Was just reading an article in Big Buds about flushing before harvest. They mentioned, among others, that if you are using cheap soil like Fox Farm Ocean Forest, you should definitely flush before harvest. I thought FFOF was a good growing medium. What do you guys think and what soil do you use?
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FFOF, "cheap soil"
Cheap soil is free everywhere. FF makes very good quality soil. There might be more expensive ones. But compare it to those bags of "natural" soil you can get for a few bucks or any soil from the ground pretty much everywhere and you'll find what a low quality soil is like
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That's what I got waiting for my grow... I may mix it with coco coir and perlite. Doing research on starting seeds in happy frog because of the lack of added nutrients. But I've read good things about ffof though. I have peppers starting in it now...
I have been mixing soil into my coco-perlite about 1:1:1 when I'm not doing dwç, plants have done well, and it firms up the medium so it holds wires for training your branches better.
I use picture frame wire because I have a giant roll of it. It's insulated (padding), and stiff enough to bend a little hook in one end. I cut about 5-6 inches, bend a little hook in one end around the end of my needle-nose pliers. I poke the straight end of the wire down into the soil under the branch that I want to train, and poke it in until the hook is about the height where I want the branch to sit, and then bend the branch down under the hook.
Sometimes, when I just use coco-perlite, or if I cut the wires too short, the branch will recoil and pull the wire out of the soil because it doesn't have enough grip. Softwire works too, but it's fat and the insulation is very soft, which makes it kinda hard to push into soil.
Has anyone switched from FFOF to Kind Soil? Is there a big difference? Amazon carries both, but one is priced by weight, the other by volume. If their small package is the same size, it appears that Kind Soil is about twice as expensive. Is it worth it?
Won't anyone shout-out for Kind Soil or Super Soil?Nothing is foolproof for the sufficiently talented fool.
I'm using the kind soil and FFOF on my 2nd grow, on my first -- it was also Kind soil on the bottom and some kind of potting and seed starting soil mixed together with a 1/3 perlite.
So I have 2 northern light auto's (still going from my first grow), One seed sprouted the day after the first and it has lagged behind up until a few days ago. Since seed it was always 2 inches smaller that the first. The first started getting buds and eventually slowed down in growth to 35 inches. The second girl all of a sudden took off in height and is now 2 inches taller than the first -- at 37 inches and the buds are starting to grow.
I might be about 2 to 3 weeks to harvest, and for the most part all I did was Ph'd the water -- watched the heat and humidity. I did in the beginning use a mild mix of VooDoo juice, like every other watering and continued after transplanting for about 2 more waterings.
The only thing I noticed was what I will call a little nut burn on some of the leaves, and I believe that is when it hit the Kind Soil, and then it stopped, like maybe a 1/32 of an inch on some of the leave tips.
So far it has been very easy, basically I found distilled water at Wally World, and the PH on that was 6.5 so I did nothing to it.
Bought the FFOF on Amazon and the Kind Soil from the Kind Soil sight -- At the time the Kind Soil on the Kind Soil Site was the cheapest I could find. But it is more expensive --- But Ilike easy and so far this is very easy.
I think Rockman also uses the kind soil.
I have enough Kind soil for three more girls -- this time in 5 gallon super pots. If all works out I should have enough stash to keep me a while, so I might try using regular potting soil and nut's for 4th grow -- 3rd grow will be outside and I am undecided on that procedure.
If you're looking for easy, this is one way to go.
Hope that helps