the TV are close and told people "this is the worst they have ever seen on radar before!". We are now getting power glitches so this posting is being made early and will be updated when time provides later.

          Power was on and off all night... thankfully everything inside and out faired just fine, although plenty of people including us all admit having ran for cover when the winds went from 0-85+ mph suddenly and the rain came in sheets.
          Last edited by PigSquishy; 06-15-2017, 01:07 AM.
          The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


            Yellow System
            Water Changed- Day- 8
            pH- 6.00
            T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
            Humidity Dome- In Place
            Medium- Rapid Rooters
            Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
            CX Clone Start Added to the water

            Foliar Spraying- Magic Green, CX Clone Start, Yucca Root, & Kelp

            Day-8 Silver Haze Cuttings (One cutting, Two leaves rooting together in one Rapid Rooter)
            Previously I truly and completely though the one leave cutting was dead as all can be, I even tried to give it a gentle tug out, but it didn't move and so I didn't dare force it... and thus left it figuring I would pull it out when it dried up the stem and it would pull out with ease. Today when I did the rounds, to my sheer amazement the leaves on both were perky and raised up for the light... so I was wrong, they both are still living, guessing now it must has been a life or death situation and the leave pushed roots out in the final hours.

            Day-1 Higgs Boson Haze (One Cutting, Six Leaves all in there own Rapid Rooters)
            Since only having one seed which did anything, and of that seedling I got one plant, this is my best attempt to push to have a lot more of this strain,


            Day-33 Blue System
            Water Changed- Day- 8
            System Water Level- Full
            pH- 5.90
            PPM's- 160
            Water Temp- 78.8
            Air Temp - 78.0
            RH- 54.5
            CO2- Off
            Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
            Veg LED (P-300, Platinum LED) = *VEG & BLOOM ON* + 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

            + Took the cuttings from the Higgs Boson Haze tonight since the plants are simply just growing out of control, I did take a photo before Topping Higgs Boson Haze and saving all the parts of the plant I could and making the attempt to root everything possible.

            I need to keep doing some much needed upgrades to get the Red System backup and online. So far I have the new air pump to feed all the plant tubs, the 12-outlet manifold and the 12 anti-siphon valves to protect the pump from water coming back from the air stones, as well as the 50-foot of black silicone air line tubing. All of the ordered parts should all be here next week, which leaves me about 1-week to work on getting the rest of the modifications made, Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the 6-inch ductwork modified to connect up the Red & Blue Systems ventilation together for cooling purposes, and I'm still working on finishing the Ice Box design, as I still firmly believe plastic encasement is the best way to go but I am hung on the best ways to join the plastic seams by either epoxy/glue or by heating and bending the plastic myself, or perhaps even welding it together. At this point I am going to get the ventilation combination connected and get it all figured out as it looks in its final design, then I hope to have the last answers I will need on how best to build the Ice Box Cooler.
            The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


            • alltatup
              alltatup commented
              Editing a comment
              Good for the clones!!!!!

            Yellow System
            Water Changed- Day- 9
            pH- 6.00
            T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
            Humidity Dome- In Place
            Medium- Rapid Rooters
            Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
            CX Clone Start Added to the water

            The newest clones aren't looking so healthy, but when do they when they get cut and all chopped up to push new roots... I'll keep spraying and see what happens... but NO MORE Magic Green for them... (more information below)


            Day-34 Blue System
            Water Changed- Day- 9
            System Water Level- Full
            pH- 6.00
            PPM's- 164
            Water Temp- 78.9
            Air Temp - 81.5
            RH- 55.5
            CO2- Off
            Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
            Veg LED (P-300, Platinum LED) = *VEG & BLOOM ON* + 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

            Silver Haze is now touching the LED light and Higgs Boson Haze is quickly taking off because of being Topped... I am going to give them both a couple of days before the move... hence why I'm putting off the water change as I try to get things ready to do it.

            I learned some important information today by just looking up Magic Green on different websites to buy it, this one really did the most to help me:


            House & Garden Magic Green (2.7-0.7-3.5) is a foliar spray used to increase vitality and ensure that your plants get what they need for a successful flowering period. Use on rooted sprouts, cuttings and mother plants up to once a week during the growth phase. Foliage will turn to a vibrant, dark green color and a protective waxy layer will form on the leaves.

            Magic Green will optimally nourish your plants from the outside in and strengthen your plants’ natural defenses, helping to green-up plants in all phases of growth. All ingredients and additives are made with pharmaceutical and/ or food grade ingredients in small batches to ensure a consistent quality and experience.

            Mix 5-10 ml per liter of spray solution. Apply 1-2 times per week just after the lights have been switched off.

            Soil Nutrient A & B Feed Chart (PDF)
            Cocos-Hydro-Aqua Flakes Feed Chart (PDF)

            Ingredients: Ammonium nitrate, nitric acid, potassium oxide and phosphoric acid.


            I was going based off from different information of 1-2ml per 1-liter of water..

            Here is a list of the sites I was reading and learning from today to help me understand even more about PGR's:

            Tips for improving the efficacy of ethephon PGR spray applications
            "Air temperature at application and carrier water alkalinity can influence the efficacy of your ethephon plant growth regulator (PGR) applications."
            Air temperature at application and carrier water alkalinity can influence the efficacy of your ethephon plant growth regulator applications.

            Michigan State Experts Offer Tips on Improving Your Ethephon PGR Applications
            Air temperature at application and carrier water alkalinity can influence the efficacy of your ethephon plant growth regulator applications.

            PGR- Kinetin (a natural plant hormone):

            Bonide Tomato and Blossom Set Spray

            Speeds Harvest — Increases Yields! Bonide Tomato Blossom Set Spray contains the biological grow power of Kinetin (a natural plant hormone) to promote blossom set and fruit development in tomato and vegetable gardens. Almost every blossom will produce bigger, more beautiful fruit… ripening up to 3 weeks earlier! Ready-to-use, all natural spray is available in TWO convenient sizes. This product is NOT registered for sale in the state of California.

            • Promotes flowering, improves yields & reduces time to harvest
            • Blossoms will set fruit — even in poor weather!
            • All natural spray produces faster, bigger tomatoes with fewer seeds
            • Works on tomatoes, beans, cukes, peppers, strawberries and more.
            • Contains an all-natural plant growth hormone (Kinetin)

            To promote blossom set and fruit development spray the flowers and adjacent foliage until the leaves are completely wet. Repeat as blossoms appear or every 1-2 weeks.

            Product Label – PDF format
            Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF format

            *Which can't be sold in the State of California because they know it to cause health and reproductive harm

            The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


              Yellow System
              Water Changed- Day- 10
              pH- 6.00
              T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
              Humidity Dome- In Place
              Medium- Rapid Rooters
              Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
              CX Clone Start Added to the water

              Moved the new clones around, removed the two Silver Haze clones and put them into the Blue System


              Blue System (6/2, 3-times a day)

              Day-1: Silver Haze Clones (x2)
              Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
              Veg LED (P-300, Platinum LED) = *VEG ON* + 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

              I moved them from the Yellow System, and moved the Higgs Boson Haze and Silver Haze into the Red System


              Day-35 Red System (14/10 light schedule)
              Water Changed- Day- 1
              System Water Level- Full
              pH- 6.20
              PPM's- 100
              Water Temp- 73.8
              Air Temp - 88.5
              RH- 46.0
              CO2- Off
              Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
              Veg LED (P-450, Platinum LED) = *VEG & BLOOM ON*

              % Having a very stressful couple of days, can't think very well... will try to sort out things later and add nutes later... to many mistakes being made because I am not up to par and able to function very well do to stress.
              The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
                Editing a comment
                Take it easy, GT: don't stress over stress! I'm sure you know: the zen of stress is to surrender to it; then you can let it go instead of squaring it.

              • PigSquishy
                PigSquishy commented
                Editing a comment
                Yeah believe me I am so well aware, since my brain injury any time someone or something is able to stress me out, I go from being very capable of doing everyday tasks like getting myself dressed now, to not being able to dress myself or do other basic things I was able to before that stress. The Dr says this is normal and common for someone with a head injury like mine, and so I've made it perfectly clear to those who call themselves my friends around me, not to stress me because it seriously affects me for long periods of time. I've had to cut out anything out of my life that even gets me excited, because like stress it just overwhelms my brain and shuts me down horribly. Thus someone in my life got to see first hand how one simple stressful situation affected me one time... and they latched on to it and knowing more about me than I do right now found my weakness and keep trying to bang on it like a drum, thus I warned them and tossed them out of my life because I seriously just can't take it. Which has only led to them trying even harder to come at me with new accounts everywhere they can find me online, etc...

                Thus I can sadly say this stress is nothing I can really control, it is why the water change was late again, and why it took me most of the night to do a simple 30-60 minute task, and I still didn't get it completed yet. I did however create quite a few messes, like overfilling the tanks while watching them fill, because I never realized the water was near the top or that it was then overflowing for however long, it was quite a mess so it was more than a brief or quick overfill. I sat two feet from the stove waiting for eggs to boil, water ran dry eggs begin to smoke, smoke alarm went off... and still I was sitting there waiting for the eggs to boil, until I had another come out and clue me in as to what was going on... The information was there, but my brain just doesn't put it together yet when I am under any kind of stress... talk about needing a stress free lifestyle.

                I can't even mix the nutes yet because it requires basic math skills and I don't have access to them still yet... hoping my brain settles down soon so I can mix this next batch of nutes, I still have to finish what I started last night too, but first I need to be able to sort it all out in my head as to what I need to do step by step... and thankfully I have almost everything written down as to what to do, should I have ever needed to ask someone else to do all this for me, but there again my reading is limited and my skills of comprehension aren't there... so it might as well be in another alien language for a food item of theirs... because it makes as much sense to me right now.

                Thankfully I do recall how to clear negative energy out of a room and am taking steps to try to balance things now...

              • alltatup
                alltatup commented
                Editing a comment
                Wow, GT, it's so interesting how a brain injury affects one. Just try to be patient with yourself; do you have anyone there who can measure nutes and help you with things like that? I suppose that if you did, they would already be there. Stupid question.

                PATIENCE. Word of the day, the month, the year. And yes: staying away from those who thrive on negative excitement...

              Yellow System

              # Day-2 (Higgs Boson Haze Cuttings)

              Water Changed- Day- 1
              pH- 6.00
              T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
              Humidity Dome- In Place
              Medium- Rapid Rooters
              Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)
              CX Clone Start Added to the water

              The cuttings all look sick, but are making it... all that can be expected from fresh non-rooted cuttings at this point I keep spraying with Yucca Root and Clone Start


              Blue System (6/2, 3-times a day)

              # Day-1: Silver Haze Clones (x2) (Repeating Day-1 Until they can establish them under LED lighting)

              Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
              (P-300, Platinum LED) OFF = 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

              Had to shut off the P-300 and just run the WARM LED, the two leaves couldn't take the intense light or heat stress, they are just too fragile at this point, it was a choice of either get one good cutting out of it or wait and fight to get the leaves accustomed to their environment and then try the LED again in a few days.


              Red System (6/2 light schedule 3-times a day)

              # Day-35 Higgs Boson Haze (Seedling) & Silver Haze (Clone)
              Water Changed- Day- 1 (2) No Nutes Added yet
              System Water Level- Full
              pH- 6.10
              PPM's- 110
              Water Temp- 76.4
              Air Temp - 79.5
              RH- 57.0
              CO2- Off
              Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
              Veg LED (#1 P-450, Platinum LED) = *VEG ON*

              I had to change the light cycle to 6/3 again and shut off the BLOOM switches as well as #2 P-450, temps rocketed to 91 and despite trying to cool things, I couldn't get the temps down. Looking inside I noted the leaves curled themselves closed from the intense lighting and what didn't curl at the top was drooping trying to protect the inner stem and plant... Clearly it was just to much light and they weren't ready for the intensity of the transition. I have been spraying with Yucca Root and trying to help the plants recover from heat stress and they are after several hours now beginning to lift their leaves back up to the light.


              I have decided to just give both Blue & Red Systems just Kelp & Yucca Root for now... no nutes at this point, not until tomorrow... I want them to recover form the transitions and the heat stresses and then after they are more adjusted I will give them nutes, there is no sense in stressing them more than I need to at this point. I have made enough mistakes in the past 24-hours with them as it has been I am concerned about doing anything more until I can get my head back in order, but I know the Kelp & Yucca Root are both safe options.
              The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.



                # Day-3 (Higgs Boson Haze Cuttings)

                Water Changed- Day- 2
                pH- 6.00
                T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
                Humidity Dome- In Place
                Medium- Rapid Rooters
                Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)

                New foliar spray CX Clone Start, Kelp & Yucca Root

                The cuttings all look sick, questionable if they will make it, trying to get things better, the Rapid Rooter appear to be too wet, trying to dry them out but not the plants.


                Blue System (6/2, 3-times a day)

                # Day-2: Silver Haze Clones (x2) (Repeating Day-1 Until they can establish them under LED lighting)

                Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
                (P-300, Platinum LED) OFF = 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

                Sprayed with the new foliar spray for the Yellow System, hoping to push for more roots because I want to get the LED turned back on. I did discover the timer was mis-set to 24-7 ON, which might have had something to do with them not being able to tolerate the intense heat and light, in any case... I will still try to push out more roots and then turn the LED back on.


                Red System (6/2 light schedule 3-times a day)

                # Day-36 Higgs Boson Haze (Seedling) & Silver Haze (Clone)
                Water Changed- Day- 3
                System Water Level- Full
                pH- 6.10 (Was 6.20 until I poured in the Sledgehammer then it dropped to 6.10 after being steady for 24-hours)
                PPM's- 50's (Since dumping in Sledge Hammer the PPM's dropped and won't come back up)
                Water Temp- 75.9
                Air Temp - 79.5
                RH- 60.0
                CO2- Off
                Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
                Veg LED (#1 P-450, Platinum LED) = *VEG ON*

                Tried turning on the (#2) P-450 again and the Silver Haze had issues again, only suddenly it appears to be a nute issue... and while I stepped back to think and consider this more and return. Next I found a chunk of leave missing, and I mean completely missing half of a full leaf, not having any notes of it being hung up or torn I did a much closer inspection. There appears to be indentations in the leaf surface, either cause by a bug or mold, but I didn't see any color changes under the LED lighting for the mold... so I am guessing it is a pest of some sort. No matter I sprayed Ed Rosenthal's - Zero Tolerance at lights out and returned at the time the lights came back on, and the leaves were all very perky and upbeat suddenly. What I had been summing up to transplant shock, now suddenly appears to be fixed in one treatment of Zero Tolerance, Well whether it's a pest or something else, that stuff will wipe it out if I just keep spraying every 3-days for the next nine days for the 3-treatments... and problem should be resolved. Because I am unclear on if I have a nute issue or a leaf burning issue from the intense LED's since I never saw these nute issues in the leaves prior to the move, I am doing a flush now with Fox Farm's- Sledge Hammer... and will get things back on track here so I can get these plants put into flower soon.
                The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


                  # Day-3 (Higgs Boson Haze Cuttings)

                  Water Changed- Day- 3
                  pH- 6.00
                  T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
                  Humidity Dome- In Place
                  Medium- Rapid Rooters
                  Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)

                  New foliar spray CX Clone Start, Kelp & Yucca Root

                  One or two may not make it, not looking good... still spraying and hoping out hope


                  Blue System (6/2, 3-times a day)

                  # Day-4: Silver Haze Clones (x2) (Repeating Day-1 Until they can establish them under LED lighting)

                  Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
                  (P-300, Platinum LED) VEG ON = 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

                  Turned on the VEG switch today and as a result the plants are now showing signs of needing nutes, burnt edges I could have thought was from the heat and light, but the yellowing going back from the edges has me believing its time for nutes..

                  UC Roots 60-ml
                  Cal-Mag- 30ml
                  Veg A- 7.5 ml
                  Veg B- 7.5 ml


                  Red System (6/2 light schedule 3-times a day)

                  # Day-37 Higgs Boson Haze (Seedling) & Silver Haze (Clone)
                  Water Changed- Day- 4
                  System Water Level- Full
                  pH- 6.10 (Was 6.20 until I poured in the Sledgehammer then it dropped to 6.10 after being steady for 24-hours)
                  PPM's- 50's (Since dumping in Sledge Hammer the PPM's dropped and won't come back up)
                  Water Temp- 75.9
                  Air Temp - 79.5
                  RH- 60.0
                  CO2- Off
                  Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
                  Veg LED (#1 P-450, Platinum LED) = *VEG ON*

                  UC Roots 60-ml
                  Cal-Mag- 30ml
                  Veg A- 40 ml
                  Veg B- 40 ml

                  * The drip of a leak has started at the Red Heater... Needs to repair at system maintenance.

                  Removed leafs which appeared to be continuing to get worse be it mold or pests, soaked leafs in water saw what appears to be floaters on the water, leading to the questionable conclusion that the aphids are trying to strike again... in any case, I have removed the leaves and will act accordingly to the belief it is aphids WITHOUT ANY FURTHER PROOF... If it is something else or not remains to be seen, but at the risk of a pest, will address as a pest.
                  The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


                  • alltatup
                    alltatup commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I think I have some aphids to deal with as well.

                  • PigSquishy
                    PigSquishy commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Why would you think you have aphids? I pray you don't for your sake... the only stuff I know of to wipe them out which I've had work for me thus far is Ed Rosenthal's - Zero Tolerance... it covers a wide range of stuff.

                  # Day-4 (Higgs Boson Haze Cuttings)

                  Water Changed- Day- 4
                  pH- 6.00
                  T-5 (HO) SunBlaster Nano-Tech (6400 K)
                  Humidity Dome- In Place
                  Medium- Rapid Rooters
                  Cloning Gel/Powder- Root Tec (Gel)

                  Foliar spray CX Clone Start, Kelp & Yucca Root


                  Blue System (6/2, 3-times a day)

                  # Day-5: Silver Haze Clones (x2) (Repeating Day-1 Until they can establish them under LED lighting)

                  Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
                  (P-300, Platinum LED) VEG ON = 6-Point LED WARM Bulb

                  Noticed the smaller of the two the "twin" has new leaves starting to form, finally. I also noted on the cutting (single) the leaf tips are turning crispy, just thinking it is heat/lack of humidity or something else...


                  Red System (6/2 light schedule 3-times a day)

                  # Day-38 Higgs Boson Haze (Seedling) & Silver Haze (Clone)
                  Water Changed- Day- 5
                  System Water Level- Full
                  pH- 6.30
                  PPM's- 47 (PPM's have been all over the place like when I need to change the water)
                  Water Temp- 77.4
                  Air Temp - 80.0
                  RH- 50.0
                  CO2- Off
                  Air Recirculation/Exchange- On 24-7
                  Veg LED (#1 P-450, Platinum LED) = *VEG ON*

                  The parts I was waiting on came in today, had some defects... now having to wait on replacements... no oxygen to the water tanks until I get this sorted out quickly! Having more issues looking like nute issues with the leaves, but I am equally seeing a depression between the veins like someone is sucking the life out of the leaves... I should know this, but I don't and haven't found the books to tell me yet.
                  The only way to become the a good at anything is to read about it and learn all you can about it, and if it's something you love why not become an expert in it? The best place for anyone to start is at the beginning and make sure we didn't overlook anything, so let's go back to the basics.


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