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Can You Help Me Figure Out What My EC Pen is Trying to Tell Me

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    That definitely looks like some old-school Sativa genetics! I once read in an Ed Rosenthal book that when you're growing a really Sativa-dominant strain, he personally recommends harvesting when the trichomes are half clear/half cloudy if you're looking to get the most soaring fast psychedelic effect. For those looking for something more relaxing, he also mentioned that sometimes the trichomes never actually turn amber in these strains, so once they've become totally cloudy white, they've hit peak ripeness and don't really mature past that. I'm not sure if that's the case with your strain, but I just thought I'd mention it in case you're waiting and waiting and it's not putting out any amber trichomes even after the buds look ready


    • GreenArmadillo
      GreenArmadillo commented
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      You always have something to say at exactly the right time. It's one of the reasons we all love you Nebula! <3

    • alltatup
      alltatup commented
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      She is encyclopedic in her knowledge!!!!!!!!!

    My gut is telling me to give the girls a nute feeding tomorrow. My gut instinct has never really led me astray, so i'ma follow it.
    But i'ma take alltatup 's GOLDEN INFO ON SATIVA LANDRACES into heart, and only give the girls a 1/4 strength feed.
    I'm also gonna up the molasses from 1 tsp/gal to 2 tsp/gal.

    Should I keep CalMag+ @ 5ml/gal, or should I bring down the amount so it stays within the same recommended ratio as the other GO nutes i'ma give (BioThrive Bloom & BioBud)?
    I remember reading in Nebulas article that the nutrient companys usually over-exaggerate the amounts of nutes to add, but that their ratios of product-to-product are on point.

    Here's the chart I got along with my nutes at the store )different from GO's online charts):

    Click image for larger version

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    Originally posted by 420n808
    If you are new to growing, the first time you see the balls, you'll never forget the sight. You will know M-F from that point on.

    Oh my days, now that this has happened to me... SO TRUE!!!


    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      Did you ever figure out what was going on with your leaves? Also, what made you decide to increase the amount of molasses? I've never heard of anyone giving more than 1 tsp/gallon before. But I've also never heard of anyone running into trouble from that, either. I was just curious if you read about it somewhere

      When it comes to how much Cal-Mag to give, it depends a lot on your starting water. If you're using very soft or RO water you might give it at full strength Cal-Mag, and if you're growing with hard water you might give it at half strength

    • GreenArmadillo
      GreenArmadillo commented
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      NebulaHaze I actually read up on a lot of different forums and threads about how they use molasses, not to mention some of the people here gave me their opinions. So I kinda took a middle stance ground and went for 1 tspn/gal as a starting point. One or two people on other threads said they give 1 tbspn/gal, so I though that was a normal amount to build up to. Thoughts?
      Should I pull my molasses back to 1 tspn/gal?

      And no, tbh, i'm not entirely sure what the cause of the browning leaves was. I'm gonna assume it was due to my heavy nute feeding due to ignorance. Alltatup straightened me up in that department, thank the lord. I've been a lot more careful with my nutes since then.

      I'm using bottled water btw. It's got a decent amount of mag in it, but barely an calcium.

      Magnesium: 18mg/l
      Calcium: <1mg/l

      That's what the bottle says. So my girls were definitely deficient in calcium before I started adding CalMag+.

    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      You know, I personally have never given more than 1 tsp/gallon, but 1 tbsp/gallon does seem like quite a bit. Just curious, why bottled water? Is your tap not good for plants?

    NebulaHaze If that's the case then i'ma pull my molasses back down to 2 tspn/gal tomorrow, and then back to 1 tspn/gal next week. If you're saying 1 tspn is enough, then that's good enough for me.
    Out of curiosity, have you ever used more than 1 tspn/gal and compared results? It would be interesting to know if more sugars help the plants to fatten up the buds.

    Our tap water here is terrible. Like it's dangerous to drink. It's NOT for human consumption. And the way I see it, if it ain't fit for us then it ain't fit for my babies.
    I once tested my tap water for lols and it came out at 8.10 pH and 120 ppms.
    I use a specific brand of bottled water here (although it's only filtered water and not spring water), cause it's naturally @ 6.5 pH and only has 1mg/L of chloride and <0.01mg/L of flouride. FUCK FLOURIDE!
    (It's a bit high on sulphates but I don't know if that's bad for the girls @ 68.3mg/L)
    Originally posted by 420n808
    If you are new to growing, the first time you see the balls, you'll never forget the sight. You will know M-F from that point on.

    Oh my days, now that this has happened to me... SO TRUE!!!


    • CCisme
      CCisme commented
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      Ours is bad to, 7.3 ph and 338 ppm unfiltered, using a britta pitcher the ppms come down about 100 points. Not great but what I can afford.

    • CCisme
      CCisme commented
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      Ive been curious about moalsses. Im using gh trio cal mag and terpenator.

    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      What are your thoughts on Terpenator so far?

    If your water isn't safe for you, I completely understand not giving it to your plants!

    I've never done a comparison between different levels of molasses, but I can't wait to see how yours turn out! Once you start using the Florakleen I would stop using the molasses. It has nutrients, too, and you want to let the plant use them up during the flush


    • GreenArmadillo
      GreenArmadillo commented
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      Please and thank you.

    • NebulaHaze
      NebulaHaze commented
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      I believe on the bottle of Florakleen it says to use it for 1-2 days before harvest. So you'd give your plants just plain water for a few weeks (since you're in soil and there's some amount of nutrients in the soil, too), then add Florakleen to your water, maybe the last time you water. I'm not familiar with postponing harvest based on the PPM of the runoff, so I'm not sure what I'd recommend on that. If you've been giving just plain water for two weeks I think you should be good. As far as how long to wait after the last watering, I'm not it makes much difference except the longer you wait to harvest, the less the buds will take to dry because there will be less water in the plant. So if it's really humid where you are you might want to wait a while and let the buds start drying on the plant, and if it's dry where you live you might harvest immediately after watering just to help them dry as slow as possible.

    • GreenArmadillo
      GreenArmadillo commented
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      I'm glad to hear that. I may very well just harvest the day after the final feeding of Florakleen.
      The humidity here is okay, so I think it'll be a nice balance.

      As for the flushing, Green, an experienced member here, told me to add florakleen to all my waterings during the 2 week flush. So that's the method i've been following. Gonna flush tomorrow, then one last time on Thursday, then come Friday.... MY VERY FIRST HARVEST!!!

      I cannot wait! <3

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