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Carbonated dope?

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    Carbonated dope?

    Maaaannn... y'all are going to think I'm on drugs...
    Been heat purging the end stage of my alcohol washed hash and am 99% sure it is ethanol free. Temps 180°-190°. Behaves like it should in a dab, sizzlw-wise. No cough. Tastes good.
    In hot water, it settles to a smoothe surface. When I move it, it bubbles. The more I shake or stir, the more bubbles I get. Even freaking crazier than that shit is when my goo gets to room temperature it is still liquid and gets bubbles when I stir!
    Is this a terpene burn off thing? I know when shatter decarbs at 235° it will bubble as it decarbs and is done decarbing when it stops bubbling because the bubbles are the off-gassing oxygen molecules. But my temperatures are no where near decarb level.
    To be honest, I am pretty high. But my goo is freaking carbonated, I swear!
    C'mon, mule!


    Man Ginger you're making me want some of what you're doing. Sounds technical though, I was stoned all through any science I was exposed to while being edumacated.
    Gorilla Grow tents, HLG Lamps, Coco/Perlite 50/50, All Autopot, CX Horticulture nutrients full line
    Growing photo's and autos


      What are decarb level temps?

      I thought bud decarbed at room temperature but it just takes quite a few years.
      Flower Room: 11' x 7' x 7.5'H, 480w AC, 13gal/day dehumidifier, 1.5gal ultrasonic humidifier, 60gal (27gal usable) nute tank, 16" pedestal fan & 18" wall fan. Lighting and climate automated. Hand watering.
      Veg Cupboards: ​​​​​​Two 4x2x6H cupboards. SF2000 Evo in one SF7000 in other. Climate controlled and automated. Hand watering
      Aeroponics Low Pressure Bucket: 20W LED. 5 clones & 20W LED 11 clones
      Lights: Mars Hydro FC-E1200W, SF-7000, SF-2000 evo in flower room.
      Medium: Coco/perlite, 7.2gal pots, no drains
      Current Grow: ​​​5 x Photos Franklin's Orange Zkittles x Sour Diesel in flower room, 3 Franklin's White Widow x Sour Diesel Clones, 13 x Orange ZkittleZ x Sour Diesel clones in Aeroponics buckets x 2.
      Last Grow: A mix


        These are my questions, too. When we talk about decarbing, it's a generic term for breaking down the THC-A into THC using heat. We don't often talk about long-term decarbing from age.
        Terpenes break down at different temperatures, yeah? So, might some of the more volatile (?) terps be breaking down and releasing gas?
        Same thing happening this morning. Gave a little stir, came back 15 minutes later to bubbles where I stirred.
        I used to joke about having a jar of outer space alien made resin that moved like a lava lamp. I never considered carbonated.
        C'mon, mule!



        • Bluey
          Bluey commented
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          My understanding, and I could be wrong and I am not on drugs but probably should be, is that heat destroys terpenes.

          But as we know they must become something else. So what do they become at what temps over what time?

          Are they found in our much loved trichome #1, the one us growers watch with an eager eye, the globule on a stalk, the mushroom cloud?

          Are they found in trichome #2, the one my sativas have in abundance, the hairy looking trichome that appears to stretch when the bud brushes against something, a trichome we think helps protect the plant from pests and sunlight but really have not much idea about at all?

          Are they found in trichome #3, the hardest of all trichomes to see but it often reflects the blues in an LED and are small bumps on the bud surface that we have even less of an idea about?

          Are they somewhere else?

          They say terpenes are part of the entourage effect, or maybe part of it. They are certainly responsible for amazing dank that gets so many great growers busted, Franklin 's Sour Diesels are so dank for so long you'd swear my entire house had been just painted in a strong oil paint and was taking 5 weeks to dry and bowled you over more than 100 yards away but sometimes my sativas don't produce hardly any dank at all until sometimes as little as a few days before first amber or even longer. I also am pretty sure that dank when growing is temp dependant and one or two degrees change in room Temps can have a big effect on the amount of dank. Might be RH effected too.

          I don't know if the terps become gas. I know plant matter when it breaks down does. Ethers of different types are produced as part of the bud curing process and we replace them with air when burping, the O² being key here.

          Do you have access to gas analysis equipment that costs an arm and a leg?

          I'm quite interested in some of the compounds the girls produce when growing and release into the air that we breath. Some of these are very toxic and can have quite a negative effect on grow room workers. I have been having issues myself these last six months and have come down with a health problem that I am currently being treated for, so far without much success apart from temporarily removing the symptoms with quite strong steroids. The really strong antibiotics don't seem to do anything and at times it feels like my eyes are going to pop out if my head.

          Edit. It might also be caused by sticking my nose into more than 100 jars every day when I burped them for 3 to 4 weeks. I just loved the smell and still do but my sinuses are paying for it big time!
          Last edited by Bluey; 02-28-2025, 01:56 PM.

        Umm... I don't know about most of that. Are you sure you're not high?
        That's a strange thought about plants producing a bad gas that isn't good for people. The old head I got my very first seeds from said he had messed up dreams when his plants were flowering. He slept in his grow room because his grow room was his bedroom. I wonder if that's why he's such a dick.
        I do notice I wake up more frequently and smell my weed more when it's drying in my bedroom closet.
        C'mon, mule!



        • Bluey
          Bluey commented
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          I'm not sure its a gas. I think it's more like a pollen or some shit. It's not mold but it could be spores. Bioaerosoles for sure but it isn't effecting my lungs, just eyes, ears, throat and sinuses.

          It started with me 6 or 7 months ago. Inner ear infection/blockage, no pain. Lasted like 2 months, then low dull headaches then pressure behind the eyes, constant headaches..its chronic sinusitis and I've never ever had that at any time in my life
          Last edited by Bluey; 02-28-2025, 03:49 PM.

        • Phlash
          Phlash commented
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          In this case I’d say the bubbles are most likely occurring because of light esters and gases being released from the breakdown of plant material, the agitation weakens their bonds within the extract. Putting this under a vacuum will accelerate the process. This can also happen in bho because of residual hydrocarbons.

        • Gingerbeard
          Gingerbeard commented
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          Remember the little jar of bubbling goo in the Hash Talk thread Phlash ? That's this stuff.
          I get you on the esters. But with all the filtering, I would guess that not be an issue. And I have the vac setup from running BHO. I didn't do it this time because the plate I was double boiling in didn't fit. I still have a little tweaking to do in the hardware department.

        Unless you are storing male cannabis, you are not inhaling cannabis pollen.
        Check your place for black mold. Or, the Tijuana River.
        C'mon, mule!



        • Bluey
          Bluey commented
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          Just done some reading, it's generally called cannabis dust and consists of a shipload of stuff. I'll post a link to one of the studies in a new thread.

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