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Leaves are yellowing then forming white/grayish splotches

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    Here are some pics of the plant that is looking further along than the sick one. How close is she to harvest?


    • 9fingerleafs
      9fingerleafs commented
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      those look pretty much ready but only a close look at the trichomes will tell the right time

    Also with the plant that is closest to being done is it safe to flush it now or should I wait for it to dry out up to the first knuckle. It's only been 4 days since I've watered it and I dont want to over water it with it being so close to harvest


      Your buds look good, though I do see a lot of white hairs left. If it were me, I'd hold off on flushing for a little bit, just to make sure you're not accidentally hurting your yields or effects by harvesting too early.

      Your buds should look more like this when it's time to start flushing, with most of the white hairs darkened and curled in. The buds will look more "solid" (and the good news is they'll gain asignificant amount of weight over the next few weeks!) I'd consider the below plant the ideal time to start flushing, as it still has a few white pistils here and there. Here's more info on when to harvest.

      Autoflowering Lemon OG Haze

      However, like 9fingerleafs said, the best way to determine potency is to look at the trichomes under a magnifier (sometimes it works to take a picture with your phone if you hold it really still and use good light). Basically if you want a head high, you should wait until all the trichomes are mostly cloudy white, with just a few clears here and there. If you want more than a body effect, you would start flushing when there's no clear trichomes left.

      More info on looking at trichomes here. I hope it helps!


        I only ask because the sugar leaves are starting to turn purple and I'm getting a few burn spots on them as well. I raised the light to as high as it will go just in case this is the reason why. I'm noticing some amber trichomes on the leaves but the trichomes on the buds are difficult to tell what color they are. I think there is a few cloudy ones but I'm assuming theyre mostly clear. I just want to make sure everything stays healthy


        • 9fingerleafs
          9fingerleafs commented
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          That sounds right. More patience needed

        • OzBud
          OzBud commented
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          don't worry about the ones on the leaves, they're not the ones people are interested in. Plus they usually change to amber before the ones on the buds so even if the leaves have amber the buds likely wont be ready.

        The plant that is the furthest along almost all of the upper fan leaves are turning yellow yet the lower leaves seem fine in color. Im also getting slight burn on the sugar leaves. Is this plant dying? Am I going to have to harvest early to insure that plant doesn't die on me before the allotted harvest window? Should I still be giving them nutrients? I don't want to harvest too early but I also don't want the plant to die before the harvest window either.
        Attached Files


          Yes, I am almost certain this is caused by light burn (light being too close). It seems like your LED is really powerful! It's causing the leaves to work too hard, and die early.

          I think you're on the right track. In this case, despite what the trichomes might say, I think it's close enough and I'd harvest the plant now before the yellowing and discoloration starts spreading to the buds, especially since you can't move the light up any more.

          Sometimes you have to pull a little early if the leaves start yellowing too quickly. If you dry the buds very slowly, for example maybe by leaving them on the plant and drying the whole thing upside down, it will help buds continue to mature a little after harvest just to make sure you're maximizing on the potency.


          • scrump
            scrump commented
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            Would it be OK to leave them go longer and only harvest them once I notice any more significant burn to the buds? For instance, I already watered this plant which means I'll have to wait another 5-6 days before I can flush without risk of over watering it. Will flushing be necessary/possible with where this plant is at?

            I was able to attach the light directly to he frame of the grow tent so I have given it a little more room but not much

            It's good knowing this is due to the lights as this will give me a better idea as to where to keep the lights on the next grow. Even with the burn I am absolutely loving this Viparspectra 450

            As for hanging them to dry all I have available is those four tier mesh botanical hangers would it be OK to leave the buds on the branches and put the branches in there? Or would it be more likely to attract mold?

            Thanks for all your help with this
            Last edited by scrump; 05-13-2017, 03:21 PM.

          • NebulaHaze
            NebulaHaze commented
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            Yes, that's a great plan! I know what you mean about those LEDs, the buds are amazing, and the high light is what gives the yields, but sometimes they need more room than you'd expect. I also know some plants are just more sensitive than others. I've had a tent where one plant got light burn, and the other plant that was the same distance away stayed green. Especially indica plants seem very sensitive.

            Yes, you can definitely leave buds on branches and hang them. In general, that's preferred. Usually growers only remove the buds from the branches if you're going to be drying a lot of bud in a small space, or if it's very humid where you live (above 50%). But if you're worried of mold, definitely keep a very close eye as you're correct that the more you leave on the plant, the slower the buds dry (which is good) but the risk of mold goes up Try to keep any buds from touching each other or laying on each other, as those are the most prime spots for mold. I don't recommend ever pointing a fan at your buds as that dries them really fast, but if there's absolutely no circulation in the dry space, you might try blowing a fan at a wall just to get the air moving in there a little

          Just for clarification This is what I'll be using to dry them with...

          Will I need to trim the buds before drying (I'd like to make butter) or should I avoid trimming due to the plant being harvested too early?

          Thereis a product called Bushdoctor Sledgehammer for flushing/nutrient lockout, would something like that be beneficial to my other slower growing plant

          Also should I flush the plant that is furthest along this week? I plan on letting it grow until the 18th and seeing how it's fairing and go from there whether I harvest it or not


            The mesh rack is fine (I've used one before), but is there a reason you don't want to hang the branches upside down? One cool thing about that is the buds tend to dry more slowly and evenly. However, the mesh rack is a really good idea if you're going to be drying a lot of bud in a small place, or if it's very humid where you live, because it helps the buds dry faster.

            I've personally not used Sledgehammer, but I know that's a relatively popular supplement. I don't think it'll help a slow-growing plant, though, that's not what it's meant for. Could you post an updated picture of the plant you're thinking of starting the flush with?


              Originally posted by NebulaHaze View Post
              The mesh rack is fine (I've used one before), but is there a reason you don't want to hang the branches upside down? One cool thing about that is the buds tend to dry more slowly and evenly. However, the mesh rack is a really good idea if you're going to be drying a lot of bud in a small place, or if it's very humid where you live, because it helps the buds dry faster.

              I've personally not used Sledgehammer, but I know that's a relatively popular supplement. I don't think it'll help a slow-growing plant, though, that's not what it's meant for. Could you post an updated picture of the plant you're thinking of starting the flush with?
              I don't really have any place to hang the bud upsidedown at the moment I was going to do it in the tent but one plant will be finished before the other so that won't work. I was going to wet trim them and leave them on the stems and lay them in the mesh rack. It's dry in the house regardless of room unfortunately so I think it won't dry as good as it should regardless of where I put.

              The plant I am going to flush is the one in post #35, the one with all the yellowing.
              Last edited by scrump; 05-16-2017, 01:49 AM.


                Updated images of the bud and the leaf yellowing. The pistils seem just about right to me, although I'm probably wrong. Trichomes as far as I can tell are partly cloudy (I'm looking for more of a head high than couch-locky feel)

                We are having 90deg weather at the moment so the grow tent is getting temps around 96 degrees. Fingers crossed that the yellowing doesn't get worse

                I also got a digital microscope so I'll be posting up more pics of the trichomes soon
                Last edited by scrump; 05-18-2017, 01:38 PM.


                  They are looking good but if you see that yellow start coming onto the actual sugar leaves on the buds, I recommend chopping then Getting to the home stretch!

                  Definitely try to see if you can make a little drying area where you can keep the buds from drying out too fast. Seriously, it's important they take at least 3 days to dry or they won't taste as good and won't feel as potent after everything is said and done! You've come too far to hurt your quality now!

                  If it's already dry where you live, I highly recommend leaving the buds on the stems to dry. If possible, you could even wet trim the whole plant, and hang the whole plant upside down with buds on it. That'll help it dry much more slowly. Could you hang it in a big cardboard box or anything like that?


                    Originally posted by NebulaHaze View Post
                    They are looking good but if you see that yellow start coming onto the actual sugar leaves on the buds, I recommend chopping then Getting to the home stretch!

                    Definitely try to see if you can make a little drying area where you can keep the buds from drying out too fast. Seriously, it's important they take at least 3 days to dry or they won't taste as good and won't feel as potent after everything is said and done! You've come too far to hurt your quality now!

                    If it's already dry where you live, I highly recommend leaving the buds on the stems to dry. If possible, you could even wet trim the whole plant, and hang the whole plant upside down with buds on it. That'll help it dry much more slowly. Could you hang it in a big cardboard box or anything like that?
                    I could try leaving a small bud in the mesh hanger to see how long it will dry and gauge it from there. I believe that even in the mesh hanger the buds will last at least 3 days drying.
                    I don't have many options as I'm living in an attic apartment with very little closet space. I will try and come up with something else but for now the hanger is really all I have.

                    Anyways here are some pics of the trichomes. Pics were taken with Plugable's USB 250x microscope. The first is from the plant that is furthest along and the other is the shorty. Which is strange because the shorter plant has a much stronger scent profile than the one that is further along.


                      I think that's a really great plan about the testing! Can't beat that. The trichomes do look like they'd like to wait a bit longer, so I think it's just that judgement call of letting it go as long as possible without damaging the bud appearance from all the heat


                        Originally posted by NebulaHaze View Post
                        I think that's a really great plan about the testing! Can't beat that. The trichomes do look like they'd like to wait a bit longer, so I think it's just that judgement call of letting it go as long as possible without damaging the bud appearance from all the heat
                        What would you give as an ETA for those? I'll give them as long as I can, I'm just worried about this heat. It's currently 96 in the tent again. We get a cool down tomorrow but right now it's pretty bad.

                        I also realized another issue about hanging them up outside of the mesh cat. I'm not sure if the cat will go after the herb. The only place I have available that would even remotely work to hang it is also easily accessible to the cat.
                        Last edited by scrump; 05-18-2017, 09:11 PM.


                        • NebulaHaze
                          NebulaHaze commented
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                          Listen to your instincts, I think you'll know if it's time!

                        • Marley
                          Marley commented
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                          You can get a 6" duct fan from Home Depot for about $30. Go snag one or 2 of those ASAP.

                        • scrump
                          scrump commented
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                          Marley thanks for the heads up with that, I picked one up today. I'll keep you all posted with updates

                        Is it common that a plant have the majority of its pistils turn brown but not have its trichomes ready? Also do the pistils have to turn brown AND curl? Or is it considered enough that they change color? I'm planning on continuing checking the trichomes but I'm just curious if this is common
                        Last edited by scrump; 05-20-2017, 03:39 PM.


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