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Very slow grow, need advice

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    Very slow grow, need advice

    So, this plant is 10, close to 11 days from seed. It hasn't changed much in 3 days.. I had a problem with over watering at first, and frankly, it's very finicky about water. I can only give it like 5 drops of water once a day or it gets overwhelmed..
    I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong or not..
    The strain is Dr krippling chocolate orange auto.


    Seems fine to me. Your watering schedule seems odd. You need to give it a good watering and then leave it alone for a bit. A little water everyday is what I would call overwatering. It needs a chance to dry out some first.
    I like the artwork!


      Needs to dry out in-between waterings for sure man. But don't drown it all at once, thinking you are making up for not watering it.
      Needs some more lights. What are you using?
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        I have let it dry out. I tried last night to give it more water and the leaves drooped pretty bad, and it seams to have recovered from it. Right now I just have 2 CFLs shining on it, I have an LED light that I'm going to turn on once it gets it's first 5 fingered leafs.

      • Marley
        Marley commented
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        You should be going multiple days between watering. As it gets bigger it will want it a little more often, but not much. I've never had to water multiple days in a row. Right now I'm on about an every other day schedule, and they're large and flowering.

        Once you turn on that LED, I'd move it a closer than where it is currently.

        As for the growth, I don't think it's growing that slowly. Just give it time. Before you know it you'll be taking leaves off of it everyday.
        Last edited by Marley; 05-04-2017, 12:12 PM.

      This is my LED light, and my entire setup.


      • Jeg
        Jeg commented
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        I personally think it's fine. You need to figure out your watering. I would have wanted mine in a smaller pot at that size. Not sure why but seems like it should be.

      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        I had it in a seed cube, the tap root grew to the side, and I think it got root lock. I was planning on moving it at a later time, but I didn't have anything else to put it in..

      Hi umbre. This is your first time growing? I've had difficulty with some of my seeds, and I was germinating 8 at once. In the end I had to do some 11 seeds, to get a total of 7 plants, and I'm not even yet sure if last one will work or not. What i'm saying, and take this with a bit of salt 'cause I'm a new grower, maybe you should be ready to germinate another seed, its only been 10 days since it sprouted... And try some things with this one. In this instance, I would advise giving her a good watering, leafs will be droopy its ok. Let it dry. See if it recover from that. If not maybe it was a problem with this particular seed, and the next seed of this strain will go better.
      Slow growth? I feel like telling you, actually its not slow, you just don't see it 'cause its happening under the soil. Right now she's developping her roots nicely, give her a few days then she'll start going on with the leafs again. She looks very fine for a 10/11 days old plant! You should see my 18 days old... Tsss, a failure. I can't/won't throw her, but neither can I hope for her to give me anything good/worth.
      Inexperienced outdoor grower, near Switzerland. I have some theoretical knowledge and only a little bit of practice, hence take what I say with a grain of salt. Also I believe everyone has his own growing way.


      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        Well, I didn't read a post of an areoponic with this strain, and the roots did take a while, but it ended up being a massive plant.. so I guess Im just being paranoid.. maybe I should stop smoking while I'm growing..
        And yes, this is my first time growing and no matter how much you read, it always seems tuff...

      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        I read somewhere, that new grower have a tendency to "over analyze". Chill out man, it's supposed to be fun Don't get stressed from the start.

      Okay. Let's take a small step here. Try real hard NOT to water it for 3 days. No drops, no water. 3 days. I'm not trying to be an idiot here, just trying to help. You are over-watering.
      Last edited by Canuck147; 05-03-2017, 07:14 PM.
      ​​​​​​3 X 3 gorilla. Promix soil . Green Planet Nutes
      Mars Hydro
      Vortex in-line 6" fan


      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        It's a fabric pot with a 50/50 blend of fox farms ocean forest and happy frog. I have felt all of the soil to the bottom and it feels mostly dry, so I dont think it's a problem with that.. maybe is a problem with the jiffy cube it started in not drying out enough compared to the soil. But, I'm definitely going to leave it for a few days before watering again

      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        Umm, you seem on to something about the jiffy cube. if you say the rest feels dry...

      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        Yeah I felt right where I know there is still stuff from the jiffy cube, and it feels pretty damp. I guess that stuff just holds on to water pretty bad.

      Umbre, if you haven't looked at my grow please do. I didn't join this forum until well into my switch. Little things happen through out your grow but it's weed and it's resilient. I searched the main website for answers all through my vegetative stage without ever asking for real time advice. The good people here will do everything we can to help you but a lot of it can be taken care of by smoking a bowl and forget about it. Best of luck to you.


      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        Ok, you don't need to tell me twice to smoke. Might as well get stoned and continue my rewatch of Steven universe.

      I think it's called too much love. I feel your pain. My first grow was a mess. Too many plants of all different strains, changing things continuously in the room, couldn't leave the plants alone, used too big of pots to soon, over analysis of everything. Expecting a huge harvest and getting a less than average final outcome.
      From my limited experience, I would say that you went to big of a container too soon. That size of a plant you should only be watering every 3 or 4 days. Otherwise I think it looks healthy and you are hitting the panic button.
      Growing Thunderstruck, 600w MH/HPS,


      • Minoo96
        Minoo96 commented
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        I feel exactly like you on your first harvest, Herbal Warrior. Too many plants of different strains. If only! Auto and photo. Shouldn't have started with auto, the life cycle is too short, and i've never experienced even one normal lifecycle of a marijuana plant. I want a big yield, of quality, scared it'll be "meh". Eventually, quite fast, I learned to stop over analyzing ^^ Its growing, let it grow. At least I'm growing outdoor, now that they are planted outside (greenhouse) I don't have to worry too much. Anyway, don't want to hijack the thread

      Umbre I'm jumping in on this I would try re potting in a gallon pot then give it a good watering about 1/2 pint for a plant that size,then do what canuck suggested let it dry out you can get a cheep water meter and it takes the guess work out of it , in that big of a pot the roots could be sitting in water longer than they should. I know that sounds crazy . I would also give it a weak mix of grow nutes and voodoo juice the picture is of a clone that was transplanted 14 days earlier .you can see the roots on it this was from the voodooo juice . sometimes a seed takes awhile to jump start so dont worry it will happen
      new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
      current grow


      • Jeg
        Jeg commented
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        Teach me your ways. But for real that is impressive for 14 days. I need to learn how to start a plant, I'm pretty good at raising it just can't figure out germination
        Last edited by Jeg; 05-04-2017, 05:43 AM.

      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
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        jeg my autos just came in I will do a photo tutorial (ya this should be real interesting hahaha) The clones I have in the area I start stuff have 4 or 5 more days until they can be transplanted then ill start them. but that pic is of a plant that was over some soil that I put on the warped table to level it off lol. and the roots never stopped at container .the only thing I fed it was a weak solution of grow and voodoo juice. I swear by that stuff

      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        damn, I will try that on my next grow.
        I eventually want to have a mother plant to make clones from, but I want a few grows under my belt before I go too nuts.

      Hi Umbre,

      I am a newbie too, but learning fast about too much love! I am currently nearing my first flip.

      It may be the angle of your pic, but did you plant your seedling near the side of your fabric pot or in the middle? The plant will expand outward on all sides.

      I read this everywhere...cannabis doesn't like to be overwatered. So, as a long time veggie and flower gardner, I over watered my seedling! I found cannabis can go for quite a while without water. My plant would rather be dry than wet, even now.

      I think you taught me why I should not use a cube to start seeds. It must be holding water longer than plain soil. And, it forced you to transplant sooner than you would have liked. I will definitely stick with solo cups.

      Here are things I wish I had written to my self before I started:

      What ever you do, do not give it added nutes at this point! Your soil mix has plenty to keep it going and it hasn't even started to use what is there yet. Later on, don't get impatient and figure more nutes are better. They aren't...especially if your are in good soil.

      I made worm casting tea because I have given teas often to regular plants to boost growth without problems. Baaad idea. See my post titled Too much worm casting tea for pics. But I learned how to flush even tho I was afraid to do it and now my plant is covered with beautiful green leaves.

      Once you are well into veg, look at the plant to see if it needs something. If not, don't try to help it when it doesn't need it. Vegging feels like forever on your first grow. If nothing is happening and you want to help, go start a tomatoe plant and play with it. I hope it is easier to be patient next time out!

      Don't change two things at lower the lights and give nutes the same day. You won't know which caused resulting problems. In fact, if every thing is fine, don't change anything.

      Check your plant every single day for the whole grow. That CFL you added for extra light came down during the night. Luckily it fell next to the plant and not on top of it and it was only down for one cycle.

      Lightly brush your seedling three or four times a day. It really does strengthen the stem until it is ready for a fan. Keep your CFL as close as you can...use the hand avoid legginess.

      Sorry I can't tell you all the things I did wrong in flower cause I am not there yet, but stay tuned I will probably have a bunch!

      Good luck!


      • Umbre2597
        Umbre2597 commented
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        I didn't have the 3rd CFL on at that point (it was an LED light and i swapped it later.
        My lamp didn't fall, I made a rig to hold the top part of it so I could move the lights closer than several feet away.
        Im using a 50/50 mix of fox farms and happy frog so I shouldnt have to add nutes at all.
        I have it on 24 light since its an auto

      • Spanky
        Spanky commented
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        Hi Umbre,
        Sorry if you thought I was supposing you did these things. As I said in my post, those were things I wish I had written to myself...meaning those were embarassing and stupid things I did! Was just dying to help.

      • Spanky
        Spanky commented
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        Dang auto correct! I wasn't dying to help, I was trying to help. Also, I know your are in am I, but that didn't stop me from adding tea! And, several people have told you to add nutes. They must know a lot more than me, because I thought I didn't need to if I was in good soil...even though I foolishly did it anyway. Glad you know better.

      I did a transger early with my girls. I just made sure to water w the same amount as before and gave another day between watering.

      I also tend to go start other random veggie plants to divert my attention. But Im getting ready for a big outside garden...


      • oldjarhead100
        oldjarhead100 commented
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        hey CCisme I planted all my cold crops about 2 weeks ago then this last weekend we had to go out of town ,My chickens got out and ate everything down to the stubs hahaah thought you might like a chuckle .if it doesn't start raining I will try to get new ones back in garden today

      Thats awesome oldjarhead100! I have one cat defended seedling set up, he is a destructive force of nature. i have 2 more weeks til outside, we had a random snow the day after I started them too.

      I have a close freind who was a member of The Walking Dead one of the best guy Ive ever known. Thank you for your service.


        This Is what she looks like 3 days later..
        I think the watering problem is solved, but I'm still worried about how slow it seems to be growing, It was said to be a 60 day finish from seed
        Coinoisseurs take note - Dr Krippling designed this one just for you! The quality is extremely high thanks to the first-class genetics that went into Chocolate Orange Auto giving this smoke a taste that can only be described as to-die-for. It's silky smooth, washing over your palate in a flood of lush cream, orange tang & just a hint of chocolate. It's tasty!

        This is where I got them


        • Minoo96
          Minoo96 commented
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          it grows under, the roots. Make sure she has enough light. don't worry she'll kick up. it might be 60 days from sprout but it might be more also. I'd say 60 days is the earliest possible to harvest. My breeder tells me 63 days for my blueberry auto. I counted 70/77 just to be safe.

        • StoneyTony
          StoneyTony commented
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          Yes, relax. The first part of the grow she is forming her root structure. You won't see a lot of growth above ground for a little bit. Step away from the plant..... nothing to see here..... for now

          Also, you started in a big pot, so it will take longer to show growth on top because there is so much room for the roots to expand in. Once she has that taken care of you will see rapid growth on top.

          When you do water only give a little right around the plant and expand the area of watering a little each time.

          Here is a list of GWE's watering info. Read through it -

          This is a listing of pot sizes and how the affect your grow -
          Last edited by StoneyTony; 05-07-2017, 06:20 AM.

        try a weak nute solution()what I mean is if the nute calls for 1tbs per gallon then I mix 1 tbs in 6 gallons of water).in coco you have to provide all the nutes
        new grow room built summer of 2017 ,argo max tent for veging ,big kahuna reflector, 1000hps with added leds for the full spectrum . 15th indoor grow ,5 years outside gorilla grows(stealth is the key),veg under t5s growing autos under 300w leds
        current grow


        • Umbre2597
          Umbre2597 commented
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          Its not in coco, but a 50/50 mix 0f fox farms Ocean forest and happy frog. If I didnt weaken it, just the ocean forest would be enough to nutrition burn in small plants. Would tat still be advisable?

        Greetings mate................I too have a very slow grower....this one`s a Sour Secret from DNA`s so slow that watching the walls dry is getting almost exciting in comparison. Reckon week and a half since it surfaced so far. Slowest I`ve ever grown but it is coming along was a lazy snail in a previous life I believe


        • Umbre2597
          Umbre2597 commented
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          I had a seeding do that as well, only 2 days less than this one. I accidentally knocked over its container, and I lost it...
          But one plant isn't too bad.

        • PaganRich
          PaganRich commented
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          Did that with a Swiss Cheese seed I`d just bought...dark brown seed against dark brown was I pissed off and I never found it either

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