Changing the clocks every six months, pisses me off. But at least the clock in my car is right again.
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What pisses you off?
I can agree with the clock thing, I mean no mater what they tell you it's about you spending more money, going shopping, boating etc..
But for me its that I cant have a glass of plastic free water, there's micro plastics in the rain, the lakes and streams, even the ground water is polluted world wide. They cannot be filtered out by any current methods we have know, not distillation, not RO, even water being evaporated carries this shit to the clouds.
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Na, they not only have bad taste but they taste bad!
Or do they???
This is an AI generated image made with Midjourney simply because I couldn’t find a Creative Commons image approximating actually eating the rich. by Willem Frankfort I’ve never been what one would call an optimist. I recall the famous Rousseau quote: “When the people have nothing to eat, they shall
Originally posted by MiguelEnfermo View PostRunning out of weed.
I don’t like the clock change either. It doesn’t fucking matter, just wake up earlier if u need the sun. I was told this years ago: “Only the white man thinks that they can cut 6” off one side of the rug and sew it onto the other side to get a longer rug.” I was like yeah thats about right, dumb as hell.
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The government says you will get up an hour earlier, and what do you do. Myself I changed the time we worked. It really is a control thing and all the sheep follow it.
Digital clocks that dont keep time, like the one in my mickywave.
The price of food.
Fascists taking over my country from the inside.
Laws being proposed to make me wear a condom to have sex, not going to happen!
Bro, I know some folks who need to wear a condom when they jerk off, just to make sure no one accidentally slips and reproduces them.
Can we make it a case-by-case thing? The gene pool is getting gnarly.
How does masturbation fit into this?
Sex is beautiful, not nasty. You've been spending too much time around dirtymike.Last edited by Gingerbeard; 03-12-2025, 12:52 PM.
Buying a package of "bacon" to find it's boar, "boar" meat. Some folk like boar meat, I am not one of them.Last edited by Rwise; 03-11-2025, 12:31 PM.
Wait a second. Is this about changing the clocks or just pisses us off in general? We still have the hate thread. I need to know where to spread my hate,C'mon, mule!
I'm being lied to, B-diddy? The hell you say! I'm not being lied to any more than... well... everyone else.
It ain't zero fentanyl. It's almost zero fentanyl. And when Mexico surrenders, Canada is just going to pick up the gauntlet. My ex is Canadian. I know that's the kind of shit she'd do and blame me for. Running a Canadian fentanyl cartel, I mean. And I am not a Canadian fentanyl cartel boss so my life should not be affected by all this hoo-ha.
Maannn... don't get me started.
But it is being effected, severely, and it's going to get much much worse. It will impact the most vulnerable the most, the retired, the unemployed, those with health issues, the homeless, those renting, those barely making mortage payments, those on minimum wage and the hundreds of thousands that will lose their jobs. Prices will go up, demand will soften, the economy will tank, etc. Not exactly any which way to make a country great again. Mind you he has enormous experience at sending companies broke.
It won't effect the billionaire sycophants queing up to pat his magesty's ego, oh no, not in the least.
Anyone who thinks a bunch of billionaire sycophants is doing their all for middle-class and down trodden Anericans is almost as deluded as your new chief of chaos.
America used to be the leader of the free world, a stalwart of democratic values. Now it lives in the shadow of Putin with Trump doing his bidding.
Holy crap! You're right!! It IS just like Covid!!!
I happen to like daylight savings time. The government did not force anything down our throats. We the people are the government. The government is not some nameless, faceless, entity. It's us. It's the people. If we are pissed at the 'govment' what we are really saying is we are pissed at ourselves. I've heard the comments about DST being a white man type of idea. Hogwash. No one, not a single person I have ever met has suggested that white men are trying to shave an hour off of one end of a 24 hour period and put it back somewhere else. That is stupid, but the comment sounds good, doesn't it? The only issue I have with DST is having to adjust the clocks on my grow timers. I'm pissed but not at DST. That's kid stuff. I'm pissed because my president appears to be a closet russian asset and the people we elected to provide oversight are caught up in the hoopla and seem to be willing to sacrifice country for party.Last edited by golfnrl; 03-12-2025, 07:29 AM.Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line Growing photo's and autos
I dont remember ever getting to vote for or against DST, therefore its forced on me. It's all about controlling the people.
Many of the brown skinned folks I know are as against DST as I am.
We the people, not even, its of the rich by the rich and for the rich, the people can go to hell.
Why change the timers? The plants dont give a damn about DST!
It's been a while since I thought about the origins of DST. The idea has been around for a long time, sometime around WWI? Without debating the finer points of getting to vote on something a law was passed in the USA, a long time ago. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about DST. To me, it's kinda like the Ford Chevy debate. I hear ya on the rich people. I'd just offer this, when we the people get tired of the way things are rigged against us we'll make changes. We've done it before. You're right, the plants don't need no stinking timer, but me? HA.
From the internet:
"The Sunshine Protection Act, which would make daylight saving time permanent, passed unanimously in the Senate in 2022 but wasn't passed by the House"
So, basically, it is a government thing. We elect people but they wind up doing what they want. One (democratic) government says, 'No.' The other (republican) government, which does not necessarily get along with the other government says, 'Yes.'
I ain't voting for another one of those bastages until they swear to do away with DST. I know it will be a lie but this time I will believe it. Evey politician is a liar. Most politicians are cheaters. Many politicians are thieves. I dare anyone to prove me wrong.
Daylight Savings Time Matters! Let's get 'em! Who's with me?C'mon, mule!