Maaaannn... y'all are going to think I'm on drugs...
Been heat purging the end stage of my alcohol washed hash and am 99% sure it is ethanol free. Temps 180°-190°. Behaves like it should in a dab, sizzlw-wise. No cough. Tastes good.
In hot water, it settles to a smoothe surface. When I move it, it bubbles. The more I shake or stir, the more bubbles I get. Even freaking crazier than that shit is when my goo gets to room temperature it is still liquid and gets bubbles when I stir!
Is this a terpene burn off thing? I know when shatter decarbs at 235° it will bubble as it decarbs and is done decarbing when it stops bubbling because the bubbles are the off-gassing oxygen molecules. But my temperatures are no where near decarb level.
To be honest, I am pretty high. But my goo is freaking carbonated, I swear!
Been heat purging the end stage of my alcohol washed hash and am 99% sure it is ethanol free. Temps 180°-190°. Behaves like it should in a dab, sizzlw-wise. No cough. Tastes good.
In hot water, it settles to a smoothe surface. When I move it, it bubbles. The more I shake or stir, the more bubbles I get. Even freaking crazier than that shit is when my goo gets to room temperature it is still liquid and gets bubbles when I stir!
Is this a terpene burn off thing? I know when shatter decarbs at 235° it will bubble as it decarbs and is done decarbing when it stops bubbling because the bubbles are the off-gassing oxygen molecules. But my temperatures are no where near decarb level.
To be honest, I am pretty high. But my goo is freaking carbonated, I swear!