1) If i'm planning on making dry ice hash out of trim, but my hash collecting bags haven't arrived yet, how do I go about storing my trim (leaves). After all, it is plant matter, and plant matter decays, innit.
2) Are dry ice hash bags the same thing as bubble bags? Like will this be what I need:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/5-Gallon-25-Micron-HERBAL-PLANT-RESIN-BAGS-BUBBLES-WATER-ICE-Process-free-shipping/32419541654.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.33.okrF3D&ws_ ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10152_10065 _10151_10068_436_10136_10137_10157_10060_10138_101 55_10062_10156_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099 _10103_10102_10096_10147_10052_10053_10142_10107_1 0050_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_101 11_10112_10113_10114_10181_10183_10182_10185_10078 _10079_10073_10070_10123,searchweb201603_4,ppcSwit ch_5&btsid=3f09801f-e7a0-43c9-bda3-b8c046b2e727&algo_expid=cad5f028-19c7-4bf2-9891-0ec4e849b0db-4&algo_pvid=cad5f028-19c7-4bf2-9891-0ec4e849b0db
3) Is it worth making dry ice hash if my sugar leaves aren't particularly resiny? Like i'm growing a straight sativa, and i'll be honest, it's not very frosty.
I'm only planning on putting my sugar leaves in the trim pile, so don't know if it will add up to anything significant.
Or is it a matter of blind faith, just go ahead and do the extraction process and be amazed at what will come out?
Cheers and thanks y'all.
Harvest time is drawing ever nearer and I wanna be prepared for all the fun to follow.
2) Are dry ice hash bags the same thing as bubble bags? Like will this be what I need:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/5-Gallon-25-Micron-HERBAL-PLANT-RESIN-BAGS-BUBBLES-WATER-ICE-Process-free-shipping/32419541654.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.33.okrF3D&ws_ ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10152_10065 _10151_10068_436_10136_10137_10157_10060_10138_101 55_10062_10156_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099 _10103_10102_10096_10147_10052_10053_10142_10107_1 0050_10051_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_101 11_10112_10113_10114_10181_10183_10182_10185_10078 _10079_10073_10070_10123,searchweb201603_4,ppcSwit ch_5&btsid=3f09801f-e7a0-43c9-bda3-b8c046b2e727&algo_expid=cad5f028-19c7-4bf2-9891-0ec4e849b0db-4&algo_pvid=cad5f028-19c7-4bf2-9891-0ec4e849b0db
3) Is it worth making dry ice hash if my sugar leaves aren't particularly resiny? Like i'm growing a straight sativa, and i'll be honest, it's not very frosty.
I'm only planning on putting my sugar leaves in the trim pile, so don't know if it will add up to anything significant.
Or is it a matter of blind faith, just go ahead and do the extraction process and be amazed at what will come out?
Cheers and thanks y'all.
Harvest time is drawing ever nearer and I wanna be prepared for all the fun to follow.